MAGGSIUI ;WOIFO/GEK - Utilities for Image Import API ;;3.0;IMAGING;**7,8,48,20,85,59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q REMOTE(MAGRY,MAGDATA) ;RPC [MAG4 REMOTE IMPORT] ; Import Images from a Windows App, by sending an array. I ($D(MAGDATA)<10) S MAGRY(0)="0^Missing Data Array !." Q N I,J,ICT,DCT,MAGIX,IMAGES,ERR,X,Z S (ERR,ICT,DCT)=0 S I="" F S I=$O(MAGDATA(I)) Q:I="" S X=MAGDATA(I) D Q:ERR . S Z=$P(X,U) . I (X="")!(Z="") S MAGRY(0)="0^INVALID Data in Input Array: Node "_I_"="""_X_"",ERR=1 Q . I Z="IMAGE" S ICT=ICT+1,IMAGES(ICT)=$P(X,U,2,99) Q . S DCT=DCT+1,MAGIX(Z)=$P(X,U,2,99) I 'ERR D IMPORT(.MAGRY,.IMAGES,.MAGIX) Q ; IMPORT(MAGRY,IMAGES,MAGIX) ; ; "IDFN","PXPKG","PXIEN","PXDT","TRKID","ACQD","ACQS","ACQL","STSCB","ITYPE", ; "CMTH","CDUZ","USERNAME","PASSWORD","GDESC","DFLG","TRTYPE","DOCCTG","DOCDT", ; "IXTYPE","IXSPEC","IXPROC","IXORIGIN ;Patch 8: Added Index fields ; ;Index fields Package, Class ("IXPKG" and "IXCLS") aren't accepted ; they are computed values. ; - Convert field codes into an Input Data Array, ; validate, then set the Import Queue ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^"_$T(+0) K MAGRY S MAGRY(0)="0^Importing data..." N APISESS,MWIN S MWIN=$$BROKER^XWBLIB N PRM,CT,MAGA,MAGY,MAGTN,TNODE N IDFN,PXPKG,PXIEN,PXDT,TRKID,ACQD,ACQS,ACQN,ACQL,STSCB,ITYPE,CMTH,CDUZ,USERNAME,PASSWORD N GDESC,DFLG,TRTYPE,DOCCTG,DOCDT,IXPKG,IXCLS,IXTYPE,IXSPEC,IXPROC,IXORIGIN,MAX,SITEPLC N ERR,MAGTM,QTIME,MAGIXZ S CT=0,ERR=0 M MAGIXZ=MAGIX ; DON'T CONVERT ACQS(really a ACQN) to a REAL ACQS, leave it ACQS to be converted by MAGGSIV ; F PRM="IDFN","PXPKG","PXIEN","PXDT","TRKID","ACQD","ACQS","ACQN","ACQL","STSCB","ITYPE","CMTH","CDUZ","USERNAME","PASSWORD","GDESC","DFLG","TRTYPE","DOCCTG","DOCDT","IXTYPE","IXSPEC","IXPROC","IXORIGIN" D . S @PRM=$G(MAGIX(PRM)) K MAGIX(PRM) ; P8T14 added K.. and next line to account for field numbers later. . Q S PRM="" F S PRM=$O(MAGIX(PRM)) Q:PRM="" D SA(PRM,$G(MAGIX(PRM))) ; S MAGTM=$$NOW^XLFDT I '$G(DUZ) S MAGRY(0)="0^DUZ is undefined." Q ;D ERRTRK Q ; DATATRK sets Global var. APISESS = IEN of Session File. D DATATRK I '$$REQPARAM^MAGGSIU2() D ERRTRK Q S MAX=$P(TRKID,";",1)="MAX" ;I 'MWIN W !,"----------------" ZW W !,"---------------------" ; Workaround VIC (Maximus) is sending Station Number ; we'll convert to Institution IEN I MAX&(ACQS]"") D Q:ERR . S X=$O(^DIC(4,"D",ACQS,"")) . I X="" S MAGRY(0)="0^Invalid Station Number:(Maximus ACQS): "_ACQS,ERR=1 Q . S SITEPLC=X ; We need the Place for the Queue . ;S ACQS=X Out in 85. Don't change to ACQS, that's done in VAL^MAGGSIV . Q ; Change to Allow ACQN - STATION NUMBER from INSTITUTION File. I $L(ACQN) D Q:ERR . S ACQS=$O(^DIC(4,"D",ACQN,"")) . I ACQS="" S MAGRY(0)="0^Invalid STATION NUMBER: (ACQN): "_ACQN,ERR=1 Q . ; VAL^MAGGSIV Will fail if ACQS is real and this is Maximus . I MAX S ACQS=ACQN K ACQN Q . S ACQN="" ;We converted to ACQS, lets make "" so no confusion later. . Q ; ; Set the input data array D SA(5,IDFN) ;PATIENT D SA(16,PXPKG) ;PARENT DATA FILE D SA(17,PXIEN) ;PARENT GLOBAL ROOT D SA(15,PXDT) ; PROCEDURE/EXAM DATE/TIME D SA(108,TRKID) ; TRACKING ID (new) D SA("ACQD",ACQD) ; ACQUISTION DEVICE ( new ) I 'MAX S SITEPLC=ACQS D SA(.05,ACQS) ; this used to be fld 105 D SA(101,ACQL) D SA("STATUSCB",STSCB) ; STATUS CALLBACK (was referred to as ExceptionHandler) D SA(3,ITYPE) ; OBJECT TYPE D SA("CALLMTH",CMTH) ; CALL METHOD D SA(8,CDUZ) ; IMAGE SAVE BY D SA("USERNAME",USERNAME) D SA("PASSWORD",PASSWORD) D SA(10,GDESC) ; SHORT DESCRIPTION D SA("DELFLAG",DFLG) ; DELETE FLAG D SA("TRNSTYP",TRTYPE) ; TRANSACTION TYPE D SA(100,DOCCTG) ; document Main category D SA(110,DOCDT) ; document date ; Patch 8 allows Index fields to be imported. ;"IXTYPE","IXSPEC","IXPROC","IXORIGIN" D SA(42,IXTYPE) ; Index Type D SA(43,IXPROC) ; Index Proc/Event D SA(44,IXSPEC) ; Index Spec/SubSpec D SA(45,IXORIGIN) ; Index Origin ; D VAL^MAGGSIV(.MAGRY,.MAGA,1) I 'MAGRY(0) D ERRTRK Q I MAX D SA(.05,ACQS) ; this used to be fld 105 ; Also Done in MAGGSIA when image is being Saved. I '$$VALINDEX^MAGGSIV1(.MAGRY,IXTYPE,IXSPEC,IXPROC) D ERRTRK Q ; Array of Images to Import D SI("IMAGES",.IMAGES) I 'MAGRY(0) D ERRTRK Q K MAGRY ; I TRTYPE="NOQUEUE" M MAGRY=MAGA S MAGRY(0)="1^" Q ; This call is for BP S QTIME=$$NOW^XLFDT ; p85 use ACQS instead of DUZ(2) S MAGY=$$IMPORT^MAGBAPI(.MAGA,STSCB,TRKID,$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(SITEPLC)) ; Return Queue Number I 'MAGY S MAGRY(0)="0^Error Setting Queue: "_$P(MAGY,U,2),MAGY=TRKID E S MAGRY(0)=MAGY_"^Data has been Queued.",MAGY=+MAGY ; for Testing, we'll track input array, and results array by Queue number. I 'MAGRY(0) D ERRTRK Q D LOGRES^MAGGSIU3(.MAGRY,0,APISESS) ; Q ; SA(FLD,VAL) ;Set the data array with Fld,Value Q:VAL="" S CT=CT+1,MAGA(CT)=FLD_U_VAL Q SI(FLD,ARR) ;Set the images into the data array ; 'CT' is a global variable. S MAGRY(0)="1^Valid Image file Extensions." N I,MAGEXT,MAGFN S I="" F S I=$O(ARR(I)) Q:I="" D Q:'MAGRY(0) . S CT=CT+1 . I ($L($P(ARR(I),U),".")<2) S MAGRY(0)="0^Invalid file name: "_ARR(I) Q . S MAGFN=$P(ARR(I),"^") . S MAGEXT=$$UP^XLFSTR($P(MAGFN,".",$L(MAGFN,"."))) . I '$D(^MAG(2005.021,"B",MAGEXT)) S MAGRY(0)="0^Unsupported File Type:'."_MAGEXT Q . S MAGA(CT)="IMAGE"_U_ARR(I) Q GETARR(ARR,QNUM) ;RPC [MAG4 DATA FROM IMPORT QUEUE] ; Get the Input Array from Queue Number I '$G(QNUM) S ARR(0)="0^INVALID QUEUE Number: "_$G(QNUM) Q D IMPAR^MAGQBUT2(.ARR,QNUM) Q STATUSCB(MAGRY,STAT,TAGRTN,DOCB) ;RPC [MAG4 STATUS CALLBACK] ; Report Status to calling application ; Now the IAPI and OCX make this call. Not BP ; STAT(0)= "0^message" or "1^message" ; STAT(1)=TRKID, ; (2)=QNUM ; (3..N)=warnings ;TAGRTN : The TAG^RTN to call with Status Array ;DOCB : (1|0) to suppress execution of Status Callback ; N APISESS,TRKID,CBMSG S DOCB=$S($G(DOCB)="":1,1:+$G(DOCB)) ; Default to TRUE ; Old Import API and BP that made this call, will work : DOCB defaults to 1 S CBMSG=$S(DOCB:"Status Callback was called",1:"Status Callback was NOT called") I DOCB D @(TAGRTN_"(.STAT)") S MAGRY="1^"_CBMSG S STAT($O(STAT(""),-1)+1)=MAGRY S TRKID=$G(STAT(1)) ; Log Results. Always. I $L(TRKID) D . S APISESS=$$SES4TRK^MAGGSIU3(TRKID) ; . I APISESS D LOGRES^MAGGSIU3(.STAT,0,APISESS) ;gek/send Tracking ID to log status Q TESTCB(STATARR) ;TESTING. This is the Status Callback for testing. ; the STATUSCB property must have a Valid "M" TAG^ROUTINE ; TAG TESTCB exists so that STATUSCB validates successfully Q ERRTRK ;Track bad data and Quit N I D LOGERR^MAGGSERR("---- New Error ----",APISESS) S I="" F S I=$O(MAGRY(I)) Q:I="" D LOGERR^MAGGSERR(MAGRY(I),APISESS) Q DATATRK ; Track the raw data being sent to the Import API. ; Log the data being imported. Results are logged later. N XY S APISESS=$$LOG^MAGGSIU3(.XY,.MAGIXZ,.IMAGES,IDFN,ACQD,TRKID) Q ERR ; ERROR TRAP FOR Import API N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S MAGRY(0)="0^ETRAP: "_ERR D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") I $G(APISESS) D ERRTRK Q