PRCGARP ;WIRMFO@ALTOONA/CTB IFCAP PURGE SCHEDULER ;12/10/97 9:52 AM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. W @IOF,!,"IFCAP PURGE SCHEDULER",! S %A="This option will allow you to purge IFCAP records which have previously been",%A(1)="identified and archived for your station.",%A(2)="Have you received and verified your archive micro fiche" D ^PRCFYN Q:%<0 I %=2 D Q:%'=1 . S %A="I will allow you to purge records which have not been archived, but it is",%A(1)="probably not a good idea to do so.",%A(2)="Are you sure you want to continue",%=2 D ^PRCFYN Q:%'=1 . S %A="ARE YOU POSITIVE",%=2 D ^PRCFYN . QUIT S PRCF("X")="AS" D ^PRCFSITE Q:'% S TREC=$P(^PRC(443.9,0),"^",4),OGET=TREC\1000+1 S MESSAGE="CREATING PURGEMASTER ENTRIES" K ITEMS D BEGIN^PRCGU S NEXT=0 X F D S XCOUNT=XCOUNT+COUNT D PERCENT^PRCGU Q:'NEXT . S COUNT=0 F D QUIT:'NEXT!(COUNT>LREC) . . S GET=($S((LREC-COUNT)>OGET:OGET,1:(LREC-COUNT)+2))-1 . . I GET<1 S GET=1 . . S NEXT=$O(^PRC(443.9,NEXT)) Q:'NEXT D GET S COUNT=COUNT+ICOUNT . . S Z="",ROUTINE="START^PRCGARP1",VARIABLE=BEGDA_"-"_ENDA_";"_PRC("SITE") D ADD^PRCGPM1(ROUTINE,VARIABLE,.Z) . . QUIT . QUIT D END^PRCGU QUIT GET S (BEGDA,ENDA)=NEXT,ICOUNT=1 Q:ICOUNT=GET F S NEXT=$O(^PRC(443.9,NEXT)) Q:'NEXT S ENDA=NEXT,ICOUNT=ICOUNT+1 Q:ICOUNT=GET QUIT