PRCFDPV2 ;WISC/LEM-PAYMENT ERROR PROCESSING REBUILD/RETRANS CON'T ;9/7/94 14:19 ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ; No top level entry STATT ; Transmitted W !!,"This FMS document has been transmitted to FMS." ;W !,"It cannot be rebuilt and retransmitted at this time.",!! D PAUSE^PRCFDPVU S PRCFA("ERROR")=0 S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Do you still wish to rebuild and retransmit this Payment Voucher" D ^DIR K DIR S:+Y>0 PRCFA("TRANS")=1 Q STATQ ; Queued for transmission W !!,"This FMS document has been queued for transmission to FMS." W !,"It cannot be rebuilt and retransmitted at this time.",!! D PAUSE^PRCFDPVU S PRCFA("ERROR")=0 Q STATM ; Marked for immediate transmission W !!,"This FMS document has been marked for immediate transmission to FMS." W !,"It cannot be rebuilt and retransmitted at this time.",!! D PAUSE^PRCFDPVU S PRCFA("ERROR")=0 Q STATE ; Error in transmission W !!,"This FMS document has an error in transmission." W !,"Use the option to 'Retransmit Stack File Document' on the FMS" W !,"Code Sheet Menu to retransmit without rebuilding.",! D PAUSE^PRCFDPVU S PRCFA("ERROR")=0 S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Do you wish to rebuild Payment Voucher prior to retransmitting" D ^DIR K DIR S:+Y>0 PRCFA("TRANS")=1 Q STATA ; Accepted by FMS W !!,"This FMS document has been accepted by FMS." W !,"No rebuilding and retransmitting is necessary.",!! D PAUSE^PRCFDPVU S PRCFA("ERROR")=0 Q STATR ; Rejected by FMS W !!,"This FMS document has rejected due to one or more errors." S PRCFA("ERROR")=1 Q STATR1 S:$G(MOP)="" MOP=2 S LABEL=$S(MOP=1:"Purchase Order",MOP=21:"1358 Miscellaneous Obligation",MOP=8:"Requisition",MOP=2:"Certified Invoice",0:"Obligation") W !,"The "_LABEL_" can now be displayed for your review.",!! W "Please review the source document very carefully and take",!,"the appropriate corrective action.",! W ! S RESP=$$REVIEW^PRCFDPVU Q