PRCOVUP2 ;WCAMPUS/-GENERATE MAIL MESSAGE AT END OF CONVERSION ;3/22/95 ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;create a message at completion of the vendor upload ;the message will summerize the number of active ;vendors on file and the number that converted ; D:'$D(DT) DT^DICRW ;set DT if undef ; ;PRVTOT = total number of active vendors in last 2 years ;PRVFMS = total number of active vendors that converted(fms code) N I,J,PRVIEN,PRVTOT,PRVFMS,PRVTXT S I=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-730) ;date two years ago from today F S I=$O(^PRC(442,"AB",I)) Q:'I D . S J=0 F S J=$O(^PRC(442,"AB",I,J)) Q:'J S PRVIEN=+$G(^PRC(442,J,1)) I PRVIEN D .. I $D(^PRC(440,PRVIEN,0)) S:'$D(^TMP($J,"PRCOVUP1",PRVIEN)) ^(PRVIEN)="" ; ^TMP($J,"PRCOVUP1",PRVIEN) is the active vendors used last 2 yrs ; S (PRVTOT,PRVFMS)=0 S I=0 F S I=$O(^TMP($J,"PRCOVUP1",I)) Q:'I S PRVTOT=PRVTOT+1 D . I $P($G(^PRC(440,I,3)),U,4)]"" S PRVFMS=PRVFMS+1 ; S PRVTXT(1)="IFCAP Vendor conversion has run to completion." S PRVTXT(2)=" Summary Statistics" S PRVTXT(3)=" Total number of active vendors on file : "_PRVTOT S PRVTXT(4)=" Total number of active vendors converted : "_PRVFMS ;generate mail message vendor upload complete and give stats S PRCMG=$S('$D(PRCMG):.5,$E(PRCMG,1,2)'="G.":"G."_PRCMG,1:.5) S XMY(PRCMG)="",XMDUZ=.5 S XMSUB="IFCAP VENDOR CONVERSION SUMMARY" S XMTEXT="PRVTXT(" D ^XMD K XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMY,^TMP($J,"PRCOVUP1") Q