PRCHCHK ;WISC/DJM/DGL-IFCAP FILE COMPARE UTILITY ; 11/3/99 12:43pm V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This routine compares the site's file 442.3 with DATA in PRCHCHK3. ; ;DATA is the information that will be compared with ;the GLOBAL nodes. ; ; All entries in DATA have one ";" in front. ; ; The DATA section is set up with two lines of information. ; The first line is the full NODE of the record. ; The second line is the data entered into the NODE. If there ; is no data for a NODE the second line will be empty. The second ; line will always be entered, even if it has no data. ; ; The terminator of DATA is always ";;END". ; SETUP ; FLAG STATES ; ; FLAG=0 CONTINUE CHEKING. ; FLAG=1 STOP CHECKING, NODE DOESN'T MATCH DATA. ; FLAG=2 VERIFY THAT NO MORE NODES EXIST IN THE FILE. ; ";;END" FOUND. ; N DIFROM,FLAG,ROOT,START,LOOP,POINT,ND,SEARCH,NODE,VALUE,DATA,ZZ,X,FN N XMY,XMDUN,XMSUB,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,COUNT,FILE,CC,Y S FLAG=0 S ROOT="^PRCD(442.3" S START=0 ; CHECK ;Site file compared to national DATA ; S LOOP=START S POINT=2 S ND=0 ;ND=NODE or DATA S SEARCH=ROOT_"," F S LOOP=$O(@(SEARCH_LOOP_")")) Q:LOOP="" Q:LOOP="AC" D Q:FLAG>0 . S NODE=$P($T(DATA+POINT+ND^PRCHCHK3),";",2,99) . I NODE["END" D Q:FLAG>0 . . S NODE=$P(NODE,";",2,99) . . I NODE=";;END" S FLAG=2 Q . . I NODE[";" S FLAG=1 Q . . Q . I ND=0 D . . S NODE=$P($T(DATA+POINT+ND^PRCHCHK3),";",2,99) . . S VALUE=SEARCH_LOOP_",0)" . . I NODE=VALUE D Q . . . S ND=ND+1#2 . . . Q . . S FLAG=1 . . Q . I ND=1 D . . S NODE=$P($T(DATA+POINT+ND^PRCHCHK3),";",2,99) . . S DATA=@(SEARCH_LOOP_",0)") . . I DATA=NODE D Q . . . S ND=ND+1#2 . . . S POINT=POINT+2 . . . Q . . S FLAG=1 . . Q . Q ; MESSAGE ;Determine results of comparison ; I FLAG=2 D . S LOOP=$O(@(SEARCH_LOOP_")")) Q:LOOP="" D . . S FLAG=1 . Q I FLAG=0,LOOP="" S FLAG=1 I FLAG=0,LOOP="AC" S FLAG=2 ; I FLAG=1 D ERROR I FLAG=2 D OK Q ; OK ;Site's file conforms to standard (Modified for MailMan 7.1 *50) ; K ZZ,XMY X ^%ZOSF("UCI") S FN=$P(ROOT,"(",2) S ZZ(1)="File, "_FN_", has been checked by patch PRC*5*236 and" S ZZ(2)="has been found to conform to the national standard." S ZZ(3)=" " S ZZ(4)="No further action is required by your SITE." S ZZ(5)=" " S ZZ(6)="SITE: "_$G(^DD("SITE")) S ZZ(7)="UCI: "_Y S XMY("I:G.STATUS UPDATES@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" S XMY("I:G.IRM")="" S XMY(DUZ)="" S XMDUN="IFCAP File Checker" S XMSUB="OK File "_FN_" at "_$G(^DD("SITE")) S XMDUZ="IFCAP File Checker" S XMBODY="ZZ" D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(DUZ,XMSUB,XMBODY,.XMY) Q ; ERROR ;Site's file does NOT conform to standard (Modified for MailMan 7.1 *50) ;Send notification of error to IRM and Status Updates K ZZ,XMY S FN=$P(ROOT,"(",2) X ^%ZOSF("UCI") S ZZ(1)="A discrepancy was noted in your data by patch PRC*5*236 in file "_FN_"." S ZZ(2)="Both the data and the data dictionary for file "_FN_" were" S ZZ(3)="sent to 'G.STATUS UPDATES' at FORUM." S ZZ(4)=" " S ZZ(5)="The Washington CIOFO will review the data." S ZZ(6)=" " S ZZ(7)="There is no action required of your SITE at this time." S ZZ(8)=" " S ZZ(9)="SITE: "_$G(^DD("SITE")) S ZZ(10)="UCI: "_Y S XMDUN="IFCAP File Checker" S XMSUB="Problem in File "_FN S XMDUZ="IFCAP File Checker" S XMBODY="ZZ" S XMY(DUZ)="" S XMY("I:G.STATUS UPDATES@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" S XMY("I:G.IRM")="" D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(DUZ,XMSUB,XMBODY,.XMY) ; ;Send the 'DD' and the data from FILE 442.3 to 'G.STATUS UPDATES' K ZZ,XMY X ^%ZOSF("UCI") S ZZ(1)="This file, "_FN_", does not match the data sent in patch PRC*5*236." S ZZ(2)=" " S ZZ(3)="SITE: "_$G(^DD("SITE")) S ZZ(4)="UCI: "_Y S ZZ(5)=" " S XMDUN="IFCAP File Checker" S XMSUB="Problem in File "_FN_" "_$G(^DD("SITE")) S XMDUZ="IFCAP File Checker" S XMBODY="ZZ" S XMY("I:G.STATUS UPDATES@FORUM.VA.GOV")="" ; ;Load DD for file 442.3 into message array S COUNT=6 S ZZ(COUNT)="DD FOR FILE 442.3" S COUNT=COUNT+1 S FILE="^DD(442.3)" F S FILE=$Q(@FILE) Q:FILE="" Q:$P($P(FILE,"(",2),",",1)>FN D . S ZZ(COUNT)=FILE_" = "_@FILE . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . Q ; ;Put space between DD and data F CC=1:1:3 S ZZ(COUNT)=" ",COUNT=COUNT+1 S ZZ(COUNT)="DATA FROM FILE 442.3" S COUNT=COUNT+1 ; ;Load data from file 442.3 into message array S FILE="^PRCD(442.3)" F S FILE=$Q(@FILE) Q:FILE="" Q:$P($P(FILE,"(",2),",",1)>FN D . S ZZ(COUNT)=FILE_" = "_@FILE . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . Q ; ;Send completed message D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(DUZ,XMSUB,XMBODY,.XMY) Q