MAGGSIU2 ;WOIFO/GEK - Utilities for Image Add/Modify ; [ 12/27/2000 10:49 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**7,8,85**;16-March-2007;;Build 1039 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q MAKEFDA(MAGGFDA,MAGARRAY,MAGACT,MAGCHLD,MAGGRP,MAGGWP) ; ; Create the FileMan FDA Array ; Create Imaging Action Codes Array (for Pre and Post processing) N MAGGFLD,MAGGDAT,GRPCT,WPCT,Z S Z="" F S Z=$O(MAGARRAY(Z)) Q:Z="" D I $L(MAGERR) Q . S MAGGFLD=$P(MAGARRAY(Z),U,1),MAGGDAT=$P(MAGARRAY(Z),U,2,99) . ; If this entry is one of the action codes, store it in the action array. . I $$ACTCODE^MAGGSIV(MAGGFLD) S MAGACT(MAGGFLD)=MAGGDAT Q . ; . ; If we are Creating a Group Entry, add any Images that are to be members of this group. . I MAGGFLD=2005.04 D Q . . S MAGGRP=1 . . I '+MAGGDAT Q ; making a group entry, with no group entries yet. This is OK. . . S MAGCHLD(MAGGDAT)="" . . S GRPCT=GRPCT+1 . . S MAGGFDA(2005.04,"+"_GRPCT_",+1,",.01)=MAGGDAT . ; . ; if we are getting a WP for Long Desc, set array to pass. . I MAGGFLD=11 D ; this is one line of the WP Long Desc field. . . S WPCT=WPCT+1,MAGGWP(WPCT)=MAGGDAT . . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",11)="MAGGWP" . ; Set the Node for the UPDATE^DIC Call. . S MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",MAGGFLD)=MAGGDAT . Q ; Patch 8. Special processing for field 107 (ACQUISITION DEVICE) ; We'll change any MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",107) to MAGACT("ACQD") ; This way the PRE processing of the array will check and create a new ; ACQUISITION DEVICE file entry, if needed. I $D(MAGACT("107")) S MAGACT("ACQD")=MAGACT("107") K MAGACT("107") I $D(MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",107)) S MAGACT("ACQD")=MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",107) K MAGGFDA(2005,"+1,",107) Q REQPARAM() ;Do required parameters have values. Called from MAGGSIUI ; VARIABLES ARE SET AND KILLED IN THAT ROUTINE. N CT S CT=0 S MAGRY(0)="1^Checking for Required parameter values..." I IDFN="" S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="DFN is Required. !" I '$D(IMAGES),'CMTH S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="List of Images is Required. !" ; I (PXPKG=""),(DOCCTG=""),(IXTYPE="") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Procedure or Category or Index Type is Required. !" I (PXPKG'=""),(DOCCTG'="") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Procedure OR Document Category. Not BOTH. !" ; I (PXPKG'=""),(PXIEN="") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Procedure IEN is Required. !" I (PXPKG=""),(PXIEN'="") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Procedure Package is Required. !" I (PXPKG'=""),(PXDT="") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Procedure Date is Required. !" ; ;Patch 8 index field check... could be using Patch 7 or Patch 8. ; We're this far, so either PXIEN or DOCCTG is defined I (IXTYPE'=""),(DOCCTG'="") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Image Type OR Document Category. Not BOTH. !" ; MAGGSIA computes PACKAGE #40 and CLASS #41 when adding an Image (2005) entry. ; I TRKID="" S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Tracking ID is Required. !" I ACQD="" S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Acquisition Device is Required. !" ; ACQS ( could ? ) default to users institution i.e. DUZ(2) I (ACQS="")&(ACQN="") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Acquisition Site IEN or Station Number is Required. !" I (ACQS]"")&(ACQN]"") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Station IEN or Station Number, Not BOTH. !" ; I STSCB="" S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Status Handler (TAG^ROUTINE) is Required. !" ; I (DOCCTG'=""),(DOCDT="") S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)="Document Date is Required. !" ; I (CT>0) S MAGRY(0)="0^Required parameter is null" Q MAGRY(0) ;Checks to stop Duplicate or incorrect Tracking ID's ; //TODO: ?? check the Queue File, is this Tracking ID already Queued. I (TRKID'="") I $D(^MAG(2005,"ATRKID",TRKID)) S MAGRY(0)="0^Tracking ID Must be Unique !" I (TRKID'="") I ($L(TRKID,";")<2) S MAGRY(0)="0^Tracking ID Must have "";"" Delimiter" ; Q MAGRY(0)