PRCHCD0 ;WISC/AKS-Taskman job to zero out 'Monthly Purchase Limit' each month ; 7/12/01 5:03pm ;;5.1;IFCAP;**36**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; QUIT ZERO ; To zero out the monthly purchases at the beginning of every month. ; N N S N=0 F S N=$O(^PRC(440.5,N)) Q:'N S $P(^PRC(440.5,N,2),U)=0 QUIT ; ADJ1 ; Deduct amount from monthly purchases before amendment for new amount ; is approved if PO is from the current month and year only. ; PRCMCP is monthly card purchases, PRCHTAMT is original order amount ; PRCOLD is card balance after deducting the original order's amount ; DT is the current date, system-supplied. ; Q:FILE'=443.6 S X1=$P(^PRC(442,PRCHPO,1),U,15),X2=DT S PRCHCD=$P(^PRC(442,PRCHPO,23),U,8) I $E(X1,1,5)=$E(X2,1,5) D . S PRCHTAMT=$P($G(^PRC(FILE,PRCHPO,0)),U,16) . I PRCHTAMT<0 S PRCHTAMT=0 . S PRCMCP=$P($G(^PRC(440.5,PRCHCD,2)),U,1) . S PRCOLD=PRCMCP-PRCHTAMT I PRCOLD<0 S PRCOLD=0 . S ^TMP("PRCHCD0",$J,PRCHPO)=PRCOLD K PRCHTAMT,PRCMCP,PRCOLD K X1,X2 Q ; LIMIT ; Check purchase card limits and add new purchase if limit is ok. ; Deduct discounts and add shipping charges if any is applicable. ; N PRCHCD,PRCHCD0,PRCHDLMT,PRCHMLMT,PRCHPURS,PRCHTAMT I FILE'=442&(FILE'=443.6) W !,"Improper file." Q S (PRCHTAMT,N)=0 S PRCHCD=$P(^PRC(442,PRCHPO,23),U,8) S PRCHCD0=$G(^PRC(440.5,PRCHCD,0)) I $D(^PRC(FILE,PRCHPO,2)) F S N=$O(^PRC(FILE,PRCHPO,2,N)) Q:'N S PRCHTAMT=PRCHTAMT+$P($G(^PRC(FILE,PRCHPO,2,N,2)),U)-$P($G(^PRC(FILE,PRCHPO,2,N,2)),U,6) ; S:$P($G(^PRC(FILE,PRCHPO,0)),U,13)]"" PRCHTAMT=PRCHTAMT+$P(^(0),U,13) I PRCHTAMT<0 D S ERROR=1 K PRCHTAMT Q . W !!!,?5,"The total amount of this order cannot be negative.",! ; S PRCHDLMT=$P(PRCHCD0,U,5),PRCHMLMT=$P(PRCHCD0,U,6) S:$D(^TMP("PRCHCD0",$J,PRCHPO)) PRCHPURS=$P($G(^TMP("PRCHCD0",$J,PRCHPO)),U)+PRCHTAMT S:'$D(^TMP("PRCHCD0",$J,PRCHPO)) PRCHPURS=$P($G(^PRC(440.5,PRCHCD,2)),U)+PRCHTAMT I $G(PRCHTAMT)>PRCHDLMT D S ERROR=1 . W !!!,?5,"The total amount of this order is more than the Single Purchase limit",!,?5,"for the purchase card.",! I $G(PRCHPURS)>PRCHMLMT D S ERROR=1 . W !!!,?5,"The total amount of this order and the previous purchases on this",!,?5,"purchase card is more than the monthly purchase limit.",! I $D(^TMP("PRCHCD0",$J,PRCHPO)) K ^TMP("PRCHCD0",$J,PRCHPO) QUIT