PRCPHLPO ;WISC/CC-REFILL AND POST ORDER FROM 447.1 ENTRY ;4/00 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**1,24**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; PROCESS(PRCPDA,PRCPDONE) ; N CONV,DIE,DR,ERR,I,ITEM,LOCKORD,LOCKPRIM,ORDERDA,X,PRCPITDA,PRIM N PRCPAMT,PRCPDATA,PRCPHL7,PRCPITEM,PRCPITNM,PRCPLEFT,PRCPNOIT N PRCPORD,PRCPPOST,PRCPPRIM,PRCPSECO,PRCPSS,PRCPSSFL,PRCPTIME,PRCPUSER ; S PRCPDONE=0,LOCKORD=0,LOCKPRIM=0,ERR=0 S PRCPDATA=^PRCP(447.1,PRCPDA,0) S PRCPHL7=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",6)_".447.1" S ORDERDA=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",7) S PRCPSECO=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",3) S PRCPTIME=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",8) S PRCPUSER=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",10) S PRCPPOST=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",11) ; L +^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA):3 I $T=0 S PRCPDONE=0 Q D ADD^PRCPULOC(445.3,ORDERDA_"-1",0,"HL7 Distribution Order Processing") S LOCKORD=1 ; I PRCPPOST'="FU" D I $D(ERR),+ERR>0 G ERR . S PRCPITDA=0 . S PRCPITDA=$O(^PRCP(447.1,PRCPDA,1,PRCPITDA)) . I '+PRCPITDA S ERR="6F" Q ; no item in transaction . S PRCPDATA=^PRCP(447.1,PRCPDA,1,PRCPITDA,0) . S PRCPITEM=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",1) . S PRCPAMT=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",3) ; REFILL QTY - restock issue units . S PRCPLEFT=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",2) . S PRCPITNM=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",4) ; I '$D(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA)) S ERR="2A" G ERR ; order not in GIP S PRCPPRIM=$P(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,0),"^",2) I $P(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,0),"^",6)="P" S ERR="2B" G ERR ; order is posted I $P(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,0),"^",10)']"" S ERR="2C" G ERR ; order not to be completed by supply station I '$D(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO)) S ERR="3A" G ERR ; secondary not in GIP I $P(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,0),"^",3)'="S" S ERR="3B" G ERR ; not a secondary I PRCPPOST="FU" D G:ERR>0 ERR G UPDATE . I $P($G(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,5)),"^",1)']"" S ERR="3F" ; not a supply station secondary ; I PRCPITDA']"" S ERR="6F" G ERR ; no item information I '$D(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,1,PRCPITEM)) S ERR="6A" G ERR ; not on the GIP order" I '$D(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,1,PRCPITEM)) S ERR="6C" G ERR ; "Not in this inventory point" I $P(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,1,PRCPITEM,0),"^",9)'>0 S ERR="6D" G ERR ; not flagged as a supply station item" I '$D(^PRCP(445,PRCPPRIM,1,PRCPITEM)) S ERR="6B" G ERR ; not in the primary" I $P($G(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,5)),"^",1)']"" S ERR="3F" G ERR ; not a supply station secondary I $P($G(^PRC(441,PRCPITEM,0)),"^",6)="S" S ERR="6G" G ERR ; case cart/ik ; compare name in 445 with name sent, notify user if mismatch, CONTINUE S PRCPSSFL=$P(^PRCP(445.5,$P(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,5),"^",1),0),"^",2) ; if item name on supply station comes from item master I PRCPSSFL="O",$P(^PRC(441,PRCPITEM,0),"^",2)'=PRCPITNM D NAME^PRCPHL70(PRCPSECO,PRCPITEM,PRCPITNM,PRCPSSFL,PRCPHL7) ; if item name on supply station is from the secondary I PRCPSSFL="S",$G(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,1,PRCPITEM,6))'=PRCPITNM D NAME^PRCPHL70(PRCPSECO,PRCPITEM,PRCPITNM,PRCPSSFL,PRCPHL7) ; UPDATE I $P(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,0),"^",6)="P" S ERR="2B" G ERR ; order is posted I PRCPPOST'="FU",'$D(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,1,PRCPITEM)) S ERR="6D" G ERR ; item not on order I PRCPPOST'="FU" D G Q ; add amount received to order . S DIE="^PRCP(445.3,"_ORDERDA_",1," . S DA=PRCPITEM . ; the following lines handle the case on an item in multiple bins . ; The user receiving an item in multiple bins will generate one . ; transaction per bin. . S X=$P($G(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,1,DA,0)),"^",7)+0 ; amt refilled so far . S PRCPAMT=PRCPAMT+X . S DR="6///^S X=PRCPAMT" . D ^DIE K DIE . S PRCPDONE=1 . ; . S ^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,1,PRCPITEM,9)=PRCPLEFT_"^"_PRCPTIME ; I PRCPPOST="FU" D G Q . S PRCPSS=1 . L +^PRCP(445,PRCPPRIM,1):3 I $T=0 S PRCPDONE=0 Q . S LOCKPRIM=1 . D ADD^PRCPULOC(445,PRCPPRIM_"-1",0,"HL7 Distribution Order Processing") . D PRCPSS^PRCPOPP(ORDERDA,PRCPSECO,PRCPPRIM,PRCPSS) . S PRCPDONE=1 . ; verify each item has refill amount . S ITEM=0 . F S ITEM=$O(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,1,ITEM)) Q:'ITEM D . . S X=$P($G(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,1,ITEM,0)),"^",7) . . I X']"" S PRCPNOIT(ITEM)=1 . I $D(PRCPNOIT) D ; send message for items not refilled . . N ITEMNM,LN,PRCPXMY,TYPE,XMB,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMY . . K ^TMP($J,"PRCPHL7") . . S ITEM=0,LN=0 . . F S ITEM=$O(PRCPNOIT(ITEM)) Q:'ITEM D . . . S LN=LN+1 . . . S ITEMNM=$P($G(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,1,ITEM,6)),"^",1) . . . I ITEMNM']"" S TYPE=$P(^PRCP(445.5,$P(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO,5),"^",1),0),"^",2) D . . . . I TYPE="S" S ITEMNM=$P($G(^PRCP(445,PRCPPRIM,1,ITEM,6)),"^",1) . . . . I TYPE="O" S ITEMNM=$P($G(^PRC(441,ITEM,0)),"^",2) . . . S ^TMP($J,"PRCPHL7",1,LN,0)=$E(" ",$L(ITEM),7)_ITEM_" "_ITEMNM . . S ^TMP($J,"PRCPHL7",1,0)=LN . . D GETUSER^PRCPXTRM(PRCPPRIM) Q:'$O(PRCPXMY("")) ; find primary inventory point users . . S ITEM=0 . . ; restrict message to inventory point managers . . F S ITEM=$O(PRCPXMY(ITEM)) Q:ITEM'>0 I PRCPXMY(ITEM)=1 S XMY(ITEM)="" . . S XMTEXT="^TMP($J,""PRCPHL7"",1," . . S XMB(1)=$P(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,0),"^",1) . . S XMB(3)=$$INVNAME^PRCPUX1(PRCPSECO) . . S XMB(2)=$P(^PRCP(445,$P(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,0),"^",2),0),"^",1) . . S XMB="PRCP_NO_REFILL" . . S XMDUZ="SUPPLY STATION INTERFACE" . . D EN^XMB . . K ^TMP($J,"PRCPHL7") ; ERR ; N NUMBER,PRCPHLPO S NUMBER=ERR S PRCPHLPO("ORDER")=$P($G(^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA,0)),"^",1) S PRCPHLPO("SIPNAME")="" I $D(^PRCP(445,PRCPSECO)) S PRCPHLPO("SIPNAME")=$$INVNAME^PRCPUX1(PRCPSECO) S PRCPHLPO("ITEM")="" I $D(PRCPITEM) S PRCPHLPO("ITEM")=PRCPITEM S PRCPHLPO("NAME")="" I $D(PRCPITNM) S PRCPHLPO("NAME")=PRCPITNM S PRCPHLPO("QTY")="" I $D(PRCPAMT) S PRCPHLPO("QTY")=PRCPAMT S PRCPHLPO("LEFT")="" I $D(PRCPLEFT) S PRCPHLPO("LEFT")=PRCPLEFT S PRCPHLPO("TYPE")="" I $D(PRCPPOST) S PRCPHLPO("TYPE")=PRCPPOST D ERR^PRCPHLM0(ERR,"PRCP_BAD_ORDER",PRCPSECO,.PRCPHLPO,PRCPHL7) S PRCPDONE=1 ; Q I LOCKORD L -^PRCP(445.3,ORDERDA) D CLEAR^PRCPULOC(445.3,ORDERDA_"-1",0) I LOCKPRIM L -^PRCP(445,PRCPPRIM,1) D CLEAR^PRCPULOC(445,PRCPPRIM_"-1",0) Q