MAGGSIA1 ;WOIFO/GEK - RPC Call to Add Image File entry ; [ 12/27/2000 10:49 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**7,8,85,59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q PRE(MAGERR,MAGGFDA,MAGGRP,MAGGDRV,MAGREF) ; ; Check on some possible problems: required fields etc. ; Object Type and (Patient, or Short Desc) Required. N MAGRSLT,X,Z I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",3)) D OBJTYPE I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",3)) S MAGERR="0^Need an Object Type " Q I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",5)),'$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",10)) D Q . S MAGERR="0^Need Patient or Short Desc. Operation CANCELED " ; IF no Procedure text we'll give it some so crossref will set. D PATCHK(.MAGRSLT) I 'MAGRSLT S MAGERR=MAGRSLT Q ; Patch 8 IAPI We Create IXCLS (#41 CLASS) and IXPKG (#40 Package) if TYPE is in Data. ; But we are not making TYPE required yet for backward compatibality. I $D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",42)) D . I $$GET1^DIQ(2005.83,MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",42),2,"E")="INACTIVE" D S MAGRY=MAGERR Q . . S MAGERR="0^Index Type: "_$$GET1^DIQ(2005.83,MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",42),.01,"E")_"is INACTIVE" . I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",41)) D MAKECLAS^MAGGSIU1 I $L(MAGERR) S MAGRY=MAGERR Q . I ($D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",16)))&($$ISTYPADM(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",42))) D S MAGRY=MAGERR Q . . S MAGERR="0^Can't have an ADMIN TYPE with Clinical Image." . I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",40)) D MAKEPKG^MAGGSIU1 I $L(MAGERR) S MAGRY=MAGERR Q . I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",6)) D MAKEPROC^MAGGSIU1 I $L(MAGERR) S MAGRY=MAGERR Q . I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",45)) D MAKEORIG^MAGGSIU1 I $L(MAGERR) S MAGRY=MAGERR Q . Q ; I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",6)) D PROCTEXT ; ; If no Procedure/Exam Date/Time we'll give it DocDT, or NOW I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",15)) D . I $D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",110)) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",15)=MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",110) Q . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",15)=$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12) ; DateTime image saved. I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",7)) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",7)=$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12) ; Short Description ;I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",10)) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",10)=$$MAKENAME^MAGGSIU1(.MAGGFDA) I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",10)) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",10)=$G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",6)) ; Name (.01) I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",.01)) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",.01)=$$MAKENAME^MAGGSIU1(.MAGGFDA) I '$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",8)) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",8)=$G(DUZ) ; Acquisition Site, Use it to tell where to save the file. I $D(MAGACT("ACQS")) D . ; Patch 8 Have to modify: Field 105 (Acquisition Site) is NOW Field .05 . I $P(MAGACT("ACQS"),";")]"" S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",.05)=$P(MAGACT("ACQS"),";") ; Only get drive:dir if not a group I 'MAGGRP D I $L(MAGERR) Q . ; The value of the Action Code "WRITE^value" OVERRIDES any Write Location . ; sent as field # 2 in the input array. (The only value we check for is "PACS" from peter's code) . S X=$S($D(MAGACT("WRITE")):MAGACT("WRITE"),$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",2)):MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",2),1:"") . ;P85 Send ACQS as second Param. $$DRIVE will use ACQS If X = "" . ; . S Z=$$DRIVE^MAGGTU1(X,$G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",.05))) ;Drv:Dir to Write . I 'Z S MAGERR=Z Q . S MAGGDRV=$P(Z,U,2) . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",2)=+Z ;Disk & Vol magnetic . ; if a big file is being made on workstation, put NetWork Location . ; pointer in the BIG NETWORK LOCATION field. . ; (BIG files default to same Network Location as FullRes (or PACS)) . I $G(MAGACT("BIG"))=1 S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",102)=+Z . S MAGREF=+Z ; save network location ien for $$DIRHASH in ^MAGGSIA1 . I $G(MAGACT("ABS"))="STUFFONLY" S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",2.1)=+Z ; I $D(MAGACT("ACQL")) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",101)=MAGACT("ACQL") ; HERE we are putting PRE Processing for the Import API action codes. ; "ACQD,ACQS" If Acquisition device entry doesn't exist, create it. I $D(MAGACT("ACQD")) D . ; IF Value is a pointer to the ACQ DEVICE File Quit. If it's invalid then UPDATE will catch it. . I (+MAGACT("ACQD")=MAGACT("ACQD")) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",107)=MAGACT("ACQD") Q . I $D(^MAG(2006.04,"B",MAGACT("ACQD"))) D Q . . ; IF Already exists, add it to the FDA . . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",107)=$O(^MAG(2006.04,"B",MAGACT("ACQD"),"")) . . ; What do we do with the Acquisition Site. IF Acq Dev already exists. ? . . ; ?? . ; IF it doesn't exist, create it, and add it's ien to the image entry . N MAGDFDA,MAGDIEN,MAGDXE . S MAGDFDA(2006.04,"+1,",.01)=MAGACT("ACQD") . S MAGDFDA(2006.04,"+1,",1)=$S($D(MAGACT("ACQS")):$P(MAGACT("ACQS"),";"),1:$G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",.05))) . S MAGDFDA(2006.04,"+1,",2)=$S($D(MAGACT("ACQL")):MAGACT("ACQL"),$D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",101)):MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",101),1:$P($G(MAGACT("ACQS")),";",2)) . ; ACQS was a 2 ';' piece value with Acq Location (HOSPITAL LOCATION) as 2nd piece . ; now it is sent as it's own value in ACQL . D UPDATE^DIE("","MAGDFDA","MAGDIEN","MAGDXE") . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",107)=MAGDIEN(1) ; ; Check the last entry in Audit File to see if it is greater than ; last image in Image File. IF yes, change Image File (0) node entry. I ($O(^MAG(2005,"A"),-1)<$O(^MAG(2005.1,"A"),-1)) S $P(^MAG(2005,0),U,3)=$O(^MAG(2005.1,"A"),-1) ; Q PATCHK(MAGR) ; This uses the FDA Array and checks the Imaging Patient against the Procedure patient ; N MAGDFN,PX,PXDA,MAGY S PX=$G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",16)) S PXDA=$G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",17)) I 'PX S MAGR=1 Q ; This is a category, or an Image of a group (no parent pointer) S MAGDFN=MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",5) I (PX=8925) D Q . I '$D(^TIU(8925,PXDA)) S MAGR="0^Invalid TIU Entry Number: "_PXDA Q . D DATA^MAGGNTI(.MAGY,PXDA) . I '(MAGDFN=$P(MAGY,U,4)) S MAGR="0^Procedure and Imaging patients don't match." Q . S MAGR=1 Q OBJTYPE ; This call uses the EXT and computes an Object Type N MTYPE I '$L($G(MAGACT("EXT"))) Q S MTYPE=$O(^MAG(2005.02,"AD",MAGACT("EXT"),"")) ;I 'MTYPE Q ;TODO : Answer question, do we want to have a default Image type ? I 'MTYPE S MTYPE=1 S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",3)=MTYPE Q ISTYPADM(TYPE) ; Returns 1 if this is an Admin Type N CL I '$G(TYPE) Q 0 S CL=$$GET1^DIQ(2005.83,TYPE,1,"E") Q $S($E(CL,1,5)="ADMIN":1,1:0) PROCTEXT ;This call uses flds 16 and 17 to compute fld #6 PROCEDURE TEXT [8F] ; We are here because fld #6 PROCEDURE [8F] is null. ; If a pointer to a package is in the data, (flds 16 and 17) ; get fld #6 from that , if not then treat it as an UNASSIGNED image ; i.e. Category UNASSIGNED. N MAGYPX,PARENT,PARIEN,PXDESC S PARENT=$G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",16)) S PARIEN=$G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",17)) ; I (PARENT=8925),(PARIEN]"") D Q . D DATA^MAGGNTI(.MAGYPX,PARIEN) . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",6)=$P(MAGYPX,U,2) ;TODO; create calls to get default procedure desc for all specialties ; AND default to NONE if a TYPE and no PARENT data File (fld 16) ; If a Parent pointer exists, and it isn't TIU, for now set "NO Description" I PARENT]"" S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",6)="No Description" Q ; ; Do we have a pointer to a MAG DESCRIPTIVE CATEGORY I ($G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",100))]"") D Q . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",6)=$P(^MAG(2005.81,MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",100),0),U,1) ; ; If a new child of a Group, use that Proc Desc I $G(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",14))]"" D Q . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",6)=$P(^MAG(2005,MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",14),0),U,8) ; ; Parent="", and no Category pointer, then we Call it UNASSIGNED S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",100)=$O(^MAG(2005.81,"B","UNASSIGNED","")) S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",6)="UNASSIGNED" Q