PRCHLO5 ;WOIFO/DAP/RLL-manual run for procurement reports ; 10/16/06 2:12pm V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**83,98**;Oct 20, 2000;Build 37 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ENT ;This routine tasks out the execution of the procurement extract ;reports associated with PRC*5.1*83 (CLRS). ; N ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,PRCHPRO,ZTSK,ZTREQ,PRCPMSG S ZTRTN="RUNEXT^PRCHLO5" S ZTDESC="PRCPLO CLO Procurement Reports CLRS" S ZTDTH=$H S ZTREQ="@" S ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD S PRCHPRO=ZTSK ;Calls mail group message generation and screen display with success ;or exception notification I $D(PRCHPRO)[0 S PRCPMSG(1)="A task could not be created for the CLO Procurement Reports - please contact IRM." W ! D EN^DDIOL(PRCPMSG(1)) D MAIL^PRCHLO4A Q ; S PRCPMSG(1)="Task # "_PRCHPRO_" entered for Procurement Reports." W ! D EN^DDIOL(PRCPMSG(1)) ; ;*98 Modified to move MAIL and MAILFTP tags to routine PRCHLO4A ; D MAIL^PRCHLO4A ; Q PRCPCMP ; Notification of completion of building Procurement Report Data N PRCPMSG S PRCPMSG(1)="PO Procurement Data extract complete." D EN^DDIOL(PRCPMSG(1)) D MAIL^PRCHLO4A Q ; RUNEXT ; Run extract reports for PO Activity N CLRSERR,CLRSTST1 ; error flag for exception handling,tst entry pt. ; CLRSERR will be set for the following conditions: ; 0 - Success, status message for completion is sent. ; 1 - Error creating ^TMP($J) data (i.e. disk full) ; 2 - Error creating Files(i.e. directory patch, VMS Space, etc.) ; 3 - Error creating .Com file for FTP transfer, permissions issue ; 4 - Error with FTP Transfer,ntwk/permissions, Report Server issue ; 5 - Error with file deletion/cleanup prior to processing ; 6 - Error, lock is present. Process already running S CLRSERR=0 TSTMSG ; This entry point is used to test the messaging framework ; S SLRSTST1=1 S CLRSERR=0 ; Check for O/S version N CKOS S CKOS=$$OS^%ZOSV() ; use lock to prevent mult. runs L +^PRCP(446.7,"STATUS"):3 I $T=0 S CLRSERR=6 I CLRSERR=0 D DELRUN^PRCHLO5 I CLRSERR=5 D . N PRCPMSG . S PRCPMSG(1)="Error with file deletion/cleanup prior to processing. Please contact IRM." . S PRCPMSG(2)=" " . S PRCPMSG(3)="This error indicates the CLRS EXTRACT DIRECTORY has not" . S PRCPMSG(4)="been properly set up during the installation of this patch." . S PRCPMSG(5)=" " . S PRCPMSG(6)="(Please refer to the pre installation instructions for PRC*5.1*83)" . S PRCPMSG(7)=" " . S PRCPMSG(8)="A valid directory must be set up with the" . S PRCPMSG(9)="proper read/write/execute/delete privileges." . S PRCPMSG(10)=" " . S PRCPMSG(11)="In addition, the directory name which you create" . S PRCPMSG(12)="must be added as the CLRS EXTRACT DIRECTORY" . S PRCPMSG(13)="through the CLO System Parameters Option." . S PRCPMSG(14)="If the field is blank, you will generate this error." . S PRCPMSG(15)=" " . S PRCPMSG(16)="Please confirm all steps have been performed" . S PRCPMSG(17)="according to the pre installation instructions for patch PRC*5.1*83." . D MAILFTP^PRCHLO4A . Q ; Begin to build files I CLRSERR=0 D INIT^PRCHLO I CLRSERR=0 D PRCPCMP^PRCHLO5 ; PO activity Extract logic completed I $D(CLRSTST1) D ; test point to generate message 1 . Q:CLRSTST1'=1 . S CLRSERR=1 . Q I CLRSERR=1 D . N PRCPMSG ; error building ^TMP($J) . S PRCPMSG(1)="Error, No Data for PO Activity Files, contact IRM" . D MAILFTP^PRCHLO4A . Q CRFILE ; Create .txt file to confirm write privileges to directory I CLRSERR=0 D TSTF^PRCHLO4 ; will return CLRSERR=2 on error I CLRSERR=0 D CLRSFIL^PRCHLO4 I CLRSERR=2 D . N PRCPMSG . S PRCPMSG(1)="Error, Problem with FTP File Creation, contact IRM" . D MAILFTP^PRCHLO4A . Q I CLRSERR=0 D . N PRCPMSG . S PRCPMSG(1)="Built PO Activity Extracts and GIP Extracts for transfer" . D MAILFTP^PRCHLO4A . Q I CKOS["VMS" D . I CLRSERR=0 D CRTCOM^PRCHLO4 . Q I CKOS["NT" D . I CLRSERR=0 D CRTWIN^PRCHLO4A . Q I CLRSERR=6 D . N PRCPMSG . S PRCPMSG(1)="Error encountered when attempting to run CLO PO" . S PRCPMSG(2)="activity reports due to other CLRS extracts in" . S PRCPMSG(3)="progress. Please try again later." . D MAILFTP^PRCHLO4A . Q I $D(CLRSTST1) D ; test point to generate message 3 . Q:CLRSTST1'=3 . S CLRSERR=3 . Q I CLRSERR=0 D CKRPTSV^PRCHLO4A ;ping report server for availability I CLRSERR=3 D . N PRCPMSG . S PRCPMSG(1)="Error, problem creating SETUP file for FTP Transfer, contact IRM." . S PRCPMSG(2)="The Report Server may be unavailable for processing." . D MAILFTP^PRCHLO4A . Q I CLRSERR=0 D . N PRCPMSG,FILEDIR . S FILEDIR=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","PRCPLO EXTRACT DIRECTORY",1,"Q") . S PRCPMSG(1)="Final FTP Setup complete, beginning FTP Transfer" . S PRCPMSG(2)=" " . S PRCPMSG(3)="The file transfer to the report server has been initiated." . S PRCPMSG(4)="You will be receiving a notification that the FTP" . S PRCPMSG(5)="process has completed. The notification message" . S PRCPMSG(6)="should be received within the hour. If you do not" . S PRCPMSG(7)="receive the FTP process has completed message," . S PRCPMSG(8)="please contact IRM. IRM can confirm the process" . S PRCPMSG(9)="is still running by performing the following" . S PRCPMSG(10)="command:" . S PRCPMSG(11)=" " . S PRCPMSG(12)="At the MUMPS Programmer prompt, type D ^%SS" . S PRCPMSG(13)=" " . S PRCPMSG(14)="See if there are any PRCHLO* routines running." . S PRCPMSG(15)=" " . S PRCPMSG(16)="If these routines are present, the process is still" . S PRCPMSG(17)="running. If you waited one hour, and did not get the" . S PRCPMSG(18)="FTP process has completed message, a problem" . S PRCPMSG(19)="was encountered. Further troubleshooting can be" . S PRCPMSG(20)="performed by examining the LOGFILE CLRSxxxFTP1.LOG" . S PRCPMSG(21)="where xxx is your station ID#. The logfile is" . S PRCPMSG(22)="located in the following directory: "_FILEDIR . S PRCPMSG(23)=" " . D MAILFTP^PRCHLO4A . Q I CKOS["VMS" D . I CLRSERR=0 D . . D CRTCOM1^PRCHLO4 . . D FTPCOM^PRCHLO4 . . Q . Q I CKOS["NT" D . I CLRSERR=0 D . . D CRTWIN^PRCHLO4A . . D FTPCOM^PRCHLO4A . . Q . Q ; release the lock L -^PRCP(446.7,"STATUS") I CLRSERR=4 D . N PRCPMSG,FILEDIR . S FILEDIR=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","PRCPLO EXTRACT DIRECTORY",1,"Q") . S PRCPMSG(1)="An Error occurred during the FTP Transfer "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H) . S PRCPMSG(2)="Contact IRM to perform troubleshooting steps" . S PRCPMSG(3)="by examining the logfile CLRSxxxFTP1.LOG where" . S PRCPMSG(4)="xxx is your station number. The logfile is located" . S PRCPMSG(5)="the FTP directory "_FILEDIR . S PRCPMSG(6)=" " . D MAILFTP^PRCHLO4A . Q I CLRSERR=0 D . N PRCPMSG,FILEDIR . S FILEDIR=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","PRCPLO EXTRACT DIRECTORY",1,"Q") . S PRCPMSG(1)="The FTP Transfer process completed, "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H) . S PRCPMSG(2)=" " . S PRCPMSG(3)="The Clinical Logistics 0ffice should examine the Report Server" . S PRCPMSG(4)="FTP directory for your files. If the files from your" . S PRCPMSG(5)="station are not found, IRM can provide additional" . S PRCPMSG(6)="troubleshooting steps by examining the LOGFILE" . S PRCPMSG(7)="CLRSxxxFTP1.LOG where xxx is your station number." . S PRCPMSG(8)="The logfile is located in the directory: "_FILEDIR . S PRCPMSG(9)=" " . S PRCPMSG(10)="The contents of the logfile are listed below:" . D LOG2FILE^PRCHLO4A . Q ; CLEAN UP K ^TMP($J) K ^TMP("PRCHLOG",$J) Q DELRUN ; delete previous run at the beginning of the program ; N FILCK,FILDEL,TFILE1,TFILE2,OUTFL1,OUTFL2,POP,STID ; create, delete, then create files to clean up and confirm ; write / delete privileges to directory S POP="" S STID=$$GET1^DIQ(4,$$KSP^XUPARAM("INST")_",",99) S OUTFL1="CLRS"_STID_"TST.TXT" S OUTFL2="IFCP"_STID_"TST.TXT" S FILEDIR=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","PRCPLO EXTRACT DIRECTORY",1,"Q") I FILEDIR="" D . S CLRSERR=5 . Q I FILEDIR=" " D . S CLRSERR=5 . Q I CLRSERR=0 D OPEN^%ZISH("TFILE1",FILEDIR,OUTFL1,"W") I POP D . S CLRSERR=5 . Q I CLRSERR=0 D . D USE^%ZISUTL("TFILE1") . W !,"$ ! This is a test file to confirm write/delete access" . W !,"$ ! once file access is confirmed, file is deleted" . W !,"$ EXIT" . D CLOSE^%ZISH("TFILE1") . D OPEN^%ZISH("TFILE2",FILEDIR,OUTFL2,"W") . D USE^%ZISUTL("TFILE2") . W !,"$ ! This is a test file to confirm write/delete access" . W !,"$ ! once file access is confirmed, file is deleted" . W !,"$ EXIT" . D CLOSE^%ZISH("TFILE2") . Q ; DELWIN ; DELETE windows files, need to handle 1 file at a time ; SACC Exception received for usage of $ZF(-1) in PRC*5.1*83 ; See IFCAP technical manual. I CKOS["NT" D DELWIN^PRCHLO4A DELFILS ; Delete the files / clean-up before processing ; ; SACC Exception received for usage of $ZF(-1) in PRC*5.1*83 ; See IFCAP technical manual I CKOS["VMS" D ;O/S IS VMS . Q:CLRSERR'="0" . N PV,PV1,XPV,XPV1 . S XPV="S PV=$ZF(-1,""DELETE "_FILEDIR_"*"_STID_"*.*;*"")" . X XPV . Q Q