MAGDLB12 ;WOIFO/LB,MLH - Routine to fix failed DICOM entries ; 04/25/2005 07:46 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**11,51,20**;Apr 12, 2006 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a Class II medical device. As such, it may not be changed | ;; | in any way. Modifications to this software may result in an | ;; | adulterated medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which | ;; | is considered to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q LOOP ; N ANS,ANSR,CASENO,COMNT1,DATA,DATA1,DATA2,DATE,FILE,FIRST,FIRSTS N MACHID,MAGDY,MAGDIEN,MAGIEN,MAGTYPE,MSG,START,STOP,SUID N MOD,MODEL,NEWCAS,NEWDFN,NEWDTI,NEWDTIM,NEWMUL,NEWNME,NEWPIEN,NEWPROC N NEWSSN,OK,OOUT,OUT,PAT,PID,PP,PREV,PREVS,REASON,SITE,STUDYUID,WHY,MAGFIX N KFIXALL ; -- does user hold MAGDFIX ALL security key? ; S KFIXALL=$$SECKEY() S (OOUT,OUT,PREV,FIRST)=0 ; select a site - bail if no images to correct or no site selected S STAT=$$SITE(.SITE) Q:'SITE S SUID=0 F S SUID=$O(^MAGD(2006.575,"F",SITE,SUID)) Q:SUID=""!(OOUT) D . S MAGIEN=$O(^MAGD(2006.575,"F",SITE,SUID,0)) Q:'MAGIEN . ; if image isn't on file, clean up xrefs . I '$D(^MAGD(2006.575,MAGIEN,0)) D Q . . K ^MAGD(2006.575,"F",SITE,SUID,MAGIEN) . . Q . ; if gateway site isn't the user's site, bail unless the user holds . ; the MAGDFIX ALL security key . I $P($G(^MAGD(2006.575,MAGIEN,1)),U,5)'=DUZ(2),'KFIXALL Q . ;Only process Radiology images...medicine images done by other rtns. . S MAGTYPE=$P($G(^MAGD(2006.575,MAGIEN,"TYPE")),"^") I MAGTYPE'["RAD" Q . I $D(^MAGD(2006.575,MAGIEN,"FIXD")),$P(^MAGD(2006.575,MAGIEN,"FIXD"),"^") Q . I 'FIRST S PREV=MAGIEN,PREVS=SUID,FIRST=MAGIEN . D SET^MAGDLB1 . Q Q SITE(XSITE) ; select a site for which to process entries ; input: none ; output: .XSITE site number for which to process entries ; ; return: 0 always ; N CNT,KFIXALL,RESULT,SITES S (CNT,XSITE)=0 F S XSITE=$O(^MAGD(2006.575,"F",XSITE)) Q:'XSITE D . Q:'$$FIND1^DIC(4,"","","`"_XSITE) . S CNT=CNT+1,SITES(CNT)=XSITE . Q Q:'CNT 0 ; S KFIXALL=$$SECKEY I '$$MDIV S KFIXALL=1 ; If not multi-division set the KFIXALL - site should be able to correct any entry I KFIXALL D FIX(.SITES,CNT) Q 0 I $D(DUZ(2)) D Q 0 . S XSITE=DUZ(2) . I '$D(^MAGD(2006.575,"F",XSITE)) W !,"No entries for division "_$$GET1^DIQ(4,+XSITE,".01","E") . Q D LKUSR(.RESULT,DUZ) I '$D(RESULT(0)) Q 0 I $P(RESULT(0),"^")=0 W !,$P(RESULT,"^",2) Q 0 ; N EN,II,NSITE,MAGSITE,X S (CNT,XSITE)=0 S X=0 F S X=$O(SITES(X)) Q:'X S II=$G(SITES(X)) I II S NSITE(II)="" S II=0 F S II=$O(RESULT(II)) Q:'II S EN=$G(RESULT(II)) I $D(NSITE(EN)) S CNT=CNT+1,MAGSITE(CNT)=EN I 'CNT Q 0 ;no matches I CNT=1 S XSITE=$G(MAGSITE(1)) Q 0 D FIX(.MAGSITE,CNT) ; select a SITE to fix Q 0 ; FIX(SITES,CNT) ;SUBROUTINE - Prepare to fix the entries for the user's division entries. ; Multiple divisions have images to be corrected and user has appropriate security key. N DIR,I,Y,X I 'CNT Q I CNT=1 S SITE=$G(SITES(CNT)) Q S I=0 F S I=$O(SITES(I)) Q:'I D . W !,I,") ",$G(SITES(I))," ",$$GET1^DIQ(4,+$G(SITES(I)),".01","E") . Q F D Q:Y'>CNT . S DIR(0)="N:1:"_CNT . S DIR("A",1)="There are images to be corrected for multiple divisions." . S DIR("A")="Select by number (1-"_CNT_")" . D ^DIR . W:Y>CNT " ??" . Q S:Y SITE=$G(SITES(+Y)) Q ; SECKEY() ; N MAGKY,MAGRSLT I '$D(DUZ) Q 0 S MAGKY("MAGDFIX ALL")="MAGDFIX ALL" D OWNSKEY^XUSRB(.MAGRSLT,.MAGKY) I +$G(MAGRSLT("MAGDFIX ALL")) Q 1 Q 0 ; MDIV() ;Multi-divisional flag N CNT,I S (CNT,I)=0 F S I=$O(^MAG(2006.1,I)) Q:'I S CNT=CNT+1 I CNT>1 Q 1 Q 0 ; LKUSR(RESULT,USER) ; ;RETURNS: 0^Message for failure ; IENs for Institution file entry^ ; If the user has more than one division and more than one match in the Imaging Site ; Parameter file, then it returns the 1st matching division entry in the New Person file. I $D(DUZ(2)) S RESULT(0)="1^Number of entries",RESULT(DUZ(2))=DUZ(2) Q N MAGARRAY,CNT,MAGERR,MAGOUT,MAGDV,MAGX S RESULT(0)="0^Your division entry is not part of the Imaging Site Parameter." D GETS^DIQ(200,USER,"16*","I","MAGOUT") ;MAGOUT(200.02,"institution entry,duz,",.01,"I")=institution entry I $D(MAGOUT)=0 Q S MAGX="",CNT=0 F S MAGX=$O(MAGOUT(200.02,MAGX)) Q:MAGX="" D . S MAGDV=$P(MAGX,",") I $D(^MAG(2006.1,"B",MAGDV)) S CNT=CNT+1,MAGARRAY(CNT)=MAGDV . Q I 'CNT Q S CNT=0 S X=0 F S X=$O(MAGARRAY(X)) Q:'X S CNT=CNT+1,RESULT(X)=$P(MAGARRAY(X),"^") S RESULT(0)=CNT_"^Number of entries" ; Get the 1st institution, the calling routine should check for keys. Q ;