PRCPSSQT ;WISC/CC-Request GIP QOH be overwitten by supply station values ;04/01 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**24**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; option requires multiple keys and other access privileges. N %,%DT,DA,DIE,DIR,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,PRCPACT,PRCPDATA,PRCPNEXT N PRCPREQ,PRCPSTOP,PRCPTIME,X,Y,% ; I '$D(PRCP("DPTYPE")) S PRCP("DPTYPE")="S" D ^PRCPUSEL Q:'$G(PRCP("I")) I PRCP("DPTYPE")'="S" Q I $P($G(^PRCP(445,PRCP("I"),5)),"^",1)']"" D EN^DDIOL("This secondary is not linked to a supply station") Q I '$$KEY^PRCPUREP("PRCP2 MGRKEY",DUZ) D EN^DDIOL("You must be a secondary inventory point manager to user this option.") Q I '$$KEY^PRCPUREP("PRCPSSQOH",DUZ) D EN^DDIOL("You must be authorized to request an adjustment to supply station values") Q I '$D(^PRCP(445,PRCP("I"),8,DUZ,0)) D Q . D EN^DDIOL("You may not request an update for this inventory point.") . D EN^DDIOL("Please contact your application coordinator.") ; L +^PRCP(445,PRCP("I"),7):3 I $T=0 D EN^DDIOL("The request file is busy. Please try again later.") Q D ADD^PRCPULOC(445,PRCP("I")_"-7",0,"Request GIP Quantity Replacement") S PRCPSTOP=0 ; ; check to see if request is pending - allow deletion if exists S PRCPREQ=$G(^PRCP(445,PRCP("I"),7)) I $P(PRCPREQ,"^")]"" D I PRCPSTOP G EXIT . S Y=$P(PRCPREQ,"^",2) X ^DD("DD") . S PRCPTIME=Y . D EN^DDIOL(" ") . N DA,DIE,DIR,DR . S DIR(0)="Y" . S DIR("A",1)=$P(^VA(200,+PRCPREQ,0),"^")_" made a request on "_PRCPTIME . S DIR("A",2)=" " . S DIR("A")="Do you wish to remove this" . S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to delete the current request" . S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'N' or 'NO' to retain the current request and quit" . D ^DIR . I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) S PRCPSTOP=1 Q . I Y=0 S PRCPSTOP=1 Q . S DIE="^PRCP(445,",DA=PRCP("I"),DR="24////@;25////@" . D ^DIE . D EN^DDIOL("The current request has been deleted.") . Q ; K X S X(1)="WARNING: USE THIS OPTION ONLY IF THE INTERFACE IS FUNCTIONING WELL AND IS " S X(2)=" UP-TO-DATE ON PROCESSING TRANSACTIONS." D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(1,79,.X) D EN^DDIOL(" ") D EN^DDIOL("Your name will be on the Transaction Register for all adjusted items.") D EN^DDIOL("Please keep any records needed to justify these adjustments.") ; ; ask if they wish to proceed. D EN^DDIOL(" ") S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you wish to create a new request" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) G EXIT I Y=0 D EN^DDIOL("No request created.") G EXIT ; I $$ORDCHK^PRCPUITM(0,+PRCP("I"),"R","R") D G EXIT . D EN^DDIOL(" ") . D EN^DDIOL("This inventory has released orders that are not yet posted.") . D EN^DDIOL("YOU MUST FIRST POST OR DELETE ALL RELEASED ORDERS ON THIS INVENTORY POINT.") ; D EN^DDIOL(" ") S DIR("A")="Is recent supply station activity on the transaction register" S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR I Y=0 D I PRCPSTOP G EXIT . S X(1)="Do not run this option until you know the interface is working correctly. " . S X(2)="Call your IRM to verify:" . S X(3)="1) TaskMan is running" . S X(4)="2) PRCP2 SUPPLY STATION TXN RUN is scheduled for every 3-5 minutes." . S X(5)="3) The interface links are set up properly and are open." . D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(1,79,.X) . S PRCPSTOP=1 ; ; check for unprocessed transactions, stop if first transaction is older than 20 minutes S PRCPNEXT=$O(^PRCP(447.1,"C",+PRCP("PAR"),PRCP("I"),"")) I PRCPNEXT]"" D I PRCPSTOP=1 G EXIT . ; get info about txn, if older than 20 minutes, stop . N DIR,PRCPACT,PRCPTIME . D EN^DDIOL(" ") . D EN^DDIOL("There are supply station transactions waiting to be processed.") . S PRCPDATA=^PRCP(447.1,PRCPNEXT,0) . S %DT="S",Y=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",4) D DD^%DT S PRCPACT=Y . D EN^DDIOL("The oldest transaction was created at "_PRCPACT) . S %DT="S",Y=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",8) D DD^%DT S PRCPTIME=Y . D EN^DDIOL("and was received by VistA at "_PRCPTIME) . S Y=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",8) D NOW^%DTC . I %-Y>.002 D S PRCPSTOP=1 QUIT . . S X(1)="This is more than 20 minutes ago. You may not proceed until these" . . S X(2)="transactions are processed. Call IRM and verify the PRCP2 Supply Station" . . S X(3)="TXN Run option is scheduled to run every 3 to 5 minutes in TaskMan." . . D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(1,79,.X) . S Y=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",4),PRCPTIME=$P(PRCPDATA,"^",8) . I PRCPTIME-PRCPDATA>0 D . . D EN^DDIOL(" ") . . D EN^DDIOL("This transaction implies the clock setting on the supply station is wrong.") . . D EN^DDIOL("Please adjust the time on the supply station system to match the VistA") . . D EN^DDIOL("system before filing your request") . S DIR("A")="Do you wish to proceed?" . S DIR(0)="Y" . D ^DIR . I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) S PRCPSTOP=1 QUIT . I Y=0 S PRCPSTOP=1 QUIT . Q ; ; ask for signature, if verified save DUZ and date/time in node 7 of file 445 D ESIG^PRCUESIG(DUZ,.PRCPSTOP) I PRCPSTOP'=1 D EN^DDIOL("No request to replace the GIP quantities was filed.") I PRCPSTOP=1 D . W ! . D NOW^%DTC . S ^PRCP(445,PRCP("I"),7)=DUZ_"^"_% . D EN^DDIOL("Your request to replace GIP values is now on file.") . D BLDSEG^PRCPHLQU(PRCP("I")) . D EN^DDIOL(" ") . D EN^DDIOL("Sending request for quantity information to supply station...") . D EN^DDIOL(" ") . D EN^DDIOL("The first QOH transaction time stamped by the supply station after") . S Y=% X ^DD("DD") . D EN^DDIOL(Y_" will cause the GIP values to be replaced.") . S PRCPSTOP=0 ; EXIT L -^PRCP(445,PRCP("I"),7) D CLEAR^PRCPULOC(445,PRCP("I")_"-7",0) Q