MAGDLB6 ;WOIFO/LB,MLH - DICOM file utilities ; 12/16/2004 11:30 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**21,10,11,51**;26-August-2005 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; XREF ; Set "F" xref for fields 36 and 9 - Gateway Location and Study UID N GWLOC ; -- location number of DICOM Gateway N ORIG ; --- Entry number for original image for this study N PREDA ; -- original DA value S GWLOC=$P(^MAGD(2006.575,DA,1),"^",5) Q:'GWLOC ; ; If this is the first one, create the "F" cross-reference ; I '$D(^MAGD(2006.575,"F",GWLOC,X)) D Q . S ^MAGD(2006.575,"F",GWLOC,X,DA)="" . Q ; ; Otherwise, the image is "related" to the original one ; for this study. ; S ORIG=$O(^MAGD(2006.575,"F",GWLOC,X,0)) Q:'$D(^MAGD(2006.575,ORIG,0)) ; No longer in database S PREDA=DA D . N D0,DA,DD,DIC,DIE,ERR,X,Y . S DIC="^MAGD(2006.575,"_ORIG_",""RLATE""," . S DIC(0)="L" . S DA(1)=ORIG,X=PREDA . S ERR="Related Image ("_X_") for image #"_ORIG_" not filed." . D FILE^DICN . I Y=-1 D EN^DDIOL(ERR,"","!") . Q Q ; XREFK ; Kill "F" cross-reference N GWLOC Q:'DA S GWLOC=$P(^MAGD(2006.575,DA,1),"^",5) Q:'GWLOC K ^MAGD(2006.575,"F",GWLOC,X,DA) Q ;