PRCUCV1 ;WISC@ALTOONA/CTB-CONVERSION OF ALL IFCAP SIGNATURE CODES ; 06/07/93 12:00 PM V ;;5.0;IFCAP;;4/21/95 N COUNT,RANGE,DIR,OPTION,TYPE S X=" This conversion will convert ALL signature codes in all IFCAP files to be converted to a new format." D MSG^PRCFQ ;build list of conversions ;421.5 S COUNT=0 S X(20)=$P(^PRSN(20,0),"^",4),COUNT=COUNT+X(20) S X(421.5)=$P(^PRCF(421.5,0),"^",4),COUNT=COUNT+X(421.5) S X(421.2)=$P(^PRCF(421.2,0),"^",4),COUNT=COUNT+X(421.2) S X(421)=$P(^PRCF(421,0),"^",4),COUNT=COUNT+X(421) S X(443)=$P(^PRC(443,0),"^",4),COUNT=COUNT+X(443) S X(423)=$P(^PRCF(423,0),"^",4),COUNT=COUNT+X(423) ;S X(443.6)=$P(^PRC(443.6,0),"^",4),COUNT=COUNT+X(443.6) S X(442)=$P(^PRC(442,0),"^",4)*12,COUNT=COUNT+X(442) S X(442.9)=$P(^PRC(442.9,0),"^",4),COUNT=COUNT+X(442.9) S X(410)=$P(^PRCS(410,0),"^",4)*5,COUNT=COUNT+X(410) S X=0 F S X=$O(X(X)) Q:'X W !,"FILE: ",X," - ",?16 S Y=$FN(X(X),","),Y=" "_Y,Y=$E(Y,$L(Y)-11,$L(Y)) W Y," Records - estimated" W !,?16 S Y=$FN(COUNT,","),Y=" "_Y,Y=$E(Y,$L(Y)-11,$L(Y)) W Y," Estimated individual conversions." D ENCON^PRCFQ W !! A ;S DIR(0)="SA^1:All at once;2:Do not convert at this time",DIR("?")="^D SETOFCDS^PRCUCV2",DIR("A")="Enter Type Requested: " D ^DIR ;I $G(DIRUT)_$G(DUOUT)_$G(DTOUT)_$G(DIROUT) K DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT S X=" " D MSG^PRCFQ QUIT S Y=1 S TYPE=+Y ;S %A="ARE YOU SURE",%=2,%B="" D ^PRCFYN G A:%=2 I %<0 S X=" " D MSG^PRCFQ QUIT ;I TYPE=2 G ^PRCUX0 I TYPE=1 S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP QUIT I $G(IO("Q"))=1 D QUIT . S ZTDESC="IFCAP CONVERSION",ZTRTN="^PRCUCV3" D ^%ZTLOAD . W !,"IFCAP CONVERSION IS SUBMITTED TO THE TASK MANAGE WITH TASK NUMBER ",ZTSK . QUIT D ^PRCUCV3 QUIT S X="To meet the criterion outlined by the VA Inspector General, you must run this conversion in the near future." W !! D MSG^PRCFQ S X="Failure to run at this time will NOT affect the operation of IFCAP in any way." W ! D MSG^PRCFQ