PRCFFU15 ;WISC/SJG-1358 & PO OBLIGATION UTILITY, CONT ;8/15/94 17:47 ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; No top level entry QUIT ; VENCONO(IEN) ; Display vendor and contract information on org entry ; IEN - Internal entry number from 410 K PRCTMP N VENDOR DISP S (VENDOR,CONT,CONTEND,VENCONT,CONTIEN)="" D GENDIQ^PRCFFU7(410,IEN,"11;12;13;52","IEN","") S VENDOR=$G(PRCTMP(410,IEN,11,"E")) I VENDOR]"" W !,IOINLOW,"VENDOR: ",IOINHI,VENDOR,IOINORM,! S CONT=$G(PRCTMP(410,IEN,13,"E")) Q:CONT="" I CONT]"" D CONTNUM Q:CONTEND="" I CONTEND]"" D .W IOINLOW,"CONTRACT: ",IOINHI,CONT,IOINORM,! .W IOINLOW,"CONTRACT ENDING DATE: ",IOINHI,CONTEND,IOINORM,! Q VENCONM(IEN) ; Display vendor and contract information on adjustment ; IEN - Internal entry number from 442 K PRCTMP N VENDOR,PRRQST D GENDIQ^PRCFFU7(442,+PO,.07,"I","") S PRRQST=$G(PRCTMP(442,+IEN,.07,"I")) Q:PRRQST="" I PRRQST]"" S POIEN=IEN,IEN=PRRQST D DISP Q POVENO(IEN) ; Display vendor and contract information ; IEN - Internal entry number from 442 K PRCTMP N VENNM,VENIEN D GENDIQ^PRCFFU7(442,IEN,5,"IEN","") S VENNM=$G(PRCTMP(442,IEN,5,"E")),VENIEN=$G(PRCTMP(442,IEN,5,"I")) I VENNM]"" W !,"VENDOR: ",VENNM,! I '$D(^PRC(442,+IEN,2,"AC")) W "CONTRACT: ** NONE ON THIS ORDER **",! PO1 I $D(^PRC(442,+IEN,2,"AC")) D W ! .S (PRCFMOD,NEWADD)=0 .W ! K MSG S MSG(1)="One or more of the following contracts are associated with the line items" .S MSG(2)="on this Purchase Order for Services for this Vendor: " .D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG .S CONT="" F S CONT=$O(^PRC(442,+IEN,2,"AC",CONT)) Q:CONT="" D ADDCONT .K PRCFMOD,NEWADD .Q PO2 I $D(^PRC(443.6,+IEN,2,"AC")),$P(PRCFA("MOD"),U)="M" D W ! .S PRCFMOD=1,NEWADD=0 .W ! K MSG S MSG(1)="The Amendment has added line items which contain one or more of the following" .S MSG(2)="contracts to this Purchase Order for Services:" .D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG .S CONT="" F S CONT=$O(^PRC(443.6,+IEN,2,"AC",CONT)) Q:CONT="" D ADDCONT .D:NEWADD=0 EN^DDIOL(" ** NO NEW CONTRACTS ADDED THROUGH THE AMENDMENT **") .K PRCFMOD,NEWADD .Q Q ADDCONT ; S DIC="^PRC(440,"_VENIEN_",4,",DIC(0)="MNZ",X=CONT D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y<0 I Y>0 D .N DA,CONTIEN,CONTEND S CONTIEN=+Y .S DIC=440,DR=6,DA=VENIEN,DIQ="PRCTMP(",DIQ(0)="IEN",DR(440.03)=".5;1",DA(440.03)=CONTIEN D EN^DIQ1 K DIC,DIQ,DR .S CONTENDE=$G(PRCTMP(440.03,CONTIEN,1,"E")),CONTENDI=$G(PRCTMP(440.03,CONTIEN,1,"I")) .I PRCFMOD=1 Q:$D(CONTENDA(9999999-CONTENDI)) S NEWADD=1 .S CONTENDA(9999999-CONTENDI)=CONTENDE_U_CONTENDI .W !?2,"CONTRACT: ",CONT,?33,"END DATE: ",CONTENDE,?56,"START DATE: ",$G(PRCTMP(440.03,CONTIEN,.5,"E")) W:$G(PRCTMP(440.03,CONTIEN,.5,"E"))="" "NONE LISTED" .Q Q MSG1 ; Display current auto accrual information for PO K MSG W ! N FIL S FIL=$$FILE^PRCFFU16 S MSG(1)="CURRENT VALUES FOR AUTO ACCRUAL FOR P.O. SERVICE ORDER:" S MSG(2)=" ENDING DATE FOR SERVICE: "_$G(PRCTMP(FIL,+OB,29,"E")) S MSG(3)=" AUTO ACCRUAL FLAG: "_$G(PRCTMP(FIL,+OB,30,"E")) D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG Q MSG2 ; Prompt for change if needed N TAG S TAG=$$LABEL K MSG W !! S MSG(1)="The Ending Date and the Auto Accrual Flag must now be entered for" S MSG(2)="this obligation. The system will default to the Ending Date on the Vendor" S MSG(3)="Contract from the "_TAG_", if available. Otherwise, the default Ending" S MSG(4)="Date is the last date of the current month.",MSG(5)=" " S MSG(6)="The Auto Accrual Flag tells FMS whether the "_TAG_" should be accrued." S MSG(7)="The default value will be 'NO' if the Ending Date is within the same month." S MSG(8)="To accrue the "_TAG_", change the flag to 'YES'." D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG Q CONTNUM ; Determine contract number I $G(PRCTMP(410,IEN,11,"E"))="" Q I $G(PRCTMP(410,IEN,13,"I"))]"" D .S VENID=$G(PRCTMP(410,IEN,12,"I")) Q:VENID="" .S VENCONT=$G(PRCTMP(410,IEN,13,"I")) .S DIC="^PRC(440,"_VENID_",4,",DIC(0)="MNZ",X=VENCONT D ^DIC K DIC .Q:Y<0 I Y>0 D ..N DA S CONTIEN=+Y ..S DIC=440,DR=6,DA=+VENID,DIQ="PRCTMP(",DIQ(0)="IEN",DR(440.03)=".5;1",DA(440.03)=CONTIEN D EN^DIQ1 K DIC,DIQ,DR ..S CONTEND=$G(PRCTMP(440.03,CONTIEN,1,"E")) ..Q .Q Q ; MSG5 ; Exit message W ! D EN^DDIOL("Returning to Obligation processing...") W ! Q LABEL() ; Determine label for messages S LABEL="" I '$D(PRCFA("MP")) S LABEL="" I $D(TRNODE(0)) I $P(TRNODE(0),U,2)="O"!($P(TRNODE(0),U,2)="A") S LABEL="1358" I $D(PRCFA("MP")),PRCFA("MP")=21 S LABEL="1358" I $D(PRCFA("MP")),PRCFA("MP")=2 S LABEL="Purchase Order" Q LABEL