PRCPXTRM ;WISC/RFJ-user termination, add, build array, utilities ; 11/6/06 8:46am ;;5.1;IFCAP;**98**;Oct 20, 2000;Build 37 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; TERMUSER(USERDUZ) ; remove user as inventory user from all inventory pts ; called internally (not by prcp options) ; 'Do' block modified by PRC*5.1*98 to add ODI cleanup I '$D(^VA(200,+USERDUZ,0)) Q N INVPT S INVPT=0 F S INVPT=$O(^PRCP(445,INVPT)) Q:'INVPT D . I $D(^PRCP(445,INVPT,4,USERDUZ)) D KILLUSER(INVPT,USERDUZ) . I $D(^PRCP(445,INVPT,9,USERDUZ)) D DEL^PRCPAODI(INVPT,USERDUZ) Q ; ; KILLUSER(INVPT,USERDUZ) ; remove user (userduz) from invpt I '$D(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,4,+USERDUZ)) Q N %,DA,DIC,DIK,X,Y S DIK="^PRCP(445,"_+INVPT_",4,",DA(1)=+INVPT,DA=+USERDUZ D ^DIK I '$O(^PRCP(445,INVPT,4,0)) D NOUSER(INVPT) Q ; ; NOUSER(INVPT) ; send mailmsg to g.irm if invpt has no users N INVNAME,PRCPTEXT,XCNP,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ ; XMSUB,XMTEXT added with PRC*5.1*98 S XMDUZ=.5,XMY("G.IRM")="" S INVNAME=$$INVNAME^PRCPUX1(INVPT) K PRCPTEXT S PRCPTEXT(1,0)="TO: G.IRM" S PRCPTEXT(2,0)="The inventory point "_INVNAME_" (#"_INVPT_") has NO authorized users" S PRCPTEXT(3,0)="(field #6 in file #445)." S PRCPTEXT(4,0)=" " S PRCPTEXT(5,0)="You can use the following mumps call to add users:" S PRCPTEXT(6,0)=" D ADDUSER^PRCPXTRM(INVPT,USERDUZ)" S PRCPTEXT(7,0)=" where INVPT is the internal inventory point number;" S PRCPTEXT(8,0)=" USERDUZ is the users DUZ." S PRCPTEXT(9,0)=" " S PRCPTEXT(10,0)="For example: D ADDUSER^PRCPXTRM("_INVPT_",100) would add user 100 to the" S PRCPTEXT(11,0)=INVNAME_" (#"_INVPT_") inventory point listed above." S PRCPTEXT(12,0)=" " S PRCPTEXT(13,0)="Once an inventory user is added, the inventory point may be inactivated" S PRCPTEXT(14,0)="if no longer used." S XMSUB="INVENTORY POINT HAS NO AUTHORIZED USERS",XMTEXT="PRCPTEXT(" D ^XMD Q ; ; ADDUSER(INVPT,USERDUZ) ; add authorized users to invpt I '$D(^VA(200,+USERDUZ,0)) Q I '$D(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,0)) Q I $D(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,4,+USERDUZ,0)) Q N %,D0,DA,DD,DIC,DINUM,DLAYGO,PRCPPRIV,X,Y ; DINUM added PRC*5.1*98 I '$D(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,4,0)) S ^PRCP(445,+INVPT,4,0)="^445.04P^^" S DIC="^PRCP(445,"_+INVPT_",4,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=445,DA(1)=+INVPT,(X,DINUM)=+USERDUZ,PRCPPRIV=1 D FILE^DICN Q ; ; GETUSER(INVPT) ; build prcpxmy array of users ; if user is manager, set prcpxmy(duz)=1 otherwise 0 N %,X K PRCPXMY I '$D(^PRCP(445,+INVPT,4)) Q S %=$P(^PRCP(445,INVPT,0),"^",3),%="PRCP"_$TR(%,"WSP","W2")_" MGRKEY" S X=0 F S X=$O(^PRCP(445,INVPT,4,X)) Q:'X S PRCPXMY(X)=$S($$KEY^PRCPUREP(%,X):1,1:0) Q ; ; INSTALL(SUBJECT,LINE2,TEXT) ; send install message to forum ; text = text to be included from line 10 and up N DIC,XCNP,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMZ S TEXT(1,0)=" ",TEXT(2,0)="Installation of IFCAP "_LINE2_" information message:",TEXT(3,0)="",TEXT(4,0)=" site: "_$G(^DD("SITE")) X ^%ZOSF("UCI") S TEXT(5,0)=" op sys: "_$P($G(^%ZOSF("OS")),"^"),TEXT(6,0)=" uci: "_Y,TEXT(7,0)=" user: "_$P($G(^VA(200,+DUZ,0)),"^") D NOW^%DTC S Y=% D DD^%DT S TEXT(8,0)=" date@time: "_Y,TEXT(9,0)=" " S XMDUZ=.5,XMY("G.IFCAP INSTALL@FORUM.VA.GOV")="",XMTEXT="TEXT(",XMSUB=SUBJECT D ^XMD Q