PRCPAGS0 ;WISC/RFJ-autogenerate secondary order ;01 Dec 92 ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. D ^PRCPUSEL Q:'$G(PRCP("I")) I PRCP("DPTYPE")'="S" W !!,"THIS OPTION CAN ONLY BE USED BY SECONDARY INVENTORY POINTS." Q N %,D,INVPT,PRCPEXIT,PRCPFLAG,PRCPFNON,PRCPFONE,V,X,Y S %="========== PART 1: SELECTION OF DISTRIBUTION INVENTORY POINTS ==========" W !!?(80-$L(%)\2),% W !!,"Selected distribution inventory points will be used to auto-generate the order." K ^TMP($J,"PRCPAG") S INVPT=$$FROMCHEK^PRCPUDPT(PRCP("I"),0) I $G(PRCPFNON) W !!,"THIS INVENTORY POINT IS NOT STOCKED BY A PRIMARY INVENTORY POINT." Q I $G(PRCPFONE) S %=$$INVNAME^PRCPUX1(INVPT) W !!,"This inventory point is only stocked by: ",% S ^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",INVPT)=% G AUTOGEN K PRCPFLAG D ALL Q:$G(PRCPFLAG) F D Q:$G(PRCPFLAG) . I $O(^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",0)) D . . W !!!," Currently selected distribution inventory points:",!," " . . S V=0 F S V=$O(^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",V)) Q:'V S %=$E(^(V),1,20),%=%_$E(" ",$L(%),20) W:$X>70 !," " W %," " . . W !," You can DE-select one of the above distribution points by reselecting it." . W !!,"Select the name of the inventory point that stocks your secondary, '^' to exit." . I '$O(^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",0)) W !,"Press return without a selection to select ALL distribution inventory points." . S Y=$$FROM^PRCPUDPT(PRCP("I")) I Y["^" S (PRCPEXIT,PRCPFLAG)=1 Q . I 'Y,'$O(^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",0)) D ALL S:$G(PRCPFLAG) PRCPEXIT=1 Q . I 'Y S PRCPFLAG=1 Q . I $D(^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",+Y)) K ^(+Y) W !?10,"DE-selected !" Q . S ^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",+Y)=$$INVNAME^PRCPUX1(Y) W !?10,"selected !" I $G(PRCPEXIT) D Q Q ; AUTOGEN ; start autogen with selected distribution points S %="========== PART 2: START AUTO-GENERATION ==========" W !!?(80-$L(%)\2),% I '$O(^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",0)) W !!,"NO DISTRIBUTION INVENTORY POINTS SELECTED." Q W !!,"Auto-generating from the following distribution inventory points:",! S V=0 F S V=$O(^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",V)) Q:'V S %=$E(^(V),1,20),%=%_$E(" ",$L(%),20) W:$X>70 ! W %," " ; ; check to see if there are outstanding distribution orders ; unreleased K PRCPFLAG S X=0 F S X=$O(^PRCP(445.3,"AD",PRCP("I"),X)) Q:'X S D=$G(^PRCP(445.3,X,0)) I D'="",$P(D,"^",6)="" D . I '$G(PRCPFLAG) W !!,"The following distribution orders have not been released for filling:" . W !?5,$P(D,"^"),?15,"primary ",$$INVNAME^PRCPUX1(+$P(D,"^",2)),?50,"Date: ",$E($P(D,"^",4),4,5),"-",$E($P(D,"^",4),6,7),"-",$E($P(D,"^",4),2,3) . S PRCPFLAG=1 S %=1 I $G(PRCPFLAG) S %=2 W !,"Since the DUE-INS have not been created for the above orders, you may want to",!,"check them before continuing with auto-generating the new distribution order." S XP="ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO START AUTO-GENERATION",XH="Enter 'YES' to start auto-generating the order, 'NO' or '^' to exit." W !! I $$YN^PRCPUYN(%)=1 D START^PRCPAGS1 Q K ^TMP($J,"PRCPAG") Q ; ; ALL ; select all distribution inventory points S XP=" Do you want to select ALL distribution inventory points",XH=" Enter 'YES' to autogen from ALL distribution inventory points,",XH(1)=" 'NO' or '^' to exit." W ! S %=$$YN^PRCPUYN(1) I %=2 Q I %=1 D Q . S X=0 F S X=$O(^PRCP(445,"AB",PRCP("I"),X)) Q:'X S ^TMP($J,"PRCPAG","V",X)=$$INVNAME^PRCPUX1(X) S PRCPFLAG=1 Q