MAGDIRVE ;WOIFO/PMK - Serious Fatal Image Processing Error Messages ; 09/08/2004 07:31 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**11,30**;16-September-2004 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; ; new version for RPC client-server image processing error messages ; MAGZERO(RTN,LASTIEN,LASTIMG) ; from ^MAGDIR1B/^MAGDIR84 for bad ^MAG(2005) N TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - IMAGE FILE CORRUPTION" S MSG(2)="The ^MAG(2005) file has been corrupted so that new images will" S MSG(3)="overwrite old ones and general image database inconsistency" S MSG(4)="will result." S MSG(5)="" S MSG(6)="Latest internal entry number processed: " S MSG(6)=MSG(6)_LASTIMG ; ^MAGDICOM(2006.563,1,"LAST IMAGE POINTER") S MSG(7)="Bad ^MAG(2005,0) internal entry number: "_LASTIEN D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; ZERONODE(RTN,LASTIEN,LASTPTR,FILE,FILENAME) ; from ^MAGDIR1/^MAGDIR84 ; invoked for an arbitrary file corrupted value N TITLE,ZERONODE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - "_FILE_" FILE CORRUPTION" S MSG(2)="The "_FILENAME_" file has been corrupted so that new reports will" S MSG(3)="overwrite old ones and general image/report database inconsistency" S MSG(4)="will result." S MSG(5)="" S MSG(6)="Latest internal entry number processed: " S MSG(6)=MSG(6)_LASTPTR ; from ^MAGDICOM(2006.563,1,"LAST ... POINTER") S ZERONODE=$S(FILE[")":$P(FILE,")")_",0)",1:FILE_"(0)") S MSG(7)="Bad "_ZERONODE_" internal entry number: "_LASTIEN D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; OBJECT(RTN,MAGGP) ; from ^MAGDIR2B/^MAGDIR9B N TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - WRONG GROUP OBJECT TYPE" S MSG(2)="The group entry in ^MAG(2005) does not have the proper group" S MSG(3)="object type." S MSG(4)="" S MSG(5)="The expected value is 11. The value in the group entry is " S MSG(5)=MSG(5)_$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGGP,0),"^^^^^not defined"),"^",6)_"." S MSG(6)="" S MSG(7)="Internal entry number of incorrect group: "_MAGGP D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; MISMATCH(RTN,DFN,MAGGP) ; from ^MAGDIR2B/E & ^MAGDIR9B/E for a patient mismatch N GROUPDFN,TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - PATIENT MISMATCH PROBLEM" S GROUPDFN=$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGGP,0)),"^",7) S MSG(2)="The image and the group point to different patients." S MSG(3)="" S MSG(4)="The Image points to PATIENT file internal entry number "_DFN S MSG(5)=$$PATDEMO(DFN) S MSG(6)="" S MSG(7)="The Group points to PATIENT file internal entry number "_GROUPDFN S MSG(8)=$$PATDEMO(GROUPDFN) S MSG(9)="" S MSG(10)="Internal entry number of group: ^MAG(2005,"_MAGGP_")" D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; PATDEMO(DFN) ; display patient demographics N %,DISYS,DTIME,VA,VADM,X S X="" I 'DFN S X="" E D . D DEM^VADPT . S X=$G(VADM(1))_" | "_$G(VA("PID")) ; name & id . S X=X_" | "_$P($G(VADM(5)),"^",2)_" | "_$P($G(VADM(3)),"^",2) ; sex & dob . Q Q X ; name | id | sex | dob ; RADMISS(RTN,DFN,RARPT,RARPTDFN) ; from ^MAGDIR2A/^MAGDIR9A for a patient mismatch ; this is bad DFN value for the radiology report in ^RARPT N TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - RAD PATIENT/REPORT MISMATCH" S MSG(2)="The image and the radiology report point to different patients." S MSG(3)="" S MSG(4)="The Image points to PATIENT file internal entry number "_DFN S MSG(5)=$$PATDEMO(DFN) S MSG(6)="" S MSG(7)="The Rad Report points to PATIENT file internal entry number "_RARPTDFN S MSG(8)=$$PATDEMO(RARPTDFN) S MSG(9)="" S MSG(10)="Internal entry number of report: ^RARPT("_RARPT_")" D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; TIUMISS(RTN,DFN,TIUIEN,TIUDFN) ; from ^MAGDIR2E/^MAGDIR9E for a patient mismatch ; this is bad DFN value for the consult/procedure request note in ^TIU(8925) N TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - TIU PATIENT/REPORT MISMATCH" S MSG(2)="The image and the TIU note point to different patients." S MSG(3)="" S MSG(4)="The Image points to PATIENT file internal entry number "_DFN S MSG(5)=$$PATDEMO(DFN) S MSG(6)="" S MSG(7)="The TIU note points to PATIENT file internal entry number "_TIUDFN S MSG(8)=$$PATDEMO(TIUDFN) S MSG(9)="" S MSG(10)="Internal entry number of TIU note: ^TIU(8925,"_TIUIEN_")" D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; TIUMISS2(RTN,TIUIEN1,TIUIEN2,TIUXDIEN,MAGGP) ; from ^MAGDIR2E/^MAGDIR9E - TIU mismatch ; mismatch between TIU, TIU External Data File, and the image group N TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - TIU/IMAGE GROUP MISMATCH" S MSG(2)="The image group and TIU point to different notes." S MSG(3)="" S MSG(4)="TIU points to TUI note ien #"_TIUIEN1 S MSG(5)="The image points to TIU note ien #"_TIUIEN2 S MSG(6)="TIU External Data File (8925.91) ien #"_TIUXDIEN S MSG(7)="points to image group ien #"_MAGGP D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; TMPMISS(RTN,PARENTFP,MAGGP) ; from ^MAGDIR2E/^MAGDIR9E ; the image group does not have 2006.5839 for the PARENT FILE N TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - IMAGE GROUP MISMATCH" S MSG(2)="The image group does not point to PARENT FILE 2006.5839." S MSG(3)="" S MSG(4)="The image group should point to PARENT FILE 2006.5839." S MSG(5)="Instead it point to PARENT FILE #"_PARENTFP S MSG(6)="The image group is ^MAG(2005,"_MAGGP_")" D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; IMAGEPTR(RTN,IMAGEPTR,LASTIMG) ; from ^MAGDIR2B/^MAGDIR9B for a corrupted image pointer value N TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - IMAGE ENTRY NUMBER PROBLEM" S MSG(2)="The internal entry number for this image is less than that of the" S MSG(3)="last processed image. This will cause new images to overwrite" S MSG(4)="old ones and general image database inconsistency will result." S MSG(5)="" S MSG(6)="Latest internal entry number processed: " S MSG(6)=MSG(6)_LASTIMG ; ^MAGDICOM(2006.563,1,"LAST IMAGE POINTER") S MSG(7)="Bad internal entry number of new image: "_IMAGEPTR D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; GROUPPTR(RTN,MAGGP,LASTIMG) ; from ^MAGDIR2A/E & ^MAGDIR9A/E and ^MAGDMED3 for bad group pointer N TITLE K MSG S TITLE="DICOM IMAGE PROCESSING ERROR - GROUP ENTRY NUMBER PROBLEM" S MSG(2)="The internal entry number for this group is less than that of the" S MSG(3)="last processed image. This will cause new images to overwrite" S MSG(4)="old ones and general image database inconsistency will result." S MSG(5)="" S MSG(6)="Latest internal entry number processed: " S MSG(6)=MSG(6)_LASTIMG ; ^MAGDICOM(2006.563,1,"LAST IMAGE POINTER") S MSG(7)="Bad internal entry number of new group: "_MAGGP D BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,.MSG) Q ; BADERROR(RTN,TITLE,MSG) ; final common pathway for all msgs ; invoked by other image processing error checking code as well N I S I=$O(MSG(" "),-1) S MSG(1)=$G(MSG(1)) ; usually null S MSG(I+1)="Gateway: """_$G(SYSTITLE,"")_"""" S MSG(I+2)="" S MSG(I+3)=" This is a VERY SERIOUS ERROR. Image processing" S MSG(I+4)=" will be halted until it is resolved." S MSG(I+5)="" S MSG(I+6)="Call IRM and the National VistA Support Help Desk (888) 596-HELP" S MSG(I+7)="" S MSG(I+8)="Problem detected by routine "_RTN_"." S MSG(I+9)="" S MSG("TITLE")=TITLE,MSG("CRITICAL")=1 ; send email to Silver Spring Q ; ERROR(RTN,TITLE,MSG) ; application error - local to the site - no email N I S I=$O(MSG(" "),-1) S MSG(I+1)="Problem detected by routine "_RTN_"." S MSG(I+2)="" S MSG("TITLE")=TITLE,MSG("CRITICAL")=0 ; no email to Silver Spring Q