PRCSECP1 ;SF-ISC/LJP/DGL-COPY A TRANSACTION CON'T ; 7/29/99 1:54pm V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. S1 ;subroutine to copy transactions of form type 1 (i.e. 1358) K PRCSTMP N I,PRCSIP I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,0)) D . F I=2,4 S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),U,I)=$P(^PRCS(410,T1,0),U,I) . D IP^PRCSUT . I $G(PRCSIP) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),U,6)=PRCSIP S:$D(^PRCS(410,T1,1)) $P(^PRCS(410,DA,1),U,5)=$P(^(1),U,5) I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,3)) S PRCSTMP=^(3),^PRCS(410,DA,3)=$P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),U,1,2)_"^"_$P(PRCSTMP,U,3,6)_"^^"_$P(PRCSTMP,U,8)_"^^"_$P(PRCSTMP,U,10) I $P(PRCSTMP,U)'=$P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),U) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),U,3)="" S:$D(^PRCS(410,T1,10)) $P(^PRCS(410,DA,10),U)=$P(^(10),U) ; D CHECK D S4,S5,S7 Q ; ;subroutine S2 is called to copy all transactions of form type <> 1 ;(anything other than a 1358) S2 K PRCSTMP N I,PRCSIP ;if possible, copy over transaction type & form type from old trans. ;also get inventory distrib. point from NEW FCP inv distrib point I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,0)) D . F I=2,4 S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),U,I)=$P(^PRCS(410,T1,0),U,I) . D IP^PRCSUT . I $D(PRCSIP) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),U,6)=PRCSIP ;copy classification of request I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,1)) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,1),U,5)=$P(^(1),U,5) ;now copy cost center, vendor, requesting service, and vendor contract # ;"CHECK" checks for valid FCP user, CC, BOC, etc. I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,3)) D . F I=3,4,5,10 S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),U,I)=$P(^PRCS(410,T1,3),U,I) . I $P(^PRCS(410,T1,3),U)'=$P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),U) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),U,3)="" . D CHECK ;copy the line item count S:$D(^PRCS(410,T1,10)) $P(^PRCS(410,DA,10),U)=$P(^(10),U) ;S:$D(^PRCS(410,T1,9)) $P(^PRCS(410,DA,9),U,1)=$P(^(9),U,1) ; D S4,S5,S7 Q ; S3 ;Note: S3 commented out (prior to patch 182) so it falls through to S4 ;K PRCSTMP ;S:$D(^PRCS(410,T1,3)) $P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),U,3)=$P(^(3),U,3) D CHECK ;I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,"CO",0)) S ^PRCS(410,DA,"CO",0)=$P(^(0),U,1,4)_"^"_DT,PRCSI="CO",PRCSK=0 D S6 ;D S4 Q ; ; S4 ;copy vendor info and sort group ; S:$D(^PRCS(410,T1,2)) ^PRCS(410,DA,2)=^(2) S:$D(^PRCS(410,T1,11)) ^PRCS(410,DA,11)=$P(^(11),U,1) ;following line (copy sub control point) commented out before P182 ;I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,12,0)) S ^PRCS(410,DA,12,0)=^(0),PRCSI=12,PRCSK=0 D S6 Q ; S5 ;copy special remarks (using S6) S PRCSI="RM" I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,PRCSI,0)) D . S ^PRCS(410,DA,PRCSI,0)=$P(^(0),U,1,4)_"^"_DT,PRCSK=0 . D S6 Q ; S6 ;General purpose copy used for remarks F S PRCSK=$O(^PRCS(410,T1,PRCSI,PRCSK)) Q:'PRCSK D . S:$D(^PRCS(410,T1,PRCSI,PRCSK,0)) ^PRCS(410,DA,PRCSI,PRCSK,0)=$P(^(0),U,1) Q ; S7 ;copy the items from the old transaction to the new I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,"IT",0)) D . S ^PRCS(410,DA,"IT",0)=^PRCS(410,T1,"IT",0) . K PRCSTMP S PRCSK=0 . D S8 Q ; S8 ;copy the items from old to new (detail) F S PRCSK=$O(^PRCS(410,T1,"IT",PRCSK)) Q:'PRCSK I $D(^(PRCSK,0)) D . S PRCSTMP=^PRCS(410,T1,"IT",PRCSK,0) . S ^PRCS(410,DA,"IT",PRCSK,0)=$P(PRCSTMP,U,1,7) . S PRCSL=0 D S9 Q S9 ;copy the items from old txn to new (further detail) N PRCSTMP I $D(GET1) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,"IT",PRCSK,0),"^",4)=GET1 I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,"IT",PRCSK,1,0)) S PRCSTMP=^(0) D . S ^PRCS(410,DA,"IT",PRCSK,1,0)=$P(PRCSTMP,U,1,4)_"^"_DT F S PRCSL=$O(^PRCS(410,T1,"IT",PRCSK,1,PRCSL)) Q:'PRCSL D . L -^PRCS(410,DA) . I $D(^PRCS(410,T1,"IT",PRCSK,1,PRCSL,0)) S PRCSTMP=^(0),^PRCS(410,DA,"IT",PRCSK,1,PRCSL,0)=PRCSTMP Q CHECK ;Check for valid CC/BOC on the FCP for this transaction ;if old trans didn't have an FCP stop right now N TEST S TEST=$P($G(^PRCS(410,T1,3)),"^",3) Q:TEST="" S PRC("ACC")=$$ACC^PRC0C(PRC("SITE"),PRC("CP")_"^"_PRC("FY")_"^"_PRC("BBFY")) S PRCSAPP=$P(PRC("ACC"),"^",11) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),U)=PRC("CP"),$P(^(3),"^",2)=PRCSAPP,$P(^(3),"^",12)=$P(PRC("ACC"),"^",3) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),"^",11)=$P($$DATE^PRC0C(PRC("BBFY"),"E"),"^",7) S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,7),U)=DUZ,$P(^PRCS(410,DA,7),U,2)=$P($G(^VA(200,DUZ,20)),U,3) ;P182--Commented out following 4 lines which were determining a default ;CC and attempting to get a default BOC. Now this is accomplished in ;CHGCCBOC^PRCSCK, which is called upon return to ^PRCSECP ;I '$D(^PRC(420,PRC("SITE"),1,+PRC("CP"),2,TEST)) D ;.S GET=0 S GET=$O(^PRC(420,PRC("SITE"),1,+PRC("CP"),2,GET)) Q:+GET=0 ;.Q:'$D(^PRCD(420.1,GET)) S GET1=0 S GET1=$O(^PRCD(420.1,GET,1,GET1)) Q:'$D(^PRCD(420.2,GET1)) S GET1=$E(^PRCD(420.2,GET1,0),1,30) ;.Q:+GET1=0 S $P(^PRCS(410,DA,3),"^",3)=GET Q W1 W !!,"Would you like to review this request" S %=2 D YN^DICN G W1:%=0 Q:%'=1 S (N,PRCSZ)=DA,PRCSF=1 D PRF1^PRCSP1 S DA=PRCSZ K X,PRCSF,PRCSZ Q W3 W !!,"Would you like to copy another request" S %=1 D YN^DICN G W3:%=0 Q