PRCPSSQA ;WISC/CC-Enter/edit privileged secondary IP users ;04/01 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**24**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; AC ;I 'application coordinator W "You do not have access to this option" Q I '$$KEY^PRCPUREP("PRCPAQOH",DUZ) D EN^DDIOL("You are not authorized to give staff access to replace quantities.") Q ; N D,D0,D1,DA,DIC,DIDEL,DIE,DIK,DLAYGO,DQ,DR,INVPT,PRCF,PRCPPRIV,USER,X,Y,% ; ask site S %=0 F I="FY","PARAM","PER","QTR","SITE" I '+$G(PRC(I)) S %=1 Q I % S PRCF("X")="S" D ^PRCFSITE I '+$G(PRC("SITE")) K PRC,PRCP Q ; ; ask inventory point I '$D(PRCP("DPTYPE")) S PRCP("DPTYPE")="S" S DIC="^PRCP(445,",DIC(0)="AEQMOZ" S DIC("S")="I +^(0)=PRC(""SITE"")" S DIC("S")=DIC("S")_",PRCP(""DPTYPE"")[$P(^PRCP(445,+Y,0),U,3)" S DIC("A")="Select Secondary Inventory Point: " S D="C",PRCPPRIV=1 D IX^DIC K PRCPPRIV,DIC I Y<0 K PRC,PRCP Q S INVPT=Y Q:'$G(INVPT) I PRCP("DPTYPE")'="S" Q I '$D(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,0)) Q I $P($G(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,5)),"^",1)']"" D EN^DDIOL("This secondary is not linked to a supply station") Q ; L +^PRCP(445,+INVPT,8):3 I $T=0 D EN^DDIOL("The authorized user file is busy. Please try again later.") Q ; ; purge inappropriate users S USER=0 F S USER=$O(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,8,USER)) Q:'+USER D . S X=USER D CHK(+INVPT,.X) I X="" D . . D EN^DDIOL("Removing "_$P(^VA(200,USER,0),"^")_".....") . . S DIK="^PRCP(445,"_+INVPT_",8,",DA(1)=+INVPT,DA=+USER D ^DIK K DIK . . W "User DELETED !" ; USERS ; ask users I '$D(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,0)) D EN^DDIOL("This inventory point is not on file") Q I '$D(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,8,0)) S ^(0)="^445.026P^^" S DIC(0)="AEMQO" S DA=+INVPT,(DIC,DIE)="^PRCP(445,",DIDEL=445,DR=26,PRCPPRIV=1 D ^DIE K PRCPPRIV,DIC,DIE Q ; ; ; invoked from this routine and input transform of .01 field in file 445.026 CHK(INVPT,USER) ; verify user has proper qualifications ; INVPT is the ien to file 445 (Inventory Point) ; USER is the ien to file 200 ; I $P($G(^VA(200,USER,0)),"^",11),$P(^(0),"^",11)