PRCUPPC1 ;WISC/RHD-ARCHIVING & PURGING ENTRY POINTS ;12/14/93 11:34 AM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;MUST BE CALLED FROM SPECIFIC ENTRY POINT P4429(PO) ;given the external PO number, delete all entries in 442.9 ;PO1 - full external PO number with a period and partial number ;DA - record number for 442.9 QUIT:PO="" N DIK,DA,PO1 S PO1=PO_"." S DIK="^PRC(442.9," F S PO1=$O(^PRC(442.9,"B",PO1)) Q:PO1=""!($P(PO1,".")'=PO) D . F S DA=$O(^PRC(442.9,"B",PO1,0)) Q:'DA D ^DIK . QUIT QUIT P441(PRCHDA) ;given the internal PO number, delete its entries in file 441 ;this gets the FCP and repetitive item number(s) for the PO, and ;deletes the PO from the item(s) in 441 Q:'PRCHDA!('$D(^PRC(442,PRCHDA,0))) N PRCHFCP,PRCHITEM,X,DIK,DA S X=^PRC(442,PRCHDA,0),PRCHFCP=+$P(X,"^",1)_$P($P(X,"^",3)," ",1) Q:PRCHFCP="" S PRCHITEM="" F S PRCHITEM=$O(^PRC(442,PRCHDA,2,"AE",PRCHITEM)) Q:'PRCHITEM D .S DA=PRCHDA,DA(1)=PRCHFCP,DA(2)=PRCHITEM,DIK="^PRC(441,"_DA(2)_",4,"_DA(1)_",1," .D ^DIK K DIK,DA,DA(1) Q P4426(PRCHYR) ;purge common number series by year ;have the year being purged, delete all number series that ;have the fiscal year field defined equal to the purge year Q:'PRCHYR N PRCHDA,X,DA,DIK S PRCHDA=0 F S PRCHDA=$O(^PRC(442.6,PRCHDA)) Q:'PRCHDA I PRCHYR=$P($G(^PRC(442.6,PRCHDA,0)),"^",6) S DA=PRCHDA,DIK="^PRC(442.6," D ^DIK K DIK,DA Q DL424(PRC442) N PRC424 S PRC424=0 F S PRC424=$O(^PRC(424,"C",PRC442,PRC424)) Q:PRC424'?1.N D .D DL424D1 Q:'$D(^PRC(424,PRC424,0)) S DIK="^PRC(424,",DA=PRC424 D ^DIK K DIK,DA .QUIT Q DL424D1 ; N PRC424D1 S PRC424D1=0 S PRC424D1=$O(^PRC(424.1,"C",PRC424,PRC424D1)) Q:PRC424D1'?1.N D .Q:'$D(^PRC(424.1,PRC424D1,0)) .S DA=PRC424D1,DIK="^PRC(424.1," D ^DIK K DIK,DA .Q Q