MAGDTR03 ;WOIFO/PMK - Read a DICOM image file ; 20 Nov 2006 2:46 PM ;;3.0;IMAGING;**46**;16-February-2007;;Build 1023 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; ; ADD(OUT,GMRCIEN,EVENT,IMAGECNT) ; add an entry to the read/unread list N ACQSITE ;-- the site where the images were acquired N IFCIEN ;--- the IEN of the IFC consult at the reading site N IFCSITE ;-- 0 if not IFC N ISPECIDX ;- index to specialties - read/unread list sort key N IPROCIDX ;- index to procedures - read/unread list sort key (may be null) N STATUS ;--- status of unread list entry (Unread or Waiting) N TIMESTMP ;- FM date/time N TRIGGER ;-- create unread list trigger: Forward, Image, or Order N UNREAD ;-- pointer to entry in unread list N X ; should this consult be added to the Unread List? S OUT=0 ; return variable Q:$G(EVENT)="" ; nope, an event F, I, or O must be specified Q:$$FINDLIST^MAGDTR01(GMRCIEN,.ISPECIDX,.IPROCIDX,.ACQSITE,.TRIGGER)<1 S IMAGECNT=+$G(IMAGECNT) ; count of images ; S UNREAD=$$UNREAD^MAGDTR02(GMRCIEN) I UNREAD="",EVENT'[TRIGGER Q ; nope, don't create it now ; ; get IFC information S IFCSITE=$$GET1^DIQ(123,GMRCIEN,.07,"I") ; Routing Facility S IFCIEN=$$GET1^DIQ(123,GMRCIEN,.06,"I") ; remote consult file entry ; I UNREAD="" D ; add record to the unread list . N X . L +^MAG(2006.5849,0):1E9 ; serial generation . S UNREAD=$O(^MAG(2006.5849," "),-1)+1 ; get next IEN . L +^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD):1E9 . S X=$G(^MAG(2006.5849,0)) . S X="TELEREADER READ/UNREAD LIST^2006.5849^"_UNREAD_"^"_($P(X,"^",4)+1) . S ^MAG(2006.5849,0)=X . S ^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0)=GMRCIEN_"^"_ACQSITE_"^"_ISPECIDX_"^"_IPROCIDX . L -^MAG(2006.5849,0) ; end serial generation . S TIMESTMP=$$TIMESTMP^MAGDTR02(UNREAD) . S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",7)=TIMESTMP ; acquisition start d/t . S ^MAG(2006.5849,"B",GMRCIEN,UNREAD)="" . ; . ; set status -- if unpaired IFC, status="Waiting", otherwise "Unread" . S STATUS=$S(IFCSITE&'IFCIEN:"W",1:"U") . S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",11)=STATUS . S ^MAG(2006.5849,"D",ACQSITE,ISPECIDX,IPROCIDX,STATUS,UNREAD)="" . L -^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD) . Q E D . S TIMESTMP=$$TIMESTMP^MAGDTR02(UNREAD) ; update d/t piece of last activity . Q ; I IFCSITE D ; record the IFC remote site times, if they are not set . ; save time the entry is added to the unread list, if not set . I $P($G(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0)),"^",5)="" S $P(^(0),"^",5)=TIMESTMP . I IFCIEN D . . ; IFC remote consult already created - save same time, if not set . . I $P($G(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0)),"^",6)="" S $P(^(0),"^",6)=TIMESTMP . . Q . Q ; I IMAGECNT D . S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",8)=TIMESTMP ; last acquisition d/t . S $P(^(0),"^",10)=$P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",10)+IMAGECNT . Q ; S OUT=UNREAD Q ; COMPLETE ; entry point from ^MAGDTR01 & ^MAGDTRLU for COMPLETED consults N LOCATION,MAGPTR,TIMESTMP,UNREAD S UNREAD=$$UNREAD^MAGDTR02(GMRCIEN) S TIMESTMP=$$STATUPDT^MAGDTR02(UNREAD,"R") I TIMESTMP D ; changed status to Resulted . D FINISH ; record who updated the consult . ; check if there is an image . S MAGPTR=$O(^MAG(2006.5839,"C",123,GMRCIEN,0)) . I MAGPTR,'$$TIULAST^MAGDGMRC(GMRCIEN) D . . ; there is an image but no TIU note . . D TIUNOTE ; create a TIU note for the image . . Q . Q Q ; CANCEL ; entry point from ^MAGDTR01 & ^MAGDTRLU for CANCELLED consults N TIMESTMP,UNREAD S UNREAD=$$UNREAD^MAGDTR02(GMRCIEN) S TIMESTMP=$$STATUPDT^MAGDTR02(UNREAD,"C") I TIMESTMP D ; changed status to Cancelled . ; remove any old data about the reading activities . S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",12,16)="^^^^" . D FINISH ; record who cancelled the consult . Q Q ; FINISH ; finalize resulted or cancelled consult N DUZACQ,FULLNAME,INITIALS,LOCKNAME,X ; record who resulted or cancelled the consult ; I $G(MODE)="REPAIR" G REPAIR ; set in ^MAGDTRLU ; ; process the transaction I $D(HLNEXT) D ; IFC - data comes from HL7 message . D GETHL7B^MAGDTR01(.FULLNAME,.LOCATION) . ; if resulter is not the person who locked the study, update name . S LOCKNAME=$P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",12) . I LOCKNAME'=FULLNAME,FULLNAME'="" D ; not the same person, update . . ; look up resulter in file 200 - check for >1 people with same name . . S DUZACQ=$O(^VA(200,"B",FULLNAME,"")) . . I DUZACQ,$O(^VA(200,"B",FULLNAME,DUZACQ)) S DUZACQ="" ; same name . . S INITIALS=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZACQ,1) ; initial . . ; DUZread (piece 4) is not known - set to null . . S X=FULLNAME_"^"_INITIALS_"^"_DUZACQ_"^^"_LOCATION . . S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",12,16)=X ; reader identification . . Q . Q E D ; local consult - FULLNAME array is for IFCs only . ; record the id of the resulter - DUZ comes from RPC session . ; assumes that the results were entered directly, not via IFC/HL7 . S FULLNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ,.01) . S INITIALS=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ,1) ; initial . S X=FULLNAME_"^"_INITIALS_"^"_DUZ_"^"_DUZ_"^"_DUZ(2) ; DUZacq=DUZread . S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",12,16)=X ; reader identification . Q ; D EXREF(UNREAD,TIMESTMP) ; set "E" cross-reference Q ; EXREF(UNREAD,TIMESTMP) ; set cancellation or reading stop date/time and "E" cross-reference N ACQSITE ;-- acquisition site N LISTDATA ;- read/unread list data Q:UNREAD="" Q:TIMESTMP="" S LISTDATA=^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0) S ACQSITE=$P(LISTDATA,"^",2) Q:ACQSITE="" S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",18)=TIMESTMP S ^MAG(2006.5849,"E",ACQSITE,TIMESTMP\1,UNREAD)="" Q ; REPAIR ; code to repair a defective unread list entry N ACTIVITY,DUZACQ,FULLNAME,HIT,I,IFCSITE,INITIALS,LOCATION,SUBFILE,TIMESTMP S IFCSITE=$$GET1^DIQ(123,GMRCIEN,.07,"I") ; routing facility ; ; first find the consult request tracking "completion" activity in cprs S HIT=0 F I=1:1 D Q:HIT Q:ACTIVITY="" . S SUBFILE=I_","_GMRCIEN ; format: , . S ACTIVITY=$$GET1^DIQ(123.02,SUBFILE,1) ; activity - from ^GMR(123.1) . I ACTIVITY="COMPLETE/UPDATE" S HIT=1 . E I ACTIVITY="CANCELLED" S HIT=2 . E I ACTIVITY="DISCONTINUED" S HIT=3 . Q I 'HIT S SUBFILE=(I-1)_","_GMRCIEN ; use the last entry ; ; now make the corrections S TIMESTMP=$$GET1^DIQ(123.02,SUBFILE,2,"I") ; date/time of actual activity S DUZACQ=$$GET1^DIQ(123.02,SUBFILE,3,"I") ; who's responsible for activity I DUZACQ D ; action was perfomed locally . S FULLNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZACQ,.01) ; name . S INITIALS=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZACQ,1) ; initials . S LOCATION=ACQSITE . S X=FULLNAME_"^"_INITIALS_"^"_DUZACQ_"^"_DUZACQ_"^"_ACQSITE ; DUZacq=DUZread . Q E I IFCSITE D ; remotely completed IFC . S FULLNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(123.02,SUBFILE,.22) ; remote responsible person . ; look up resulter in file 200 - check for >1 people with same name . S DUZACQ=$O(^VA(200,"B",FULLNAME,"")) . I DUZACQ,$O(^VA(200,"B",FULLNAME,DUZACQ)) S DUZACQ="" ; same name . S INITIALS=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZACQ,1) ; initials . ; DUZread (piece 4) is not known - set to null . S X=FULLNAME_"^"_INITIALS_"^"_DUZACQ_"^^"_IFCSITE . Q E S X="^^^^" ; problem with cprs consult S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",12,16)=X ; reader identification N % D NOW^%DTC S $P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",19)=% ; Record Repair TimeStamp in piece 19 Field #18 D EXREF(UNREAD,TIMESTMP) ; set "E" cross-reference Q ; TIUNOTE ; create a TIU result note, if one is not present N DUZ ; this is called by the HL7 - DUZ and DUZ(2) are not set N MAGDFN,MAGTEXT,MAGTITLE,UNREAD,XECUTE,ZZ Q:'$D(HLNEXT) ; only create TIU result note for IFCs Q:'$$FINDLIST^MAGDTR01(GMRCIEN,,,,,.MAGTITLE) S UNREAD=$$UNREAD^MAGDTR02(GMRCIEN) Q:'UNREAD S MAGTEXT(1)="Please refer to Inter-facility Consult for results." S MAGTEXT(2)="" S MAGTEXT(3)="Automatically generated note - signature not required." S DUZ=$P(^MAG(2006.5849,UNREAD,0),"^",14) Q:'DUZ ; get DUZacq S DUZ(0)="@",DUZ(2)=LOCATION ; get reading site ien S MAGDFN=$$GET1^DIQ(123,GMRCIEN,.02,"I") D NEW^MAGGNTI1(.ZZ,MAGDFN,MAGTITLE,1,"E",,DUZ,,,GMRCIEN,.MAGTEXT) Q ;