MAGDHWC ;WOIFO/PMK - Capture Consult/Procedure Request data ; 24 Jan 2006 11:50 AM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**10,51,46**;16-February-2007;;Build 1023 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; ENTRY ; ; determine the kind of message and branch appropriately N %,APTSCHED,CONSULT,DATETIME,DEL,DEL2,DEL3,DEL4,DEL5,DFN N DIVISION,FILLER1,FWDFROM,FMDATE,FMDATETM,GMRCIEN,HL,HL7,HL7ORC,HL7REC N I,IGNORE,ITYPCODE,ITYPNAME,IGNORE,MSGTYPE,OBXSEGNO,ORIGSERV,SERVICE,X,Y,Z I $D(GMRCMSG) M HL7=GMRCMSG E I $D(XQORHSTK(0)) M HL7=XQORHSTK(0) E Q ; can't find HL7 data to handle this! S HL7REC=HL7(1) S DEL=$E(HL7REC,4),X=$P(HL7REC,DEL,2) F I=1:1:$L(X) S @("DEL"_(I+1))=$E(X,I) D NOW^%DTC S FMDATE=%\1,FMDATETM=% ; ; find PID segment and get the DFN S I=0 I '$$FINDSEG^MAGDHW0(.HL7,"PID",.I,.X) Q ; no PID segment S DFN=$P(X,DEL,3) ; ; find ORC segment and get GMRCIEN S I=0 I '$$FINDSEG^MAGDHW0(.HL7,"ORC",.I,.HL7ORC) Q ; no ORC segment S GMRCIEN=+$P(HL7ORC,DEL,3) ; GMRC request is in ^GMR(123,GMRCIEN,...) ; D ^MAGDTR01 ; update the Read/Unread list with the data from the HL7 message ; S IGNORE=1 ; decide if service is one that requires HL7->DICOM gateway ; ; find ORC segment and check for an "OK" order control value I $P(HL7ORC,DEL)="OK" D Q ; generate message by ^MAGDHWS . S SERVICE=$$GET1^DIQ(123,GMRCIEN,1,"I") . D SERVICE ; send this transaction to the DICOM gateway? . I 'IGNORE D . . D INIT^MAGDHW0 ; initialize variables . . S DATETIME="" . . D MESSAGE^MAGDHWS("O") ; indicates new order . . Q . Q ; I " CA CR DR OC OD "[(" "_$P(HL7ORC,DEL)_" ") D Q ; Discontinued order . S SERVICE=$$GET1^DIQ(123,GMRCIEN,1,"I") . D SERVICE ; send this transaction to the DICOM gateway? . I 'IGNORE D . . D INIT^MAGDHW0 ; initialize variables . . S DATETIME="" . . D MESSAGE^MAGDHWS("C") ; Cancelled/Discontinued order . . Q . Q ; ; check for a FORWARD in the ORC segment I $P($P(HL7ORC,DEL,16),DEL2,5)="FORWARD" D . ; get previous service from REQUEST PROCESSING ACTIVITY . S FWDFROM=$$FWDFROM^MAGDGMRC(GMRCIEN) ; FORWARDED FROM service . S Y=0 I FWDFROM S Y=$G(^MAG(2006.5831,FWDFROM,0)) . I Y D ; forwarded from location was one in the service group . . N DIVISION,Z . . ; original service request probably was sent to DICOM Gateway . . S ORIGSERV=DEL2_DEL2_DEL2_FWDFROM_DEL2 . . S ORIGSERV=ORIGSERV_$S(FWDFROM:$$GET1^DIQ(123.5,FWDFROM,.01),1:"") . . S ORIGSERV=ORIGSERV_DEL2_"99CON" . . D DIVISION(Y) . . S Z=$P(Y,"^",2) . . S ITYPNAME=$P(^MAG(2005.84,Z,0),"^",1) . . S ITYPCODE=$P(^MAG(2005.84,Z,2),"^",1) . . S ORIGSERV=ORIGSERV_DEL_ITYPCODE_DEL2_ITYPNAME_DEL2_DIVISION . . S (ITYPCODE,ITYPNAME)="" ; may need them nulled in ZSV^MAGDHWA . . S IGNORE=0 . . Q . Q ; ; find ZSV segment and requested service - check if appropriate S I=0 I '$$FINDSEG^MAGDHW0(.HL7,"ZSV",.I,.X) Q ; no ZSV segment S SERVICE=$P($P(X,DEL),DEL2,4) D SERVICE ; send this transaction to the DICOM gateway? I IGNORE Q ; just ignore HL7 message, don't send it to DICOM gateway ; S Z=$P(HL7ORC,DEL,1) ; Order Control S Y=$P(HL7ORC,DEL,5) ; Order Status I Z="SC" S MSGTYPE="RECEIVED" ; received E I Z="RE" D ; result . I Y="A" S MSGTYPE="PARTIAL RESULT" ; unsigned TIU note . E I Y="CM" D ; check for a new unsigned note . . I $$UNSIGNED^MAGDGMRC(GMRCIEN) D . . . S MSGTYPE="PARTIAL RESULT" ; unsigned TIU note . . . S FILLER1="GMRC-NEW UNSIGNED RESULT" . . . Q . . E S MSGTYPE="COMPLETE RESULT" ; signed TIU note . . Q . Q E S MSGTYPE="UNKNOWN" D MSH^MAGDHWA,PID^MAGDHWA,ORC^MAGDHWA,OBR^MAGDHWA,ZSV^MAGDHWA I '$$OBX() D ; get OBX segment from database . S I=$O(HL7(""),-1)+1 S I=$$OBX^MAGDHWS(I) . Q E D ; process existing OBX segment . D OBX1 . Q D ALLERGY^MAGDHWA,POSTINGS^MAGDHWA D OUTPUT^MAGDHW0 Q ; SERVICE ; check if the service is in the DICOM Clinical Service dictionary N Y I SERVICE D ; ignore SERVICE if it is null . S Y=$G(^MAG(2006.5831,SERVICE,0)) . S DIVISION=DEL2 . I Y D ; new service is of interest to DICOM Gateway . . D DIVISION(Y) . . S Z=$P(Y,"^",2) . . S ITYPNAME=$P(^MAG(2005.84,Z,0),"^",1) . . S ITYPCODE=$P(^MAG(2005.84,Z,2),"^",1) . . S IGNORE=0 . . D APPOINT . . Q . Q Q ; DIVISION(Y) ; S DIVISION=$P(Y,"^",3) S DIVISION=DIVISION_DEL2_$S(DIVISION:$$GET1^DIQ(4,DIVISION,.01),1:"") Q ; APPOINT ; quite often the appointment is entered before the order is entered ; if this is the case, see if we can find the corresponding appointment N CLINIC,HIT,I,LOCIEN,ORDERIEN,VASD,XE,XI ; look for appointments for today or later - don't need VASD parameters D SDA^VADPT ; get the list of the appointments ; first check the order record for the patient location ; it might be the clinic for the appointment S HIT=0 ; indicator for finding an appointment match S ORDERIEN=$$GET1^DIQ(123,GMRCIEN,.03,"I") S LOCIEN=$S(ORDERIEN:$$GET1^DIQ(100,ORDERIEN,6,"I"),1:"") I LOCIEN?1N.N1";SC(" D . S CLINIC=+LOCIEN . I $$ISCLINIC^MAGDGMRC(SERVICE,CLINIC) D . . S I=0 F S I=$O(^UTILITY("VASD",$J,I)) Q:'I Q:HIT D . . . S XI=^UTILITY("VASD",$J,I,"I"),XE=^("E") . . . ; check if there is an appointment in this clinic . . . I CLINIC=$P(XI,"^",2) D APPOINT1 ; select first apt. in clinic . . . Q . . Q . Q I 'HIT D ; no appointment for the pt. location, look for other clinics . S I=0 F S I=$O(^UTILITY("VASD",$J,I)) Q:'I Q:HIT D . . S XI=^UTILITY("VASD",$J,I,"I"),XE=^("E") . . S CLINIC=$P(XI,"^",2) . . I $$ISCLINIC^MAGDGMRC(SERVICE,CLINIC) D APPOINT1 . . Q . Q K ^UTILITY("VASD",$J) Q ; APPOINT1 ; fill the appointment schedule array S APTSCHED("FM DATETIME")=$P(XI,"^") S APTSCHED("CLINIC IEN")=CLINIC S APTSCHED("DATETIME")=$P(XE,"^") S APTSCHED("CLINIC NAME")=$P(XE,"^",2) S HIT=1 ; to exit loop Q ; OBX() ; find OBX segments to determine the highest value of OBXSEGNO N I,X S OBXSEGNO=0 S I=0 F D Q:I="" ; $o through HL7 message - quit when at end . I $$FINDSEG^MAGDHW0(.HL7,"OBX",.I,.X) S OBXSEGNO=$P(X,DEL,1) . Q Q OBXSEGNO ; OBX1 ; if there are second level OBX data, add OBX segment prefix N I,J ; add additional OBX segments to convey the Reason for the Request ; more than one, so can't use "I $$FINDSEG^MAGDHW0(.HL7,"OBX",.I) D " S I="" F S I=$O(HL7(I)) Q:I="" I $P(HL7(I),DEL)="OBX" D . I '$D(HL7(I,1)) Q ; no additional OBX segments needed . S X=$P(HL7(I),DEL,1,5) ; copy pieces 1-5 to other segments . S J="" F S J=$O(HL7(I,J)) Q:'J S HL7(I,J)=X_DEL_HL7(I,J) . Q Q