PRCSP123 ;WISC/SAW-CONTROL POINT ACTIVITY 2237 PRINTOUT CON'T ;3-9-88/5:05 PM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;ADMIN AND RECEIPT ACTION BLOCKS W !,?12,"ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION",?45,"|",?60,"RECEIPT ACTION",!,$E(L,1,45) W "|",$E(L,1,44) W !,"(Circle Applicable Item)",?45,"|I CERTIFY that the quantities in ""ACTION""" W !," Unposted Posted Service Bulk Sale",?45,"|column have been received.",!,$E(L,1,45) W "|",$E(L,1,44) W !,"Availability of Items Requested Above, or",?45,"|Signature of Responsible Official",?79,"|Date" W !,"Suitable Substitutes",?45,"|or Designee",?79,"|" W !," VA GSA NOT AVAILABLE FROM",?45,"|",?79,"|" W !," STOCK STOCK EXCESS ANY OF THESE SOURCES",?45,"|",?79,"|",!,$E(L,1,45) W "|",$E(L,1,33),"|",$E(L,1,10),!,"Signature of Accountable",?25,"|Date",?45,"|(Check Applicable Statement)" W !,"Officer or Designee",?25,"|",?45,"|TURN-IN USE ONLY" N AO S AO=$P($G(^PRCS(410,DA,7)),"^",11) I AO'="" W !,$P($G(^VA(200,AO,0)),"^"),?25,"|" I AO="" W !,?25,"|" N AODATE S AODATE=$P($G(^PRCS(410,DA,7)),"^",12) I AODATE'="" S Y=AODATE D DD^%DT W $P(Y,"@") W ?45,"| I CERTIFY that the quantities shown in",!,$E(L,1,25) W ?25,"|",$E(L,1,19),"| ""ACTION"" column have been received and" W !,"Authority for and/or Method of Purchase",?45,"| the turn-in circumstances cited appear" W !,?45,"| reasonable. Disposition codes indicate",!,$E(L,1,45) W ?45,"| action taken." W !,"I certify that the resultant contract is",?45,"|RECEIVING REPORT USE ONLY" W !,"authorized by law and is within the limits",?45,"| The articles or services listed hereon" W !,"of my authority.",?45,"| have been received or rendered and are" W !,?45,"| accepted, except as noted.",!,$E(L,1,45) W "|",$E(L,1,44) I $Y>57 D NEWP^PRCSP121 W !,"Signature of Contracting Officer",?45,"|Signature of Storekeeper",?78,"|Date",!,?45,"|",?78,"|",!,$E(L,1,45) W ?45,"|",$E(L,1,32) W ?78,"|",$E(L,1,11) W !,"Purchase Order or Req. No|Date of P.O. or Req|Signature of Accountable Officer",?78,"|Date",!,?25,"|",?45,"|",?78,"|",!,$E(L,1,25) W ?25,"|",$E(L,1,19),"|",$E(L,1,32),?78,"|",$E(L,1,11) I $Y>53 D NEWP^PRCSP121 W !,"FUND CERTIFICATION: The Supplies/Services",?45,"|Date of Voucher",?58,"|Voucher No." W !,"listed on this request are properly charge-",?45,"|",?61,"|" W !,"able to the following allotments, the avail-",?45,"|",?61,"|" W !,"able balances of which are sufficient to",?45,"|",$E(L,1,15) W ?61,"|",$E(L,1,28) W !,"cover the cost thereof, and funds have",?45,"|Obligated By",?78,"|Date" W !,"been obligated.",?45,"|",?78,"|",!,$E(L,1,45) W ?45,"|",?78,"|",!,"Appropriation and Accounting Symbols",?45,"|",?78,"|",! S P=$P(^PRCS(410,DA,0),U,5) I $D(^(3)) S X=^(3) S:$P(X,U,2)'="" P=P_"-"_$P(X,U,2) S:$P(X,U)'="" P=P_"-"_$P($P(X,U)," ") S:$P(X,U,3)'="" P=P_"-"_$P($P(X,U,3)," ") S:$D(PRCS("SUB")) P=P_"-"_PRCS("SUB") I $D(^PRCS(410,DA,4)),$P(^(4),U,5)'="" S P=P_"-"_$P(^(4),U,5) S FPROJ=$P($G(^PRCS(410,DA,3)),"^",12) S P=P_" "_FPROJ W P,?45,"|",?78,"|",!,$E(L,1,45) W ?45,"|",$E(L,1,32) W ?78,"|",$E(L,1,11),!,"VA FORM 90-2237-ADP MAR 1985",! Q