PRCHAM8 ;WISC/RHD,AKS-AMENDMENTS TO P.O. ASKER & SIGNER ; V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ASK(PRCHPO,PRCHAN) ;Ask user for their Esig ;USAGE: $$ASK^PRCHAM8(PODA,AN) ;PRCHPO is internal PO number ;PRCHAN is internal amendment number ;RETURN is the return value passed back to caller, 0=FAIL 1=SUCCESS ;P is the pointer of who was assigned to the amendment ;PNAM is the name of the person identified by P in file 200 N P,PRCSIG,ROUTINE S RETURN=0,P=+$G(^PRC(443.6,PRCHPO,6,PRCHAN,1)) I P<1 W !?5,"Purchasing Agent Field is undefined !",$C(7) Q RETURN I P'=DUZ D Q RETURN .N PNAM S PNAM=$P($G(^VA(200,P,0)),"^",1) .W !?5,PNAM," was assigned to this Amendment." .W !?5,"Either have them sign the Amendment or" .W !?5,"reassign the Amendment to yourself.",$C(7) .Q S PRCSIG="" D ESIG^PRCUESIG(P,.PRCSIG) I PRCSIG<1 W !?5,"" S ROUTINE="PRCUESIG" D QQ Q RETURN S RETURN=1 Q RETURN ; COMMIT(PRCHPO,PRCHAN,RETURN) ;put on validation code ;USAGE: D COMMIT^PRCHAM8(PODA,AN,.Y) then check Y value ;PRCHPO is internal PO number ;PRCHAN is internal amendment number ;RETURN is the return value passed back to caller, 0=FAIL 1=SUCCESS ;DO NOT 'NEW' THE VARIABLE 'RETURN' IN HERE ; SINCE IT IS PASSED BACK TO CALLING ROUTINE! N PRCSUM,PRCSIG,ROUTINE S RETURN=0 Q:'$D(^PRC(442,PRCHPO,0)) RETURN Q:'$D(^PRC(443.6,PRCHPO,0)) RETURN S PRCSUM=$$SUM^PRCUESIG(PRCHPO_"^"_$$STRING^PRCHES5(^PRC(442,PRCHPO,0),^PRC(442,PRCHPO,1),^PRC(442,PRCHPO,12))) S PRCSIG="" D ENCODE^PRCHES10(PRCHPO,PRCHAN,DUZ,.PRCSIG) S ROUTINE="PRCHMA" I PRCSIG<1 G QQ ;S X=$P(^PRC(443.6,PRCHPO,6,PRCHAN,1),U,4) S:X]"" $P(^PRC(443.6,PRCHPO,7),U,1)=X S PRCSIG="" D RECODE^PRCHES12(PRCHPO,PRCSUM,.PRCSIG) S ROUTINE="PRCHMA" I PRCSIG<1 G QQ S RETURN=1 Q ; QQ ;error reporter N DIR S:'$D(ROUTINE) ROUTINE=$T(+0) W !!,$$ERR^PRCHQQ(ROUTINE,PRCSIG) W:PRCSIG=0!(PRCSIG=-3) !,"Notify Application Coordinator!" S DIR(0)="EAO",DIR("A")="Press to continue " D ^DIR Q