PRCHAAC2 ;WIFO/CR-CONT. OF IFCAP HL7 MESSAGE TO AUSTIN ;3/4/05 11:43 AM ;;5.1;IFCAP;**79**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This routine is a continuation of the routine PRCHAAC1. ; CLEAN K %,PRCACMSG,PRCACK,PRCBATCH,PRCDATE,PRCMESG,PRCMID,PRCSUB,HL,HLFS,HLRS,HLRS,HLNODE,HLNEXT,HLQUIT,PRCTAAC,PRCFAAC,PRCDIF,X,X1,Y Q ; END ;Log the date/time ($H format) of the AAC response and the creation date ;(FileMan format) in ^XTMP S X=DT D NOW^%DTC S X1=$$FMTH^XLFDT(%) S $P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,"TIME"),U,2)=X1 S $P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,0),U,2)=X S X=DT D NOW^%DTC,YX^%DTC S PRCDATE=Y S $P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,0),U,3)="Processing done "_PRCDATE_" for IFCAP HL7 MSG to the AAC" ; ;Get an approximated calculation of how long it takes to get a response ;from the AAC, to help in troubleshooting problems. I $P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,"TIME"),U,1)]""&$P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,"TIME"),U,2)]"" D . S PRCTAAC=$P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,"TIME"),U,1) ;date/time msg to the AAC . S PRCFAAC=$P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,"TIME"),U,2) ;date/time msg from the AAC . S PRCDIF=$$HDIFF^XLFDT(PRCFAAC,PRCTAAC,3) ;time difference . S $P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,"TIME"),U,3)=PRCDIF ;time elapsed D CLEAN Q ; ERR ;Errors from incoming messages are logged here I $D(PRCERR) D . S PRCMSG=PRCMSG_";"_"HL7 Message ID: "_$S(PRCMID>0:PRCMID,1:"No MID") . S ^XTMP(PRCSUB,"ERR",$H)=PRCMSG Q ; LOG ;Set purge date to keep ^XTMP clean; first piece is purge date, FM form S X=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,7) ;keep for seven days S $P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,0),U,1)=X ;Record date of message to the AAC S X=DT D NOW^%DTC S X1=$$FMTH^XLFDT(%) S $P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,"TIME"),U,1)=X1 ;Keep track of who created the message S $P(^XTMP(PRCSUB,"TIME"),U,4)=PRCDUZ Q ; SUB ;Subscriber to handle the ACKs coming from the AAC ;Error message 'No MID' = no message id S HLFS=$G(HL("FS")) S HLCS=$E(HL("ECH"),1),HLRS=$E(HL("ECH"),2) I HL("MTN")'="MFK" S PRCERR=1,PRCMSG="1A"_"^Wrong message name." D REC Q X HLNEXT I HLQUIT'>0 S PRCERR=1,PRCMSG="2A"_"^Missing MSH segment." D REC Q S PRCACMSG=$P(HLNODE,HLFS,10) X HLNEXT I HLQUIT'>0 S PRCERR=1,PRCMSG="3A"_"^Missing segments." D REC Q S PRCMID=$$FLD^HLCSUTL(.HLNODE,3) I '$D(PRCMID) S PRCMID="No MID",PRCERR=1,PRCMSG="4A"_"^No MID" D REC Q S PRCSUB="PRCHAAC1;"_PRCMID I $P(HLNODE,HLFS)'="MSA" S PRCERR=1,PRCMSG="5A"_"^No MSA segment." D REC Q S PRCACK=$P(HLNODE,HLFS,2) S PRCBATCH=$G(HLNODE) I $P(HLNODE,HLFS)="MSA"&(PRCACK="AA") D Q . S ^XTMP(PRCSUB,"AAC_MSG_ID")=PRCACMSG . S ^XTMP(PRCSUB,"IFCAP_MSG_ID")=$P(PRCBATCH,HLFS,3) . D END ; ;If there is an error, store the entire string. I PRCACK'="AA" S PRCERR=1,PRCMSG=PRCACK_";"_PRCBATCH D REC Q ; REC ;For errors, log as much as possible in ^XTMP I '$D(PRCMID) S PRCMID=$$FLD^HLCSUTL(.HLNODE,3) I '$D(PRCSUB) S PRCSUB=$S(PRCMID>0:"PRCHAAC1;"_PRCMID,1:"PRCHAAC1;"_"No MID") D ERR,END Q