PRCHFCY ;WISC/KMB/CR-ENTRY ACTION FOR FINAL CHARGE YES REPORT 6/09/98 ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. N AA,J,ORIG,OUT,REM,STA,START,STR,STR1,TIMES,VALUE,XXZ,EN,END,FIN,I,COUNT S XXZ="",CCHECK="####" S (COUNT,I)=0 F S I=$O(^PRC(440.5,"C",DUZ,I)) Q:I="" D .Q:$P($G(^PRC(440.5,I,2)),U,2)="Y" .S COUNT=COUNT+1,STR=$P($G(^PRC(440.5,I,0)),"^",1),STR1=$P($G(^PRC(440.5,I,0)),"^",11) .S AA(DUZ,COUNT)=STR_"^"_STR1_"^"_I I COUNT=0 W !,"You are not a purchase card holder." QUIT S REM=COUNT#20,END=COUNT-REM,TIMES=END/20 READ ; S VALUE=0 R !,"Enter Purchase Card Name: ",XXZ:200 D LOOK1^PRCSPC I XXZ="^" QUIT I XXZ="" W !,"Invalid entry." G READ I +XXZ<1 W !,"Invalid entry." G READ I $G(AA(DUZ,XXZ))="" W !,"This card is not registered to you." G READ S CCHECK=$P(AA(DUZ,XXZ),"^") W " ",$P(AA(DUZ,XXZ),"^",2) ; QUIT ; ASK ;ask user if they wish to print data for all purchase cards, ;inactive cards, or active cards W !,"Please select the type of purchase cards you wish to display:",!! S DIR(0)="S^A:Active;I:Inactive;B:Both",DIR("A")="TYPE" D ^DIR K DIR Q:Y["^" S TYPE=Y QUIT ASK1 ; N SCREEN S SCREEN="I $P($G(^PRC(440.5,D0,2)),""^"",2)" S:TYPE="B" TYPE=SCREEN_"[""""" S:TYPE="I" TYPE=SCREEN_"=""Y""" S:TYPE="A" TYPE=SCREEN_"'=""Y""" S DIS(0)=TYPE QUIT ; OFFI ;get official or alternate for Unreconciled Austin Transactions ;Report W !! S DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC="^VA(200," D ^DIC S ENTRY=+Y K Y,DIC QUIT ; FIND ;find PC official or alternate for card on CC record Q:'$D(D0) N SET1,SET2 S (SET3,SET4)="" S SET1=$P($G(^PRCH(440.6,D0,0)),"^",4) Q:SET1="" S SET2=$O(^PRC(440.5,"B",SET1,0)) I $P($G(^PRC(440.5,+SET2,0)),"^",9)=ENTRY D Q .S SET3=$P($G(^PRC(440.5,+SET2,0)),"^",9),SET4=$P($G(^VA(200,SET3,0)),"^") I $P($G(^PRC(440.5,+SET2,0)),"^",10)=ENTRY D .S SET3=$P($G(^PRC(440.5,+SET2,0)),"^",10),SET4=$P($G(^VA(200,SET3,0)),"^") QUIT