PRCFFU ;WISC/SJG-CONTINUATION OF OBLIGATION PROCESSING ;7/21/93 13:51 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ; No top level entry point OKAY ; S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A",1)="The information listed above is recorded on this "_PRCFA("IDES")_"." S DIR("A")="Is the above information correct",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' to edit the Cost Center or BOC." S DIR("?",1)="Enter '^' to exit this option." S DIR("?",2)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to continue processing this obligation." D ^DIR K DIR QUIT ; OKAY2 ; S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="OK to Continue",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' to exit this option." S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to continue processing this obligation." D ^DIR K DIR QUIT ; EDIT ; Set up PRCFMO array to indicate required FMS fields S PARAM1="^"_PRC("SITE")_"^"_+$P(PO(0),U,3)_"^"_PRC("FY")_"^"_PRCFA("BBFY") ; build PRCFMO array to use when creating LIN string of FMS transaction ; PARAM1=^STATION^FCP^FY^BBFY ; SPE means spending documents D DOCREQ^PRC0C(PARAM1,"SPE","PRCFMO") S PRCFMO("G/N")=$P(PRCFMO,U,12) QUIT ; GO ; Prompt user for final go-ahead for the document creation S PRCFA("FDES")=$S(PRCFA("TT")="MO":"Miscellaneous Order (MO)",PRCFA("TT")="SO":"Service (SO) Order",PRCFA("TT")="AR":"Receiver Accrual (AR)") N POSIT S POSIT=$F(PRCFA("FDES"),"(") S PRCFA("TYPE")=$E(PRCFA("FDES"),POSIT,POSIT+1) S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Transmit this Document to FMS" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("A",1)=" " S DIR("A",2)="This "_PRCFA("IDES")_" will now generate the " S DIR("A",3)=$P(PRCFA("MOD"),U,3)_" "_PRCFA("FDES")_" Document. The "_PRCFA("TYPE")_" Document" S DIR("A",4)="will be marked for transmission to FMS." S DIR("A",5)=" " S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' to exit this option." S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to transmit this Document." D ^DIR K DIR QUIT ; STACK(MOD) ; Create entry in GECS Stack File I $D(PRCFA("CONVS")),PRCFA("CONVS")=1 G STACK1 I $D(PRCFA("CONVG")),PRCFA("CONVG")=1 G STACK1 W !!," generating the FMS " W $S(PRCFA("TT")="MO":"Miscellaneous Order (MO) Document",PRCFA("TT")="SO":"Service Order (SO) Document",PRCFA("TT")="AR":"Receiver Accrual (AR) Document",1:"Document") W "...",! D WAIT^DICD STACK1 N FMSSYS,FMSSTA,FMSDOC,FMSTRA,FMSSEC,FMSMOD,FMSFCP,FMSDES I $D(PRCFA("RETRAN")),PRCFA("RETRAN")=1 Q K GECSUFMS("DA") ; delete current ien to get new ien S FMSDES=PRCFA("IDES") S FMSDOC=PRCFA("REF") S FMSMOD=MOD I PRCFA("TT")="AR" D . S FMSDOC=FMSDOC_12 . S FMSMOD=1 S FMSSEC=$$SEC1^PRC0C(PRC("SITE")) S FMSSTA=PRC("SITE") S FMSSYS="I" S FMSTRA=PRCFA("TT") D CONTROL^GECSUFMS(FMSSYS,FMSSTA,FMSDOC,FMSTRA,FMSSEC,FMSMOD,"Y",FMSDES) QUIT ; OKAM ; Reader for prompt to approve amendment S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A",1)="The information listed above is recorded on this Purchase Order amendment." S DIR("A")="Are you ready to approve and obligate this amendment" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' to exit this option." S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to continue processing this amendment obligation." D ^DIR K DIR QUIT ; OKAPP ; Reader for prompt that amendment has already been approved S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A",1)="This amendment has already been approved by Fiscal." S DIR("A")="Are you sure that you wish to continue" S DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' to continue." S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' or 'RETURN' to exit this option." D ^DIR K DIR QUIT ; OKPRT ; Reader to prompt user to print the amendment S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Would you like to print this amendment" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to print this amendment." S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' if printing in not desired." D ^DIR K DIR QUIT ; REVIEW ; Reader to prompt user to review the PO before obligation N LABEL S LABEL=$S((PRCFA("MP")=1)!(PRCFA("MP")=2):"Purchase Order",PRCFA("MP")=8:"Requisition",1:"Purchase Order") S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Would you like to review the entire "_LABEL S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' if the "_LABEL_" review is not necessary." S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to display the "_LABEL_"." D ^DIR K DIR Q ; ; PO is the ien of the 443.6 file ; AMNUM is the amendment number CHKAMEN(PO,AMNUM) ; checks PO completeness, looks for missing data N CNT,J,INUM,CHNG,STARTFLG,TYPAM,MSG,PRPAYFLG S CNT=0 S STARTFLG=0 S PRPAYFLG=0 F CHNG=0:0 S CHNG=$O(^PRC(443.6,+PO,6,AMNUM,3,CHNG)) Q:CHNG'>0 D . S CHNG=^(CHNG,0) . ; . ;Has the data in any of the following fields been deleted? . ;Ship To Address, Inv. Address, Prompt Pay. Terms, or F.O.B.Point. . S TYPAM=$P($G(CHNG),U,2) . I TYPAM=20,$P(^PRC(443.6,+PO,1),U,3)="" D . . S MSG="Ship To Address." . . S $P(^PRC(443.6,+PO,1),U,3)=$P(^PRC(442,+PO,1),U,3) . I TYPAM=25,$P(^PRC(443.6,+PO,12),U,6)="" D . . S MSG="Invoice Address." . . S $P(^PRC(443.6,+PO,12),U,6)=$P(^PRC(442,+PO,12),U,6) . I TYPAM=33,^PRC(443.6,+PO,5,0)="" D . . S MSG="Prompt Payment Terms." . . S ^PRC(443.6,+PO,5,0)=^PRC(442,+PO,5,0) . . S I=0 F J=0:0 S I=$O(^PRC(443.6,+PO,5,I)) Q:I="" S ^PRC(443.6,+PO,5,I,0)=^PRC(442,+PO,5,I,0) . . Q . I TYPAM=35,$P(^PRC(443.6,+PO,1),U,6)="" D . . S MSG="F.O.B. Point." . . S $P(^PRC(443.6,+PO,1),U,6)=$P(^PRC(442,+PO,1),U,6) . I $G(MSG)]"" D . . I TYPAM=33&'PRPAYFLG!(TYPAM'=33) W !?10,"This amendment is missing it's ",MSG,"!" K MSG . . I TYPAM=33 S PRPAYFLG=1 . . S STARTFLG=1 . Q . ; . I $P($P(CHNG,U,3),":",2)=40,($P($P(CHNG,U,3),";"))=1 S INUM=$P(CHNG,U,4) I $G(INUM)]"" D . . ; for each item , check description . . S J=0 S J=$O(^PRC(443.6,+PO,2,INUM,1,J)) I J>0&(^(J,0)="") D . . . I CNT>22 N DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S CNT=0 . . . W !,?10,"Line item ",INUM," is missing it's description!" . . . S CNT=CNT+2,STARTFLG=1 . . . Q . . Q . Q Q STARTFLG