PRCSEA ;WISC/SAW/DXH/BM/SC/DAP - CONTROL POINT ACTIVITY EDITS ; 3/31/05 2:59pm V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**81**;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;PRC*5.1*81 BMM 3/23/05 when a 2237 is canceled, in CT1, add code ;to update Audit file (#414.02), and send update message to ;DynaMed thru a call to rtn PRCVTCA. ; ENRS ;ENTER REQ S PRCSK=1,X3="H" D EN1F^PRCSUT(1) ; ask site,FY,QRTR,CP & set up PRC array, PRCSIP variable ; prc*5*197 G W2:'$D(PRC("SITE")),EXIT:Y<0 ; unauthorized user or '^' entered D W6 ; display help on transaction# format ENRS0 S DLAYGO=410,DIC="^PRCS(410,",DIC(0)="AELQ",D="H" S DIC("A")="Select TRANSACTION: " S DIC("S")="I '^(0),$P(^(0),U,3)'="""",$D(^PRCS(410,""H"",$P(^(0),U,3),+Y)),^(+Y)=DUZ!(^(+Y)="""")" ; only requests authored by user or unauthored will display on partial match D ^PRCSDIC ; lookup & preliminary validity checking K DLAYGO,DIC("A"),DIC("S") G:Y<0 EXIT I $P(Y,U,3)'=1 W $C(7)," Must be a new entry." G ENRS0 ;*81 Check site parameter to see if issue books are allowed D CKPRM^PRCSEB W !!,PRCVY,! S (PDA,T1,DA)=+Y L +^PRCS(410,DA):1 I $T=0 W !,"File is being accessed...try a different transaction number or try later" G ENRS0 S T(2)=$P(Y,U,2) D EN2A^PRCSUT3 ; saves CP,sta,substa,txn name,user,BBFY,RB stat,acct data in new txn (nodes 0,3,6,11 of file 410) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,14),"^")=DUZ ; originator (entered by) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,7),"^")=DUZ,$P(^PRCS(410,DA,7),"^",2)=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,20)),"^",3) ; requestor default I $G(PRCSIP) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),"^",6)=PRCSIP,^PRCS(410,"AO",PRCSIP,DA)="" ; PRCSIP was set up in PRCSUT & is inventory distribution point S PRCS="" ; set PRCS=1 if CP is automated, i.e. it uses IFCAP to send requests to A&MM I $D(^PRC(420,PRC("SITE"),1,+PRC("CP"),0)) S:$P(^(0),"^",11)="Y" PRCS=1 TYPE ; W !!,"This transaction is assigned temporary transaction number: ",T(2) S DIC("A")="FORM TYPE: ",DIC="^PRCS(410.5,",DIC(0)="AEQZ" S DIC("S")=PRCVX ; only allow selection of 2237's D ^DIC S DA=PDA ;if user didn't enter a form type, go ask whether to backout and act ;accordingly: go let them re-enter a form type or exit I Y<0 G:'$$BACKOUT(T(2),DA) TYPE L -^PRCS(420,DA) G EXIT ; I Y<2 W "??" G TYPE K PRCVX,PRCVY S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),"^",4)=+Y,X=+Y ; form type ; if CP is not automated (file 420), user's response will be overwritten with non-recuring (type 2). Although user's selection is changed 'behind the scenes', ; the scenario is unlikely to occur because full implementation of IFCAP was made mandatory and sites are now automated. S:'PRCS&(X>2) $P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),"^",4)=2,X=2 K PRCSERR ; flag denoting item info is missing S DIC(0)="AEMQ",(DIC,DIE)="^PRCS(410," S (PRCSDR,DR)="["_$S(X=2:"PRCSEN2237S",X=3:"PRCSENPRS",X=4:"PRCSENR&NRS",1:"PRCSENIBS")_"]" EN1 K DTOUT,DUOUT,Y D ^DIE S DA=PDA I $D(Y)!($D(DTOUT)) D DOR L -^PRCS(410,DA) G EXIT D RL^PRCSUT1 ; sets up 'IT' & '10' nodes D ^PRCSCK I $D(PRCSERR),PRCSERR G EN1 ; missing required field ('item') D DOR ; populate date of request field if it is nil L -^PRCS(410,DA) S T="enter" D W5 G EXIT:%'=1 W !! K PRCS("SUB") G ENRS ; EDRS ;EDIT REQ ; following line commented out by PRC*5*140 - user responses not used to limit selection of txn and sometimes resulted in bad info being set into the selected txn ; S PRCSK=1 D EN1F^PRCSUT(1) G W2:'$D(PRC("SITE")),EXIT:Y<0 ; ask sta,FY,QRTR,CP ; prc*5*197 ; if the above line is reactivated, programmer should note that the transaction selected may not be of the same FY,QRTR,sta, subst, and CP specified by the user D W6 ; format doc for txn# S X3="H" S DIC="^PRCS(410,",DIC(0)="AEQ",D="H" S DIC("A")="Select TRANSACTION: " S DIC("S")="I '^(0),$P(^(0),U,3)'="""",$P(^(0),U,4)'=1,^PRCS(410,""H"",$P(^(0),U,3),+Y)=DUZ!(^(+Y)="""")" ; request must be authored by user or unauthored & cannot be a 1358 D ^PRCSDIC G EXIT:Y<0 K DIC("A"),DIC("S") S (PDA,DA,T1)=+Y L +^PRCS(410,DA):1 I $T=0 W !,"File is being accessed...please try later" G EDRS ; following line commented out in PRC*5*140 - PRCSUT3 needs PRC("SST") or MYY to do something, neither exists in this option ; D EN2B^PRCSUT3 S PRC("SITE")=+$P(^PRCS(410,PDA,0),"^",5) S PRC("CP")=$P(^PRCS(410,PDA,3),"^") I $P(^PRCS(410,PDA,0),"^",6)="" D ; prc*5*197 . N PRCSIP D IP^PRCSUT . I $D(PRCSIP) S $P(^PRC(410,DA,0),U,6)=PRCSIP S X=+$P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),"^",4) I X<1 D FORM ;*81 Check site parameter to see if Issue Books are allowed D CKPRM I PRCVD=1 S PRCVZ=1 I PRCVD'=1 S PRCVZ=0 W !,"The form type for this transaction is ",$P($G(^PRCS(410.5,X,0)),"^"),! I PRCVZ=1,X=5 W !,"All Supply Warehouse requests must be processed in the new Inventory System.",!!,"Please cancel this IFCAP issue book order." S T="edit" D W5 G:%'=1 EXIT W !! K PRCS("SUB") G EDRS ; S DIC(0)="AEMQ",(DIC,DIE)="^PRCS(410," ;P182--Modified next 3 lines to use new templates if supply fund FCP S (DR,PRCSDR)="["_$S(X=1:"PRCE NEW 1358S",X=2:"PRCSEN2237S",X=3:"PRCSENPRS",X=4:"PRCSENR&NRS",1:"PRCSENIBS")_"]" ED1 K DTOUT,DUOUT,Y D ^DIE S DA=PDA I $D(Y)!($D(DTOUT)) L -^PRCS(410,DA) G EXIT D RL^PRCSUT1 D ^PRCSCK I $D(PRCSERR),PRCSERR G ED1 K PRCSERR S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,14),"^")=DUZ L -^PRCS(410,DA) S T="edit" D W5 G EXIT:%'=1 W !! K PRCS("SUB") G EDRS ; CT ;CANCEL A (PERMANENT) TRANS D EN3^PRCSUT G W2:'$D(PRC("SITE")),EXIT:Y<0 S DIC="^PRCS(410,",DIC(0)="AEMQ" ;S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),""^"",4)=.5!($S('$D(^(7)):1,1:$P(^(7),""^"",6)="""")) I +^(0)>0,$D(^(3)),+^(3)=+PRC(""CP""),$P(^(0),""^"",5)=PRC(""SITE"") I $D(^PRC(420,""A"",DUZ,PRC(""SITE""),+PRC(""CP""),1))!($D(^(2)))" S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2)=""O""!($P(^(0),U,2)=""A""&($P(^(0),U,4)=1)),$S('$D(^(7)):1,1:$P(^(7),""^"",6)=""""),$D(^(3)),+^(3)=+PRC(""CP""),$P(^(0),U,5)=PRC(""SITE"") I $D(^PRC(420,""A"",DUZ,PRC(""SITE""),+PRC(""CP""),1))!($D(^(2)))" S DIC("A")="Select TRANSACTION: " D ^PRCSDIC G EXIT:Y<0 K DIC("S"),DIC("A") CT1 W !,"Cancel this transaction" S %=2 D YN^DICN G CT1:%=0,EXIT:%'=1 S DA=+Y L +^PRCS(410,DA):1 I $T=0 W !,"File is being accessed...please try later" G CT S T=$P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),"^"),$P(^(11),"^",3)="",$P(^(0),"^",2)="CA",$P(^(5),"^")=0,$P(^(6),"^")=0 K ^PRCS(410,"F",+T_"-"_+PRC("CP")_"-"_$P(T,"-",5),DA),^PRCS(410,"F1",$P(T,"-",5)_"-"_+T_"-"_+PRC("CP"),DA),^PRCS(410,"AQ",1,DA) K ZX I $D(^PRCS(410,DA,4)) S ZX=^(4),X=$P(ZX,"^",8) F I=1,3,6,8 S $P(ZX,"^",I)=0 I $D(ZX) S ^PRCS(410,DA,4)=ZX K ZX I $D(^PRCS(410,DA,12,0)) S N=0 F I=0:0 S N=$O(^PRCS(410,DA,12,N)) Q:N'>0 S X=$P(^(N,0),"^",2) I X S DA(1)=DA,DA=N D TRANK^PRCSEZZ S DA=DA(1) D ERS410^PRC0G(DA_"^C") W !,"Enter comments for this cancellation",! S DIE=DIC,DR=60 D ^DIE ;PRC*5.1*81 if DM trx, update Audit file and send msg to DM D EN^PRCVTCA(DA) L -^PRCS(410,DA) I $D(^PRC(443,DA,0)) S DIK="^PRC(443," D ^DIK K DIK S T="cancel" D W4 G EXIT:%'=1 W !! G CT ; DT ;DELETE A (TEMPORARY) TRANS S X3="H" D W6 ; format doc for txn# S DIC="^PRCS(410,",DIC(0)="AEQ",DIC("A")="Select TRANSACTION: ",D="H" S DIC("S")="S W=$P(^(0),""^"",5),W(1)=+^(3) I '^(0),$P(^(0),""^"",3)'="""",^PRCS(410,""H"",$P(^(0),""^"",3),+Y)=DUZ!(^(+Y)="""")!($D(^PRC(420,""A"",DUZ,W,W(1),1)))!($D(^(2)))" D ^PRCSDIC G EXIT:Y<0 K DIC("S"),DIC("A") S DA=+Y L +^PRCS(410,DA):5 I $T=0 W !,"File is being accessed...please try later" G DT DT1 W !,"Delete this transaction" S %=2 D YN^DICN G DT1:%=0,EXIT:%'=1 ;The following line was commented out in patch 182; should NOT manually ;change or reset last assigned IEN # in node zero. ;S PRCSDA=$P(^PRCS(410,0),U,3),DIK=DIC S DIK=DIC W !,"Okay....." D ^DIK K DIK L -^PRCS(410,DA) ;The following line was commented out in patch 182; should NOT manually ;change or reset last assigned IEN # in node zero. ;S $P(^PRCS(410,0),U,3)=PRCSDA K PRCSDA W "It's deleted" S T="delete" D W4 G EXIT:%'=1 W !! G DT ; ; DOR ; Date of Request I $D(^PRCS(410,DA,1)),$P(^PRCS(410,DA,1),"^")'="" Q S %DT="X",X="T" D ^%DT S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,1),"^")=Y Q FORM ;*81 Allow user to change txn to a valid form and check site parameter to see if issue books are allowed D CKPRM I PRCVD=1 S PRCVX1="I Y>1&(Y<5)",PRCVY1="The Issue Book and NO FORM type are not valid in this option." I PRCVD'=1 S PRCVX1="I Y>1",PRCVY1="The NO FORM type is not valid in this option." W !,PRCVY1,! W !,"Please enter another form type",! S PRCSDAA=DA,DIC="^PRCS(410.5,",DIC("A")="FORM TYPE: ",DIC(0)="AEQZ" S DIC("S")=PRCVX1 D ^DIC S:Y=-1 Y=2 S DA=PRCSDAA,$P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),"^",4)=+Y,X=+Y K DIC,PRCVX1,PRCVY1,PRCVD Q ; ;Allow user the option of re entering a form type. If they decline, ;kill off the transaction and return 1; else return 0 BACKOUT(TRNNAME,TRNDA) ; N DIK,Y,%,DA W !!,"WARNING: WITHOUT A FORM TYPE, TRANSACTION """,TRNNAME,""" WILL BE DELETED!",$C(7) W !,"Are you sure you want to delete this transaction" S %=2 D YN^DICN I %=0 G BACKOUT I %=2 Q 0 S DIK="^PRCS(410,",DA=TRNDA D ^DIK Q 1 ; W2 W !!,"You are not an authorized control point user.",!,"Contact control point official" R X:5 G EXIT W3 Q ; can this subroutine be deleted? commented out in patch PRC*5*140 W !!,"This transaction is assigned temporary transaction number: ",X Q W4 W !!,"Would you like to ",T," another transaction" S %=2 D YN^DICN G W4:%=0 Q W5 W !!,"Would you like to ",T," another request" S %=1 D YN^DICN G W5:%=0 Q W6 W !!,"For the transaction number, use an uppercase alpha as the first character,",!," and then 2-15 alphanumerics, as in 'ADP1'.",! Q ;*81 Site parameter pull CKPRM S PRCVD=$$GET^XPAR("SYS","PRCV COTS INVENTORY",1,"Q") Q ; EXIT K %,C,D,DA,DIC,DIE,DR,PRCS,PDA,PRCSL,T,X,Y,Z,T1,X3,TYPE,PRCVZ I $D(PRCSERR) K PRCSERR Q