PRCHQ1B ;(WASH ISC)/LKG - Request for Quotation ;8/6/96 20:48 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. BOCINP ;Input transform for BOC N PRC2237,Z0,DIC S PRC2237=$P($G(^PRC(444,D0,0)),U,9) I PRC2237'?1.N K X Q S Z0=$S($D(^PRCS(410,PRC2237,3)):+$P(^(3),U,3),1:0) I 'Z0!'$D(^PRCD(420.1,Z0,1,0)) K X Q S DIC="^PRCD(420.1,Z0,1,",DIC(0)="EMQZ" D ^DIC I +Y'>0 K X Q S X=+$P(Y(0),U) I '$D(^PRCD(420.2,X,0)) K X Q Q BOCHLP ;Executable help for BOC N PRCTXT,PRC2237,D,Z0,DIC,PRCDA S PRCDA=D0 S PRCTXT(1)="Major budget object code classifications are:" S PRCTXT(2)="10 thru 13 - Personal Services and Benefits" S PRCTXT(3)=" 21 - Travel and Transportation of Persons" S PRCTXT(4)=" 22 - Transportation of Things" S PRCTXT(5)=" 23 - Rent, Communications, and Utilities" S PRCTXT(6)=" 24 - Printing and Reproduction" S PRCTXT(7)=" 25 - Other Services" S PRCTXT(8)=" 26 - Supplies and Materials" S PRCTXT(9)="31 thru 33 - Acquisition of Capital Assets" D EN^DDIOL(.PRCTXT) S PRC2237=$P($G(^PRC(444,PRCDA,0)),U,9) I PRC2237'?1.N D EN^DDIOL("2237 pointer is missing so can't determine available BOCs.") Q S X="?",Z0=$S($D(^PRCS(410,PRC2237,3)):+$P(^(3),U,3),1:0) I 'Z0!'$D(^PRCD(420.1,Z0,1,0)) D EN^DDIOL("2237's Cost Center is missing so can't determine available BOCs.") Q S DIC="^PRCD(420.1,Z0,1,",DIC(0)="QEM" D ^DIC Q LINENET() ;Calculates the net line amount for item in quote ;;Net = Unit_Price * Quantity - Volume_Discount N PRCX,PRCY S PRCX=$$GET^DDSVAL(444.026,.DA,13)*$$GET^DDSVAL(444.026,.DA,2) S PRCY=+$$GET^DDSVAL(444.026,.DA,14) S PRCY=$S(PRCY>0:PRCX*PRCY/100,1:$$GET^DDSVAL(444.026,.DA,15)) S:PRCY>0 PRCX=PRCX-PRCY Q $FN(PRCX,"",2) STATUSDT ;Sets/Clears Date assigned critical statuses N PRCI S PRCI=$S(X=0:16,X=2:15,X=3:12,X=4:13,X=5:14,1:"") I PRCI]"" D . N %,%H,%I,X D NOW^%DTC . S $P(^PRC(444,DA,1),U,PRCI)=% I X=1!(X=2) D . S $P(^PRC(444,DA,1),U,12,13)="^" Q DUN(Z) ;Returns Dun number for Solicited Vendor (Z=5) or Quote Vendor (Z=8) N X,Y S Y="" I $D(D0),$D(D1) D . S X=$P($G(^PRC(444,D0,Z,D1,0)),U) Q:X="" . S Y=$S($P(X,";",2)[440:$P($G(^PRC(440,$P(X,";"),7)),U,12),1:$P($G(^PRC(444.1,$P(X,";"),0)),U,2)) Q Y QUOTETOT(PRCD0,PRCD1) ;Sets Total for Quote in field #8 of subfile #444.024 N PRCX,PRCI,DA,DIC,DIE,DR S PRCX=0,PRCI=0 F S PRCI=$O(^PRC(444,PRCD0,8,PRCD1,3,PRCI)) Q:PRCI'?1.N D . S PRCX=PRCX+$P($G(^PRC(444,PRCD0,8,PRCD1,3,PRCI,1)),U,7) S PRCX=PRCX+$P($G(^PRC(444,PRCD0,8,PRCD1,1)),U,2) S DA=PRCD1,DA(1)=PRCD0,DIE="^PRC(444,DA(1),8,",DR="8///^S X=PRCX" D ^DIE Q PUBLIC ;Sets Required status of Transmit to Public field N PRCX,PRCIENS S PRCX=$$GET^DDSVAL(444,DA,6,"","I"),PRCX=$S(PRCX="m":0,1:1) S PRCIENS=DA_"," D REQ^DDSUTL(2,"PRCHQ7",6,PRCX,PRCIENS) Q PUBLIC2 ;Sets Require status of Transmit to Public when Method ;of Processing Changes. N PRCX,PRCIENS S PRCIENS=DA_",",PRCX=$S(X="m":0,1:1) D REQ^DDSUTL(2,"PRCHQ7",6,PRCX,PRCIENS) Q FCP ;Input Transform for Fund Control Point N Z0,DIC S Z0=$E($P(^PRC(444,DA,0),U),1,3) K:'Z0 X Q:'Z0 Q:'$D(^PRC(420,Z0,1,0)) S DIC="^PRC(420,Z0,1,",DIC(0)="QEMNZ" D ^DIC S X=$P(Y(0),U) K:Y'>0 X Q FCPHLP ;Executable Help for Fund Control Point N ZD,Z0,DIC S:$D(D)#10=1 ZD=D,X="?",Z0=$E($P(^PRC(444,DA,0),U),1,3) Q:'Z0 Q:'$D(^PRC(420,Z0,1,0)) S DIC="^PRC(420,Z0,1,",DIC(0)="QEM" D ^DIC S:$D(ZD)#10=1 D=ZD Q REQDFLD1 ;Checks required fields in Item edit page N PRCIT,PRCJ,PRCAR,PRCWP S PRCJ=1 S PRCIT=$$GET^DDSVAL(444.019,.DA,.01) I PRCIT="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="Line Item # is missing" S PRCWP=$$GET^DDSVAL(444.019,.DA,1.5) I $P($G(@PRCWP@(0)),U,4)'>0 S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="Description is missing for Item #"_PRCIT I $$GET^DDSVAL(444.019,.DA,1.6)="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="Short Description is missing for Item #"_PRCIT I $$GET^DDSVAL(444.019,.DA,3)="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="Unit of Purchase is missing for Item #"_PRCIT I $$GET^DDSVAL(444.019,.DA,2)="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="Quantity is missing for Item #"_PRCIT I $$GET^DDSVAL(444.019,.DA,6)="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="SIC Code is missing for Item #"_PRCIT I $$GET^DDSVAL(444.019,.DA,4)="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="Federal Supply Class is missing for Item #"_PRCIT I $$GET^DDSVAL(444.019,.DA,12.5)="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="BOC is missing for Item #"_PRCIT I PRCJ>1 D . S PRCAR(1)="** Warning: The following Required Fields were not completed: " . D HLP^DDSUTL(.PRCAR) D HLP^DDSUTL("$$EOP") Q REQDFLD2 ;Checks required fields in Delivery Schedule N PRCDS,PRCJ,PRCAR S PRCJ=1 Q:$G(DA)'>0 S PRCDS=$$GET^DDSVAL(444.039,.DA,.01) Q:PRCDS="" I $$GET^DDSVAL(444.039,.DA,1)="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="Delivery Date is missing for Delivery Schedule #"_PRCDS I $$GET^DDSVAL(444.039,.DA,2)="" S PRCJ=PRCJ+1,PRCAR(PRCJ)="Quantity is missing for Delivery Schedule #"_PRCDS I PRCJ>1 D . S PRCAR(1)="** Warning: The following Required Fields were not completed: " . D HLP^DDSUTL(.PRCAR) D HLP^DDSUTL("$$EOP") Q METHOD(PRCX) ;Additional Data Validation for Method of Solicitation Q:PRCX="m" N PRCVEN S PRCVEN=$$GET^DDSVAL(444.01,.DA,.01,"","I") I PRCVEN'["PRC(440" S DDSERROR=1 I PRCVEN["PRC(440",$P($G(^PRC(440,+PRCVEN,3)),U,2)'="Y" S DDSERROR=1 I PRCVEN["PRC(440",$P($G(^PRC(440,+PRCVEN,7)),U,12)="" S DDSERROR=1 D:$G(DDSERROR)=1 HLP^DDSUTL("Only MANUAL method is available for Non-EDI Vendor or vendor without Dun#.") Q DBCHK(PRCX) ;Validates Dun & Bradstreet # by Mod 10 and Mod 10 plus 5 N I,T,V,W,Y,Z S Y=$E(PRCX,$L(PRCX)) S W="" F I=1:1:$L(PRCX)-1 S Z=$E(PRCX,I),W=W_(1+(I#2=0)*Z) S T=0 F I=1:1:$L(W) S T=T+$E(W,I) S V=T\10+1*10-T,V=$E(V,$L(V)) I V=Y Q 1 ;Mod 10 checksum S V=V+5,V=$E(V,$L(V)) I V=Y Q 1 ;Mod 10 plus 5 checksum Q 0