MAGDCCS2 ;WOIFO/MLH - DICOM Correct - Clinical Specialties - subroutines ; 05/06/2004 06:32 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**10,11,30**;16-September-2004 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; Routine to create the MAGDY variable needed by MAGDCCS routine when ; manually correcting DICOM FIX files. EN ; ; MAGDY variable to be created during this execution. N D,DIC,DZ,MAGBEG,MAGEND,MAGDFN,MAGOUT,MAGX,MAGXX,INFO,MAGNME,MAGSSN S MAGBEG=1070101,MAGEND=$$DT^XLFDT W !,"*** Select a request/consult with whose ***" W !,"*** TIU note to associate this image ***" S DIC="^GMR(123,",DIC(0)="AENZ" S DIC("A")="Enter patient or request/consultation: " S D="F",DZ="??" S DIC("W")="W "" REQ/CON #"",Y" S DIC("W")=DIC("W")_","" "",$$GET1^DIQ(123,Y,1)" ; TO SERVICE S DIC("W")=DIC("W")_","" "",$$GET1^DIQ(123,Y,.02)" ; PATIENT NAME ; D IX^DIC Q:$D(DUOUT) Q:'$D(Y(0)) ; nothing selected S (MAGDFN,MAGX)=$P(Y(0),U,2)_"~"_Y ; D ONE ; Lookup was on req/con number and successful Q ; PTINFO() ; N INFO,MAGOUT I '$D(MAGDFN) Q "" D GETS^DIQ(2,MAGDFN,".01;.09","E","MAGOUT","MAGERR") I $D(MAGERR) Q "" I $D(MAGOUT) D Q INFO . S INFO=$G(MAGOUT(2,MAGDFN_",",.01,"E")) . S INFO=INFO_"^"_$G(MAGOUT(2,MAGDFN_",",.09,"E")) Q "" ; ONE ; Process the single entry that was selected. ; MAGDFN,MAGX variables expected from EN I 'MAGDFN,'+MAGX Q N BEG,CASE,CDATE,CS,DATA,END,FLDS,INFO,MAGCASE,MAGCNI,MAGDATE,MAGDTI N MAGEXST,MAGLOC,MAGNME,MAGOUT,MAGPIEN,MAGPRC,MAGPSET,MAGPST,MAGRPT N PP,PSET,RAENTRY,RAMEMLOW,RAPRTSET,RIEN,STAT,X,X1,X2,XX N RARPT,RADFN,RADTI,RACNI ;<--Variables needed for EN1^RAUTL20 ; RAUTL20 used to retrieve if case is part of a print set. N MAGRCARY ; array of req/con data from file 123 N MAGIENS ; internal entry number for MAGRCARY ; S MAGDFN=$P(MAGX,"~"),INFO=$$PTINFO S MAGNME=$P(INFO,"^"),MAGSSN=$P(INFO,"^",2) S MAGCASE=$P($P(MAGX,"~",2),U) S (MAGPRC,MAGDTI,MAGCNI,MAGPIEN,MAGLOC,MAGDATE,MAGEXST,MAGPST)="" K MAGRCARY D GETS^DIQ(123,MAGCASE,"*","EI","MAGRCARY") ; S MAGIENS=$O(MAGRCARY(123,"")) S MAGPRC=MAGRCARY(123,MAGIENS,4,"E") ; procedure S MAGLOC=MAGRCARY(123,MAGIENS,1,"E") ; to service S MAGDATE=MAGRCARY(123,MAGIENS,.01,"E") ; request date S MAGPST=MAGRCARY(123,MAGIENS,8,"E") ; procedure status W !,"PATIENT: ",MAGNME,?51,"SSN: ",MAGSSN W !,"Req/Con No.",?13,"Procedure",?38,"To Service",?58,"Req Date" W !,"-----------",?13,"---------",?38,"----------------",?58,"--------" W !,MAGCASE,?13,MAGPRC,?38,MAGLOC,?58,MAGDATE W !,"Exam status: ",MAGEXST," "," ",$G(MAGPST) D MAGDY Q ; MAGDY ; S MAGDY=MAGDFN_"^"_MAGNME_"^"_MAGSSN_"^"_"GMRC-"_MAGCASE_"^"_MAGPRC_"^"_MAGDTI S MAGDY=MAGDY_"^"_MAGCNI_"^"_MAGPIEN_"^"_$G(MAGPST)_"^" K MAGNME,MAGSSN,MAGCASE,MAGPRC,MAGDTI,MAGCNI,MAGPIEN,MAPST Q