PRCOACT0 ;WISC - "ACT" & "PRJ" TRANSACTIONS CONT. ;8/5/96 ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;called from routine PRCOACT PERROR ;entry with PRCXM( array that contains error in processing ;entry will send mail group defined in 423.5 the error ; I '$O(PRCXM(0)) Q S PRCMG=$S('$D(PRCMG):.5,$E(PRCMG,1,2)'="G.":"G."_PRCMG,1:.5) S XMY(PRCMG)="" S XMDUZ="IFCAP SERVER PROCESSOR" S XMTEXT="PRCXM(" S XMSUB="IFCAP EDI/RFQ MESSAGE ERROR" D ^XMD K XMY,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,PRCXM Q ; EXTRL(V,T) ;Removes leading spaces or zeros. ;V=variable to be parced ;T=1 remove leading zeros, T="" remove leading spaces S T=$S($G(T):0,1:" ") F Q:$E(V)'=T S V=$E(V,2,$L(V)) Q V ;