MAGDHL7 ;WOIFO/PMK,MLH - Routine to copy HL7 data from HLSDATA to ^MAGDHL7 ; 02/07/2007 14:07 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**11,30,86**;20-February-2007;;Build 1024 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ;Steps for setting up the HL7 package. Version 1.5 ;1) Create an entry in the HL7 APPLICATION PARAMETER file (771) called ; 'PACS GATEWAY' and set ACTIVE/INACTIVE field to ACTIVE. ;2) Create an entry in the HL7 NON-DHCP APPLICATION PARAMETER file (770) ; called 'PACS GATEWAY' and set DHCP APPLICATION field to 'PACS GATEWAY' ; (repoint to file 771). ;3) Set the Entry Action field of the RA SEND entry in the Protocol file ; (101) to call 'PACS GATEWAY ; EXAMPLE: Replace xxxx With PACS GATEWAY ; ENTRY ; Entry point for HL7 1.5 version N DA,EDT,DIK,DIR,HLSDT,KDT,MAGN,MAGOUT,POP ; Entry point from ^HLTRANS to copy the data from HLSDATA to ^MAGDHL7( ; This code was reset due to a max. string code error. Peter indicated ; he did not need the 5th piece of the OBR segment. I $D(HLSDATA(3)),$P(HLSDATA(3),"^")="OBR" S $P(HLSDATA(3),"^",5)="" D ADDDTA($NA(HLSDATA)) ; Adjust the returned HLSDATA array to start at 0 instead of 1 S IX=1 F Q:'IX Q:'$D(HLSDATA(IX)) D . S HLSDATA(IX-1)=HLSDATA(IX) K HLSDATA(IX) . S IX=$O(HLSDATA(IX)) . Q Q:$D(HLSDT) D NOW^%DTC S Y=$$NEWMSG($P(%,".",1)) S $P(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,0),"^",2)=$P(HLSDATA(0),"^",9) ; Message type S L=1,J=0 S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,1,L,0)=HLSDATA(0) F S J=$O(HLSDATA(J)) Q:J'>0 D . S L=L+1,^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,1,L,0)=HLSDATA(J) . Q S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,1,0)="^^"_L_U_L_U_DT ; Capture time S X=$P($G(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,0)),"^",3) K:X ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,"C",X,+Y) S X=$$NOW^XLFDT() S $P(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,0),"^",3)=X S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,"C",X,+Y)="" Q ; EN ; Entry point for HL7 1.6. Called from the MAG SEND ORU/ORM protocols. ; Executed after the RA protocols setup the HL7 message segments. D EN2 Q ; EN2 ; N DA,DIE,DIC,DR,I,J,K,L,MAGRAD,MAGRAN,MAGSAN,MAGTYPE,Y,X I $D(HLQUIT),HLQUIT Q ; HL7 routines may have failed. S MAGRAD="" F I=1:1 X HLNEXT Q:HLQUIT'>0 D . S MAGRAD(I)=HLNODE,J=0 . F S J=$O(HLNODE(J)) Q:'J S MAGRAD(I)=MAGRAD(I)_HLNODE(J) . Q ; Above code needed for segments greater than 245 characters. S MAGTYPE=$G(HL("MTN")),MAGRAN=$G(HL("RAN")),MAGSAN=$G(HL("SAN")) ; Add demo and modality info expected by MAGDHR* routines on gateway D ADDDTA($NA(MAGRAD)) ; Fall-Through intentional ; EdM: I can find no evidence that the label below is invoked from anywhere ; in the released code... UPDATE ; Add the entry in the MAGDHL7(2006.5 global. D NOW^%DTC S Y=$$NEWMSG($P(%,".",1)) I +Y<1 Q ; Entry not made in file. S $P(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,0),"^",2)=MAGTYPE ; Add HL7 message into word processing field. S (L,K)=0 F S K=$O(MAGRAD(K)) Q:'K S L=L+1,^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,1,L,0)=MAGRAD(K) D . ; If segment has more than one line of data, add as a single line . ; Peter's code will take care of this. . S J=0 F S J=$O(MAGRAD(K,J)) Q:'J S L=L+1,^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,1,L,0)=MAGRAD(K,J) S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,1,0)="^2006.502^"_L_"^"_L_"^"_DT S X=$P($G(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,0)),"^",3) K:X ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,"C",X,+Y) S X=$$NOW^XLFDT S $P(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,+Y,0),"^",3)=X S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,"C",X,+Y)="" Q ; ADDDTA(XARY) ; SUBROUTINE - called by ENTRY, EN2 ; Add demographic, visit, and modality information to HL7 messages. ; ; input: XARY name of array into which additional HL7 message data is to ; be populated (@XARY should already contain HL7 msg segments) ; valued "MAGRAD" for radiology orders ; "HLSDATA" for ADT messages ; ; output: @XARY with demo, visit, modality segments added ; or NTE segment added after MSH if there was a problem ; ; The DICOM gateway's MAGDHR* routines formerly expected to be able to use ; a DDP link to gather supplementary information about patient demographics ; and modality. This subroutine populates the HL7 segments with the ; supplementary data, eliminating the need for the DDP link. ; N MAG7WRK ; -- work array for HL7 message N STSRBLD ; -- rebuild status N S1,S2 ; ---- scratch segment index vars ; ; Break out message -- If parse fails, insert a NTE segment and bail ; I $$PARSE^MAG7UP(XARY,$NA(MAG7WRK)) D Q . ; Set 1st, 2nd seg indices - don't overwrite bare MSH . S S1=$O(@XARY@(0)) S:'S1 S1=1 . S S2=$O(@XARY@(S1)) S:'S2 S2=S1+1 . S @XARY@((S1+S2)/2)="NTE|1||bad HL7 message structure" . Q D PIDADD^MAG7RS ; Add patient demographic data D ADDVSDG^MAG7RS ; Add patient visit and diagnosis data I MAG7WRK(1,9,1,1,1)="ORU" D OBXUPD^MAG7RSO ; Add numeric diag codes S STSRBLD=$$MAKE^MAG7UM($NA(MAG7WRK),XARY) I STSRBLD D Q . ; Set 1st, 2nd seg indices - don't overwrite bare MSH . S S1=$O(@XARY@(0)) S:'S1 S1=1 . S S2=$O(@XARY@(S1)) S:'S2 S2=S1+1 . S @XARY@((S1+S2)/2)="NTE|1||bad HL7 message structure" . Q Q ; NEWMSG(DATE) ; Add a stub for a new message N D0,HDR S DATE=DATE\1 L +^MAGDHL7(2006.5,0):1E9 ; Background process MUST wait S D0=$O(^MAGDHL7(2006.5," "),-1)+1 S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,D0,0)=DATE S:DATE'="" ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,"B",DATE,D0)="" S HDR=$G(^MAGDHL7(2006.5,0)) S ^MAGDHL7(2006.5,0)="PACS MESSAGE^2006.5D^"_D0_"^"_($P(HDR,"^",4)+1) L -^MAGDHL7(2006.5,0) Q D0 ;