PRCG238Q ;WISC/BGJ-IFCAP 410 FILE CLEANUP (QUEUE) ;11/8/99 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;This routine is installed by patch PRC*5*238. ;This routine creates entries in file 443.1 for background processing ;by PurgeMaster. Entries are created for files 410, 410.1 and 443. ;Routine PRCG238P will be utilized by PurgeMaster to actually purge the ;entries in these files. ; W @IOF,! D MSG S %A="Are you ready to continue",%A(0)="!",%=1 D ^PRCFYN Q:%'=1 S PRCF("X")="AS" D ^PRCFSITE G OUT:'% D NOW^%DTC K %H,%,%I S CFY=$E(X,1,3)+1700,CFY=$S(+$E(X,4,5)>9:CFY+1,1:CFY) S PFY=CFY-1700-1_"0930" S X="Date/Fiscal Year thru which temporary requests in file 410 will be purged." D DATE I +OUT G OUT I $E(Y,4,7)="0000" S Y=$E(Y,1,3)_"0930" S PRC("TEMPDATE")=Y S PFY=CFY-1700-3_"0930" S X="Date/Fiscal Year thru which entries in file 410 not associated with an entry in file 442 will be purged." D DATE I +OUT G OUT I $E(Y,4,7)="0000" S Y=$E(Y,1,3)_"0930" K OUT S PRC("PERMDATE")=Y DQ ; I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" F I=1:1 S X=$T(LOAD+I) Q:$P(X,";",3)="" D . S FILE(I)=$P(X,";",3),GLO(I)=$P(X,";",4),REF(I)=$P(X,";",5),ADDVAR(I)=$P(X,";",6) S N=0,TREC=0 F S N=$O(GLO(N)) Q:'N D . S X="S REC(N)=$P("_GLO(N)_"0),U,4)" X X S TREC=TREC+REC(N) S OGET=TREC\1000+1 S MESSAGE="CREATING PURGEMASTER ENTRIES FOR FILE CLEANUP" D BEGIN^PRCGU S LEVEL=0 F S LEVEL=$O(GLO(LEVEL)) Q:LEVEL="" D . S GLO=GLO(LEVEL),REF=REF(LEVEL),ADDVAR="" . S:ADDVAR(LEVEL)]"" @("ADDVAR="_ADDVAR(LEVEL)) . S NEXT=0 . F D S XCOUNT=XCOUNT+COUNT D PERCENT^PRCGU Q:'NEXT . . S COUNT=0 . . F D Q:'NEXT!(COUNT>LREC) . . . S GET=($S((LREC-COUNT)>OGET:OGET,1:(LREC-COUNT)+2))-1 . . . I GET<1 S GET=1 . . . D GET . . . Q:'NEXT . . . S COUNT=COUNT+ICOUNT . . . S Z="",ROUTINE=REF_"^PRCG238P",VARIABLE=BEGDA_"-"_ENDA_";"_PRC("SITE") . . . I ADDVAR]"" S VARIABLE=VARIABLE_";"_ADDVAR . . . D ADD^PRCGPM1(ROUTINE,VARIABLE,.Z) D END^PRCGU ; OUT ; K A,ADDVAR,ATERM,BEGDA,BTIME,CFY,COUNT,CURSOR,DX,DY,ENDA,FILE,GET,GLO,HOURS,ICOUNT,LEVEL,LINE,LREC,MIN,NEXT,OGET,OUT,PERCENT,PFY,REC,REF,ROUTINE,RTIME,SEC,TIME,TREC,TTIME,VARIABLE,X,XCOUNT,XPOS,Y,Z,PRC D KILL^%ZISS Q GET ; S (BEGDA,ENDA)=NEXT+1,ICOUNT=1 S @("NEXT=$O("_GLO_"NEXT))") I 'NEXT S NEXT="" Q S BEGDA=NEXT,(NEXT,ENDA)=NEXT+GET,ICOUNT=ENDA-BEGDA+1 Q MSG ; S X="This will schedule records in files 410, 410.1 and 443 for review " S X=X_"in the background by PurgeMaster (file 443.1 will be populated). " S X=X_"Entries in file 410 will be purged first by PurgeMaster based " S X=X_"on dates that you will enter. As data in file 410 is purged, " S X=X_"related entries in file 410.1 are also purged. Entries in file " S X=X_"443 will be purged next if there is no corresponding entry in " S X=X_"file 410. Finally, additional clean-up will be performed on file 410.1." D MSG^PRCFQ W ! S X="The dates you are about to enter MUST be confirmed with A&MM " S X=X_"or Fiscal staff. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN DATA " S X=X_"CORRUPTION." D MSG^PRCFQ W $C(7),$C(7),$C(7) Q DATE ;Select fiscal year S DIR(0)="DA^:"_PFY_":EA" S DIR("A")="Select DATE/FISCAL YEAR: " S DIR("A",1)=X S DIR("?")="You may only select for purging those documents which are not in the current Fiscal Year." S DIR("?",1)="This MUST be the same date/fiscal year you entered in the Find Archivable IFCAP Records [PRCG ARCHIVE FIND] menu option during your last archive/purge." D ^DIR S OUT=$G(DTOUT)_$G(DUOUT)_$G(DIRUT)_$G(DIROUT) K DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,DIR Q LOAD ; ;;410;^PRCS(410,;410;PRC("TEMPDATE")_"-"_PRC("PERMDATE") ;;443;^PRC(443,;443 ;;410.1;^PRCS(410.1,;4101;"-"_PRC("PERMDATE") ;;;