PRCH1D ;WISC/PLT-REMOVE PURCHASE CARD RECONCILIATION ;7/19/96 09:02 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ;invalid entry ; EN ;remove reconcile purchase card order N PRCA,PRCB,PRCQCD,PRCOPT,PRCRI,PRCDI,PRCDUZ,PRC,PRCC,PRCE,PRCF,PRCG,PRCVAL,PRCCP,PRCR,PRCSST,PRCSTC,PRCEDRM N PRCSELF,PRCCN,PRCCNT N A,B,C Q1 ;station S PRCSST=1 D STA^PRCSUT S PRCSTC=SI G:$G(PRC("SITE"))=""!(Y<0)!(PRCSTC<1) EXIT S PRCRI(420)=+PRC("SITE") S PRCSELF=1 I $D(^PRC(440.5,"MAA",DUZ)) D G EXIT:X=""!(X["^") S PRCSELF=Y . D YN^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Edit/Remove Reconciliation for your own purchase card orders","O","") . QUIT S PRCCN="" I PRCSELF=1 S PRCDUZ=DUZ G Q3 Q21 S X("S")="I $P(^(2),U,3)=PRC(""SITE""),$P(^(0),U,9)=DUZ!($P(^(0),U,10)=DUZ)" S X("W")="W "" "",$P(^(0),U,11),"" "" W:$P(^(0),U,8) $P($G(^VA(200,$P(^(0),U,8),0)),U)" D LOOKUP^PRC0B(.X,.Y,"440.5;^PRC(440.5,;","AEMOQS~~G^MAA^H^D","Select Purchase Credit Card/Holder: ") I X["^"!(X="")!(Y<1) G Q1 S PRCRI(440.5)=+Y,PRCDUZ=$P(^PRC(440.5,PRCRI(440.5),0),U,8),PRCCN=$P(^(0),U) Q3 ;select oracle cc-record K DIRUT,PCSTAT S X("S")="I ""RD""[$P(^(0),U,16),$P(^(0),U,8)=PRC(""SITE""),$P(^(0),U,4)=PRCCN&'PRCSELF!($P(^(0),U,17)="_PRCDUZ_"&PRCSELF)" S X("W")="W:$X>20 ! W $P(^(0),U,1),"" "",$E($P(^(0),U,9),4,5)_""-""_$E($P(^(0),U,9),6,7)_""-""_$E($P(^(0),U,9),2,3),"" $"",$J($P(^(0),U,14),0,2) W:$D(^(6)) "" "",$P(^(6),U,1)" W ! D LOOKUP^PRC0B(.X,.Y,"440.6;^PRCH(440.6,;","AEMOQS~~","Select Reconciled/Disputed C-Document/Purchase Card Order: ") I Y<0!(X="") G EXIT K X S PRCRI(440.6)=+Y,PRCRI(442)=$P($G(^PRCH(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),1)),"^",1),PCSTAT=$P($G(^PRCH(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),0)),"^",16) I 'PRCRI(442) D EN^DDIOL("Not reconciled yet.") G Q3 ; ;if the charge has been reconciled warn user before starting any changes I $D(PRCRI(442)),$G(PCSTAT)="R"!($G(PCSTAT)="D") D G:X="NO"!(X["^")!(X="") Q3 . W $C(7),!!,?25,"**** WARNING ****" . S DIR("A",1)="" . S DIR("A",2)="This charge is reconciled. If you 'Edit' it, another approval will be needed." . S DIR("A",3)="If you 'Remove' the reconciliation, you must reconcile the charge and your " . S DIR("A",4)="Approving Official will have to approve it again." . S DIR("A",5)="" . S DIR("A",6)="Use the action code DD (Display Document) if no change is desired." . S DIR("A",7)="" . S DIR("A")="Do you want to continue" . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) D ACT G Q3 ; ; EXIT QUIT ACT S PRCE=^PRC(442,PRCRI(442),0),PRCCP=$P($G(^(23)),"^",16),PRCR=$P($G(^(23)),"^",15) S:PRCR="" PRCR="N" S X(1)=$TR($J("",79)," ","_") S X(2)=" Action Code: ED: Edit DO: Display Order ND: Next Document",X(3)=" RM: Remove DD: Display Document" S Y(1)="Enter an action code" D FT^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Action","","") I X["^"!(X="") QUIT S Y=$$LU I Y="ND" QUIT I Y="DO" D G ACT . N D0 S D0=PRCRI(442) D ^PRCHDP1 . QUIT I Y="DD" D DD G ACT S PRCEDRM="" I Y="ED" S PRCEDRM=1 D RC^PRCH1A1 QUIT I Y'="RM" D EN^DDIOL("Invalid Action code, try again") G ACT ;remove conciliation S PRCA=^PRCH(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),0),PRCB=$G(^(1)) D E20,ET S PRCA=^PRCH(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),0),PRCB=$G(^(1)) S PRCRI(410)=$P(^PRC(442,PRCRI(442),0),"^",12) D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"440.6;^PRCH(440.6,;"_PRCRI(440.6),"44///N;15////N;45///@") D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"440.6;^PRCH(440.6,;"_PRCRI(440.6),"18///@;19///@;46///@;41///@;42///@") ;if final payment entry removed I $P(PRCB,"^",4)="Y" D . S PRCST=$P(PRCA,"^",20) D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"442;^PRC(442,;"_PRCRI(442),"58///@;44///@;.5///"_PRCST) . I PRCRI(410) D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"410;^PRCS(410,;"_PRCRI(410),"27////"_$P(PRCA,"^",19)) . S PRCRI=0 F S PRCRI=$O(^PRC(442,PRCRI(442),13,PRCRI)) QUIT:'PRCRI D:PRCRI ERS410^PRC0G(PRCRI_"^A") . QUIT S PRCC=$$FP^PRCH0A(PRCRI(442)) ;if last payment entry removed I $P(PRCC,"^",2)="" S PRCST=$P(PRCA,"^",20) D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"442;^PRC(442,;"_PRCRI(442),"58///@;44///@;.5///"_PRCST) G Q9 ;if not last payment entry removed D:PRCRI(410)&PRCC . N A,B . S A=0,B=0 F S A=$O(^PRCH(440.6,"PO",PRCRI(442),A)) QUIT:'A S B=B+$P(^PRCH(440.6,A,0),"^",14) . D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"410;^PRCS(410,;"_PRCRI(410),"27////"_B) . QUIT Q9 ;prompt status K X S X=+^PRC(442,PRCRI(442),7),X("B")=$P(^PRCD(442.3,X,0),"^") S PRCVAL=",22,27,25,30,40,24,32,37,39,46,48,50," S:$O(^PRC(442,PRCRI(442),6,0)) PRCVAL=",22,27,25,26,30,31,40,23,24,29,32,34,37,38,39,44,46,47,48,49,50,51," S X("S")="N A S A=$P(^PRCD(442.3,+Y,0),U,2) I PRCVAL[("",""_A_"","")" D LOOKUP^PRC0B(.X,.Y,"442.3;^PRCD(442.3,","AEMQ","AFTER Removing Change P.O. Status to: ") I Y<0!(X="") D EN^DDIOL("The purchase card order status is required") G Q9 S PRCST=$P(^PRCD(442.3,+Y,0),"^",2) D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"442;^PRC(442,;"_PRCRI(442),".5///"_PRCST) QUIT ; E20 D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"442;^PRC(442,;"_PRCRI(442),"20") QUIT ; ET S A=$$DDA4406^PRCH0A(PRCRI(440.6)),B=$$DDA442^PRCH0A(PRCRI(442)),$P(B,"^",17)="",PRCBOC=$P(B,"^",21),$P(B,"^",33)=$P(A,"^",33) I A'=B D . I $E(PRCA,13,15)>490 D EN^DDIOL("Enter ET-Document by FMS-ON LINE!") QUIT . D EN^DDIOL("Generating ET-document to FMS...") . D ET^PRCH8A(.X,PRCRI(440.6)_"^"_PRCRI(442)_"^2^"_PRCBOC,"") . I X D EDIT^PRC0B(.X,"440.6;^PRCH(440.6,;"_PRCRI(440.6),"17////"_$P(X,"^")) . QUIT QUIT ; ; DD ;dispaly document N A D PIECE^PRC0B("440.6;^PRC(440.6,;"_PRCRI(440.6),".01;8;13;31;44","E","A") W !,"Reconcile Doc: ",$G(A(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),.01,"E")),?32,"Purchase Date: ",$G(A(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),8,"E")),?60,"$Amount: ",$J($G(A(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),13,"E")),0,2) W !,"Final Payment: ",$G(A(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),44,"E")) W !,"Vendor Name: ",$G(A(440.6,PRCRI(440.6),31,"E")) QUIT ; LU() ;lower to upper QUIT $TR(Y,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")