PRCFFUC1 ;WISC/SJG-UTILITY ROUTINE FOR HOLD FUNCTIONALITY ;7/18/95 10:39 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; H1 ; Help prompt for new accounting period K MSG S HELP=1,MSG(1)=" " S MSG(2)="Enter the calendar month and year of the accounting period that" S MSG(3)="this transaction should affect FMS. Usually, accounting period" S MSG(4)="is used during the overlap period to affect the previous open" S MSG(5)="accounting period, so the default provided is the previous accounting" S MSG(6)="period. FMS will accept any OPEN previous accounting period, but if you" S MSG(7)="choose one that is closed in FMS, the document will reject." S MSG(8)="Enter '??' at the accounting period prompt to view a table showing" S MSG(9)="the Accounting Periods." S MSG(10)=" " D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG D PAUSE Q H2 ; Help for relating accounting period to calendar month N LN,BAR S BAR="|",HELP=1 W !,"The values relationship between the Calendar Month",!,"and the Accounting Period and Fiscal Months is as follows:" S $P(LN,"_",45)="" W !,LN K LN S $P(LN,"-",45)="" W !?15,BAR,?18,"Accounting",?30,BAR,?33,"Calendar" W !?3,"Month",?15,BAR,?20,"Period",?30,BAR,?34,"Month",!,LN W !?3,"October",?15,BAR,?22,"01",?30,BAR,?36,"10" W !?3,"November",?15,BAR,?22,"02",?30,BAR,?36,"11" W !?3,"December",?15,BAR,?22,"03",?30,BAR,?36,"12" W !?3,"January",?15,BAR,?22,"04",?30,BAR,?36,"01" W !?3,"February",?15,BAR,?22,"05",?30,BAR,?36,"02" W !?3,"March",?15,BAR,?22,"06",?30,BAR,?36,"03" W !?3,"April",?15,BAR,?22,"07",?30,BAR,?36,"04" W !?3,"May",?15,BAR,?22,"08",?30,BAR,?36,"05" W !?3,"June",?15,BAR,?22,"09",?30,BAR,?36,"06" W !?3,"July",?15,BAR,?22,"10",?30,BAR,?36,"07" W !?3,"August",?15,BAR,?22,"11",?30,BAR,?36,"08" W !?3,"September",?15,BAR,?22,"12",?30,BAR,?36,"09" K LN S $P(LN,"_",45)="" W !,LN K LN W !!,"Example:" W !,"March is Accounting Period '06' and Calendar Month '03'" D PAUSE Q PAUSE ; Pause screen when data is displayed W !!,"Press 'RETURN' to continue" R X:DTIME Q