MAGDLB5 ;WOIFO/LB - XREF code for DICOM ; 02/17/2004 07:18 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**11**;14-April-2004 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q MOVE ;Called from MAGDIR1 to move the failed entry into file 2006.575 ;(Waiting for Peter's code to use FM instead of Direct sets.) N CASECD,CNT,DA,DR,DIC,REASON,X,Y S CNT=0 I '$D(FROMPATH) W !,"FROMPATH is missing" Q Q:'$D(FROMPATH) ;This variable should be around when called S X=FROMPATH,DIC="^MAGD(2006.575," D FILE^DICN I Y<1 W !,"Couldn't add an entry in file ^MAG(2006.575" Q S REASON=$P(PIDCHECK,",",2) S CASECD=$TR(CASECODE,"^","~") S DA=+Y,DR="[MAGD-ENTRY]",DIE=DIC ADD ; L +^MAGD(2006.575,DA) I $T D ^DIE L -^MAGD(2006.575,DA) Q S CNT=CNT+1 H 2 G:CNT<3 ADD ;HANG 2 SECS AND TRY TWICE W !,"Couldn't update the MAGD(2006.575 file." Q REMOVE(ENTRY) ;Called to delete entry once processed. N DA,DIK Q:'$D(ENTRY) I 'ENTRY W !,"ENTRY variable is missing" Q Q:'$D(^MAGD(2006.575,ENTRY,0)) ;MISSING ENTRY ;I '$P($G(^MAGD(2006.575,ENTRY,"FIXD")),"^") W !,"Entry has not been corrected." Q S DA=+ENTRY,DIK="^MAGD(2006.575," D ^DIK Q UPDT(ENTRY) ;Called to update entry. Q:'$D(ENTRY)!'ENTRY Q:'$D(^MAGD(2006.575,ENTRY,0)) N DIE,DR,DA,DIC,GWLOC,MACHID S DIE="^MAGD(2006.575,",DR="[MAGD-UPDT]" S DA=ENTRY D ^DIE I '$L(^MAGD(2006.575,ENTRY,"FIXD")) W !,"Entry not updated" Q S MACHID=$P(^MAGD(2006.575,ENTRY,1),"^",4),GWLOC=$P(^(1),"^",5) I GWLOC D Q . S ^MAGD(2006.575,"AFX",GWLOC,MACHID,ENTRY)="" . Q E S ^MAGD(2006.575,"AFX",MACHID,ENTRY)="" Q