MAG7RSD ;WOIFO/PMK,MLH - copy radiology message from HLSDATA to ^MAGDHL7 - add admitting diagnosis data ; 07 Jul 2003 12:43 PM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**11**;14-April-2004 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; ; DG1DGADM ; SUBROUTINE - called by PV1ADD ; Add admitting diagnosis to ADT and ORM messages. ; Expects: MAG7WRK() HL7 message array ; N IXSEG ; ---------- segment index N IXPRED,IXSUCC ; -- indices to segments to be inserted between N IXDG1 ; ---------- index of DG1 segment on MAG7WRK() ; ; are there already diagnosis segments out there? I $D(MAG7WRK("B","DG1")) D . ; yes, add another DG1 after the last DG1 we find . S IXPRED=$O(MAG7WRK("B","DG1"," "),-1) . S IX=$O(MAG7WRK(IXPRED)),IXDG1=$S(IX:IXPRED+IX/2,1:IXPRED+1) . ; fill in set ID (must follow in lockstep sequence) . S MAG7WRK(IXDG1,1,1,1,1)=$G(MAG7WRK(IXPRED,1,1,1,1))+1 . Q E D DG1DGAD1 ; no, find a place to insert a DG1 into the message I $G(IXDG1) D ; we found a place - insert . S MAG7WRK(IXDG1,3,1,2,1)=VAIN(9),MAG7WRK(IXDG1,6,1,1,1)="A" . S MAG7WRK("B","DG1",IXDG1)="",MAG7WRK(IXDG1,0)="DG1" . Q Q ; DG1DGAD1 ; SUBROUTINE - called by DG1DGADM ; Find optional segments between the required PV1 and where we will insert ; a DG1. If message structure is corrupt (i.e., no PV1 segment in an ADT ; message) don't try to insert a DG1 segment. If we don't recognize the ; message type, don't try to insert a DG1 segment. ; ; Expects: MAG7WRK() HL7 message array ; ; Returns: IXDG1 index of the DG1 segment to be inserted into ; N IXSEG ; ---------- segment index N IXPRED,IXSUCC ; -- indices to segments to be inserted between N DG1SETID ; ------- set ID for DG1 ; ; are there any DG1 segments on file? I $D(MAG7WRK("B","DG1")) D ; yes, get index and set ID of the last one . S IXPRED=$O(MAG7WRK("B","DG1"," "),-1) . S DG1SETID=MAG7WRK(IXPRED,1,1,1,1) . Q E D ; no, find a place to insert, and initialize the set ID . I $G(MAG7WRK(1,9,1,1,1))="ADT" D . . S (IXSEG,IXPRED)=$O(MAG7WRK("B","PV1","")) Q:'IXSEG . . F S IXSEG=$O(MAG7WRK(IXSEG)) Q:'IXSEG Q:"^PV2^ROL^DB1^OBX^AL1^"'[("^"_$G(MAG7WRK(IXSEG,0))_"^") S IXPRED=IXSEG . . Q . E I $G(MAG7WRK(1,9,1,1,1))="ORM" D . . S (IXSEG,IXPRED)=$O(MAG7WRK("B","OBR","")) Q:'IXSEG . . F S IXSEG=$O(MAG7WRK(IXSEG)) Q:'IXSEG Q:"^NTE^CTD^"'[("^"_$G(MAG7WRK(IXSEG,0))_"^") S IXPRED=IXSEG . . Q . S DG1SETID=0 . Q ; now compute the index of the DG1 segment, and fill in the Set ID S IXSUCC=$O(MAG7WRK(IXPRED)),IXDG1=$S(IXSUCC:IXPRED+IXSUCC/2,1:IXPRED+1) S MAG7WRK(IXDG1,1,1,1,1)=DG1SETID+1 ; set ID always begins at 1 Q