MAGDROUT ;WOIFO/EdM - Copy routine code ; 01/29/2004 11:59 ;;3.0;IMAGING;**10,36**;13-February-2004 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; ; This routine can be used to copy code from the VistA system ; to a DICOM Gateway computer. ; ; The entry point VISTA collects the software from the live system ; and stores it in ^MAGD. ; ; The entry point DICOM takes the software from the global variable ; and stores it in the local system. Q ; VISTA D SAVE(1) Q ; SILENT D SAVE(0) Q ; SAVE(VERBOSE) ; Collect active code N D0,D1,I,N,R,X S VERBOSE=+$G(VERBOSE),N=0 ; ; From Kernel: F R="XLFDT","XUSRB1","XUMF333" S R(R)="" ; From Radiology 5.0 F R="RARIC","RARTE2","RAUTL","RAUTL1","RAUTL2","RAUTL20","RAUTL3","RAUTL5","RAXREF" S R(R)="" ; From MAS F R="VADPT","VADPT0","VADPT1","VADPT2","VADPT3","VADPT30","VADPT31","VADPT32","VADPT4","VADPT5","VADPT6","VADPT60","VADPT61","VADPT62" S R(R)="" ; From TIU F R="TIULC1","TIULS","TIUSRVPL" S R(R)="" ; From Medicine S R="MCUIMAG0",R(R)="" ; ; Store the code from the routines: W !!,"Saving source code for Imaging..." W:VERBOSE !!,"Now copying:",! S R="" F S R=$O(R(R)) Q:R="" D . N % . W:VERBOSE !,R,?15 S N=N+1 . D NOW^%DTC . S D0=$O(^MAGD(2006.79,"B",R,"")) D:'D0 . . L +^MAGD(2006.79) . . S X=$G(^MAGD(2006.79,0)),$P(X,"^",1,2)="DICOM ROUTINE COPY^2006.79" . . S D0=$O(^MAGD(2006.79," "),-1)+1 . . S ^MAGD(2006.79,D0,0)=R_"^"_%,^MAGD(2006.79,"B",R,D0)="" . . S $P(X,"^",3)=D0,$P(X,"^",4)=$P(X,"^",4)+1 . . S ^MAGD(2006.79,0)=X . . L -^MAGD(2006.79) . . Q . S X=$G(^MAGD(2006.79,D0,0)),$P(X,"^",2)=% . L +^MAGD(2006.79,D0) . K ^MAGD(2006.79,D0,1) . S D1=0 F I=1:1 S X=$T(+I^@R) Q:X="" S D1=D1+1,^MAGD(2006.79,D0,1,D1,0)=X . S ^MAGD(2006.79,D0,1,0)="^2006.791^"_D1_"^"_D1 . L -^MAGD(2006.79,D0) . I VERBOSE W $J(D1,4)," line" W:D1'=1 "s" . Q W !,"Code saved for ",N," routine" W:N'=1 "s" W "." Q ; DICOM ; Restore routines in DICOM environment ;N D0,D1,L,N,R,S,X S R="" F S R=$O(^MAGD(2006.79,"B",R)) Q:R="" D . S D0="" F S D0=$O(^MAGD(2006.79,"B",R,D0)) Q:D0="" D . . W !,R,?15 . . S X="ZR S D1=0 F S D1=$O(^MAGD(2006.79,D0,1,D1)),L="""" S:D1 L=^MAGD(2006.79,D0,1,D1,0),N=D1 ZI:L'="""" L I 'D1 ZS "_R_" ZL "_$T(+0)_" Q" . . X X . . W $J(N,4)," line" W:N'=1 "s" . . Q . Q Q