PRCHNPT ;SF/TKW-INPUT TRANSFORM ;9-1-89/1:58 PM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**108**;Oct 20, 2000;Build 10 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified EN1 ;INPUT TRANSFORM FOR NSN (FIELD #5) ON ITEM MASTER FILE (441) Q:'$D(X) I '$D(^PRC(441.2,+X,0)) W $C(7),!,"First 4 digits MUST be an FSC code!!" K X Q S Z=$O(^PRC(441,"BB",X,0)) S:Z=DA Z=$O(^(DA)) I Z W $C(7),!,"This NSN has already been assigned to Item # "_Z_"!!" K X,Z Q K Z Q ; -------------------- ; *108 - additional Input Transform code and Executable Help code added 4/6/2007 by T. Holloway ; CONTRACT(PRCDA1,PRCINPUT) ; 443.6 : 443.61 : 4 - CONTRACT/BOA # Input Transform ; PRCDA1 = the IEN for file 443.6 passed in from the DA(1) variable. ; PRCINPUT = the user input passed in from the X variable N D,DA,DIC,DR,X S X=PRCINPUT S DA(1)=+$P(^PRC(443.6,PRCDA1,1),U) S DIC="^PRC(440,DA(1),4,",DIC(0)="QELM" D ^DIC K DIC Q Y ; HLPCON(PRCDA1,PRCINPUT) ; 443.6 : 443.61 : 4 - CONTRACT/BOA # Executable Help ; PRCDA1 = the IEN for file 443.6 passed in from the DA(1) variable. ; PRCINPUT = the user input passed in from the X variable, will be some form of ?. N D,DA,DIC,DR,X,Y,Z1 S X=PRCINPUT S DA(1)=+$P(^PRC(443.6,PRCDA1,1),U),Z1=$P(^(1),U,7) I '$D(^PRC(440,DA(1),4,0)) Q S DIC("S")=$S(Z1=2:"I $P(^PRC(440,DA(1),4,+Y,0),U,6)'=""B""",1:"I 1") S DIC="^PRC(440,DA(1),4,",DIC(0)="QEM" D ^DIC Q