PRCFFERU ;WISC/SJG/DL-OBLIGATION ERROR PROCESSING CON'T ;2/2/98 1330 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ; No top level entry NUM S PONUM=$G(GECSDATA(2100.1,GECSDATA,.01,"E")) S PONUM=$P(PONUM,"-",2) S PATNUM=$E(PONUM,4,9) S SITE=$E(PONUM,1,3) S PONUM=SITE_"-"_PATNUM S PONUM=$$STRIP(PONUM) Q GET(DIC,X) ; Get P.O. information for review K Y S DIC(0)="MNZ" D ^DIC K DIC Q STRIP(X) ; Strip trailing spaces N LOOP F LOOP=$L(X):-1:1 Q:$E(X,LOOP)'=" " S VAR=$E(X,1,LOOP) Q VAR PAUSE ; Pause screen when data is displayed W !!,"Press 'RETURN' to continue" R X:DTIME I $D(IOF) W @IOF Q PAUSE1 ; Pause screen when data is displayed W !!,"Press 'RETURN' to start the display" R X:DTIME I $D(IOF) W @IOF Q REVIEW(X) ; Prompt user to review obligation document S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("A")="Do you wish to display the source document" S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' if the display is not necessary." S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to display the source document." D ^DIR K DIR S RESP=Y I $D(Y(0)) S $P(RESP,U,2)=Y(0) I $D(DIRUT) S $P(RESP,U,3)=DIRUT Q RESP RETRANS(X) ; Prompt user to rebuild FMS doc from source doc and retransmit S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("A")="Do you wish to rebuild and retransmit this FMS document" S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' to exit." S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to rebuild/retransmit this document." D ^DIR K DIR S RETRAN=Y I $D(Y(0)) S $P(RETRAN,U,2)=Y(0) I $D(DIRUT) S $P(RETRAN,U,3)=DIRUT Q RETRAN ; ; OPT = 1 if inquiry, 2 if rebuild/retransmit STATR1(OPT) ; S LABEL=$S(MOP=1:"Purchase Order",MOP=21:"1358 Miscellaneous Obligation",MOP=7:"Imprest Fund",MOP=8:"Requistion",MOP=2:"Certified Invoice",MOP=3:"Payment in Advance",MOP=4:"Guaranteed Delivery",1:"Obligation") W !,"The "_LABEL_$S(OPT=1:" will",1:" can") W " now be displayed for your review.",!! W "Please review the source document very carefully and take",!,"the appropriate corrective action.",! I OPT=1 D PAUSE I OPT=2 W ! S RESP=$$REVIEW(.RESP) Q ; FYQ(Z) ; Get Fiscal Year and Quarter N X,A,B,C,D S %DT="",X="T" D ^%DT S A=$E(Y,2,3) S B=$E(Y,4,5) S C=$E(100+$S(B>9:A+1,1:A),2,3) S D=$S(B<4:2,B<7:3,B<10:4,1:1) Q C_"^"_D