PRCPWPL2 ;WISC/RFJ/DGL-whse post issue book (cancel);13 Jan 94 [1/13/99 11:16am] V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; CANCEL ; cancel item D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" N DATA,LINEDA,STATUS,X,XP K X S X(1)="This option will allow you to CANCEL a line item on the issue book. Once a line item is cancelled, the due-ins and due-outs will be decreased by the outstanding quantity." D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) F W ! S LINEDA=$$LINEITEM^PRCPWPL0 Q:LINEDA<1 D . S DATA=$G(^PRCS(410,PRCPDA,"IT",LINEDA,0)) I DATA="" W !,"CANNOT FIND LINE ITEM." Q . S STATUS=$P(DATA,"^",14),XP="" . I STATUS'="" W !,"ITEM IS ALREADY CANCELLED",$S(STATUS["S":" AND SUBSTITUTED WITH LINE #(S): "_$P(STATUS,",",2,99),1:"") Q . I $P(DATA,"^",12)>$P(DATA,"^",13) S XP="Primary will NOT be able to receive this item. " . S XP=XP_"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CANCEL THIS ITEM",XH="Enter YES to CANCEL this line item." . W ! I $$YN^PRCPUYN(1)'=1 Q . D CANCELIT D REBUILD^PRCPWPLB Q ; ; CANCELIT ; cancel the item without asking S ^TMP($J,"PRCPWPLMPOST",LINEDA)=0 N %,DATA,ITEMDA,QTYOUT S DATA=$G(^PRCS(410,PRCPDA,"IT",LINEDA,0)) I DATA="" Q S ITEMDA=+$P(DATA,"^",5) S QTYOUT=$P(DATA,"^",2)-$P(DATA,"^",12) I QTYOUT<0 S QTYOUT=0 I $P(DATA,"^",14)'["C" S $P(^PRCS(410,PRCPDA,"IT",LINEDA,0),"^",14)="C"_$P(DATA,"^",14) I $D(^PRCP(445,PRCPINPT,1,ITEMDA,0)) W !?5,"... decrementing due-outs@warehouse by ",QTYOUT D SETOUT^PRCPUDUE(PRCPINPT,ITEMDA,-QTYOUT) I $D(^PRCP(445,PRCPPRIM,1,ITEMDA,7,PRCPDA,0)) D . W !?5,"... decrementing due-ins @primary by ",QTYOUT . I QTYOUT>0 D SETIN^PRCPUDUE(PRCPPRIM,ITEMDA,-QTYOUT) . S DIK="^PRCP(445,"_PRCPPRIM_",1,"_ITEMDA_",7," . S DA=PRCPDA,DA(1)=ITEMDA,DA(2)=PRCPPRIM . D ^DIK W !,"*** Line item HAS BEEN cancelled ***" Q ; ; FINAL ; make issue book a final D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" S PRCPFINL=$S($$FINALASK=1:1,1:0) D HDR^PRCPWPLM Q ; ; FINALASK() ; ask to make issue book a final N X K X S X(1)="You have the option to make this issue book a FINAL. If you make the issue book a FINAL, all due-outs and due-ins will be cancelled and you will no longer be able to post the issue book." D DISPLAY^PRCPUX2(5,75,.X) S XP="Do you want to make this issue book a FINAL",XH="Enter YES to make this issue book a final." Q $$YN^PRCPUYN(2)