PRCFFU4 ;WISC/SJG-FMS DOCUMENT GENERATION CONT ;6/30/93 10:34 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ; No Top Level Entry FISC ; Post to Fiscal Status of Funds Tracker; W ! S %A(1)="Do you wish to post this information to the Fiscal Status of Funds",%A(2)="Tracker",%B="If you answer 'YES', you will be asked the information necessary to post" S %B(1)="the code sheet to the Fiscal Status of Funds. A 'NO' or an '^' will",%B(2)="skip the bypass the posting.",%=2 D ^PRCFYN G:%'=1 OUT D EN5^PRCFFU41 W ! G OUT Q ; OUT K A,B,D,D0,D1,DG,DIC,DIE,DIG,DIH,DIU,DIV,DIW,DLAYGO,DR,I,J,K,N,O,PRCFA("ARCS"),Q,Q1,S,X,X1,XL1,Y,DI,DQ,PRCFCS Q Q SIG ; E-sig asker for Obligation Processing I '$D(PRC("PER")) D DUZ^PRCFSITE Q:'% I $D(PRCFA("PODA")),+PRCFA("PODA")>0 S POESIG=1 N MESSAGE S MESSAGE="" D ESIG^PRCUESIG(DUZ,.MESSAGE) S ESIGMSG=MESSAGE G:(MESSAGE=0)!(MESSAGE=-3) FAIL I (MESSAGE=-1)!(MESSAGE=-2) S PRCFA("SIGFAIL")="" Q Q FAIL W !!,$C(7),"SIGNATURE CODE FAILURE " S PRCFA("SIGFAIL")="" Q Q