PRCH69EN ;WISC/DJM-PATCH 69 ENVIRONMENT CHECK ; [9/28/98 11:46am] V ;;5.0;IFCAP;**69**;4/21/95 ; START ; This is the Environment Check routine for patch 69. This routine ; will check file 440 for any NAME field that contains only leading ; stars or leading spaces before any other character or contains ; nothing (the field has no data). ; ; First, stop if this is not the KIDS Install Package(s) option. ; Q:XPDENV'=1 N A,FLAG,MSG,X,X1,X1C S FLAG=0 S X=0 F S X=$O(^PRC(440,X)) Q:X'>0 D . S A=$P($G(^PRC(440,X,0)),"^",1) . ; Remove all stars (*) and leading spaces (' '). . F D Q:'(X1C=32!(X1C=42)) . . S X1=$E(A,1) . . S X1C=$A(X1) . . I X1C=32!(X1C=42) S A=$E(A,2,99) . . Q . I A="" D . . W !,X . . S FLAG=FLAG+1 . . Q . Q Q:FLAG=0 ; ; Now that we have some bad records lets tell the patch installer ; what to do with them. ; F I=1:1 S LINE=$P($T(MSG+I),";;",2) Q:LINE="~~" S LINE="W !,"_LINE X LINE ; ; Now lets exit and prevent the patch installer from proceeding. ; S XPDQUIT=2 Q ; MSG ;; ;;" " ;;"The preceding "_$S(FLAG=1:"number is an ",1:"numbers are ")_"Internal Entry Number"_$S(FLAG=1:" ",1:"s ")_"in the VENDOR file (#440)." ;;"The NAME, .01, field has only '*'s or ' 's or is missing from "_$S(FLAG=1:"the record ",1:"all records ") ;;"listed above. Please correct or remove "_$S(FLAG=1:"the entry ",1:"those entries ")_"before restarting the" ;;"install of patch PRC*5*69 again." ;;" " ;;"This environment check will look at the Vendor file (#440)." ;;"The following conditions will be checked at the beginning of" ;;"this patch:" ;;" " ;;"1. Each Vendor NAME (the .01 field) must contain valid characters" ;;" (beyond leading asterisks (*) and/or spaces)." ;;"2. If the Vendor record being checked in step 1 fails the check," ;;" the internal record number will be displayed." ;;"3. After all Vendor records are checked, if bad records are" ;;" detected this text will be displayed." ;;" " ;;"The following steps may be taken to correct the bad Vendor records:" ;;" " ;;"1. Some records may be incomplete. You will need to view" ;;" them using the utility ^%G while in programmer mode." ;;" These records do not appear under the FileMan Inquire option" ;;"2. Use the FileMan Search option to see if the vendor record you are" ;;" checking is used in file #410, #441 or #442. If the vendor record" ;;" is in any of these files you must repair the record in the" ;;" Vendor file (#440) by editing the NAME field (.01)." ;;"3. If the vendor record is not found in step 2 above then you should" ;;" remove it from the Vendor file. Since the record is not" ;;" complete you need to remove it in the programmer mode." ;;" Use the following line of M code to remove the record:" ;;" " ;;" K ^PRC(440,IEN)" ;;" " ;;" Substitute the Internal Entry Number of the record from the" ;;" list that you are working with for the IEN in the line of code." ;;" Press RETURN after entering the line of code." ;;"4. Use steps 1-3 to correct or remove each Vendor record listed." ;;"5. Once all the records listed are corrected you need to" ;;" continue with the patch installation:" ;;" " ;;" A. Enter KIDS (Kernel Installation & Distribution System)" ;;" B. Select Installation..." ;;" C. Choose the Install Package(s) choice" ;;" " ;;" Now the patch will start again. The Environment Check will" ;;" run again. This will verify that all the Vendor records found" ;;" in the previous run have been either corrected or removed." ;;" " ;;" If all Vendor file records pass the environment check, the patch" ;;" will continue on with the install." ;;~~