MAGGSIV ;WOIFO/GEK - Imaging RPC Broker calls. Validate Image data array ; [ 12/27/2000 10:49 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**7,8,20**;Apr 12, 2006 ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q VAL(MAGRY,MAGARRAY,ALL) ;RPC [MAG4 VALIDATE DATA] ;Call to Validate the Image Data Array before a new image/modified entry is attempted. ; Called from MAGGSIA, MAGGSIUI and Capture GUI. ; Parameters : ; MAGARRAY - array of 'Field numbers'|'Action codes' and their Values ; MAGARRAY(1)="5^38" Field#: 5 Value: 38 ; an example of an action code is the Code for File Extension ; MAGARRAY(2)="EXT^JPG" Action: EXT Value: JPG ; ALL - "1" = Validate ALL fields, returning an array of error messages. ; "0" = Stop validating if an error occurs, return ; the error message in (0) node. ; Return Variable ; MAGRY() - Array ; Successful MAGRY(0) = 1^Image Data is Valid. ; UNsuccessful MAGRY(0) = 0^Error desc ; IF ALL then MAGRY(1..N) =0^Error desc of all errors N MAGGFLD,MAGGDAT,MAGFSPEC,CHKOK,MAGETXT,MAGRET,MAGRES N Y,AITEM,CT,MAGERR,DFNFLAG,DAT1,X,MAX N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^"_$T(+0) S ALL=$G(ALL) S MAGRY(0)="0^Validating the Data Array..." S MAGERR="",DFNFLAG=0,CT=0 ; Do we have any data ? I ($D(MAGARRAY)<10) S MAGRY(0)="0^No input data, Operation CANCELED" Q ; Flag if from Maximus S MAX=0 S X="" F S X=$O(MAGARRAY(X)) Q:X="" I $P(MAGARRAY(X),U,1)="TRKID"!($P(MAGARRAY(X),U,1)="108") I $P($P(MAGARRAY(X),U,2),";",1)="MAX" S MAX=1 ; Loop through Input Array S AITEM="" F S AITEM=$O(MAGARRAY(AITEM)) Q:AITEM="" D I $L(MAGERR) Q:'ALL S CT=CT+1,MAGRY(CT)=MAGERR,MAGERR="" . S MAGERR="" . S MAGGFLD=$P(MAGARRAY(AITEM),U,1),MAGGDAT=$P(MAGARRAY(AITEM),U,2,99) . I MAGGFLD="" S MAGERR="0^A Field Number/Action Code is required: "_" Item: "_MAGARRAY(AITEM) Q . I MAGGDAT="" S MAGERR="0^A Value is required."_" Item: "_MAGARRAY(AITEM) Q . I MAGGFLD=5 S DFNFLAG=1 . ; This inadvertently disallowed Tracking ID's on Group Images. . ;I MAGGFLD=108 I $D(^MAG(2005,"ATRKID",MAGGDAT)) S MAGERR="0^Tracking ID Must be Unique !" Q . I MAGGFLD=108 I ($L(MAGGDAT,";")<2) S MAGRY(0)="0^Tracking ID Must have "";"" Delimiter" Q . ; Check for possible action codes that could be in the array. . I $$ACTCODE(MAGGFLD) D Q . . S DAT1=MAGGDAT . . S Y=$$VALCODE(MAGGFLD,.MAGGDAT) S:'Y MAGERR=Y_" Item: "_MAGARRAY(AITEM) . . I DAT1'=MAGGDAT S MAGARRAY(AITEM)=MAGGFLD_"^"_MAGGDAT . ; If we are adding Multiple Images to a Group, they must be Validated. . ; we could have multiple "2005.04^IENs" in this array. Which means we are . ; adding existing Images to a New/Existing Group. . I MAGGFLD=2005.04 D Q ; 2005.04 isn't the field number, #4 is the field number . . I $G(MAGGDAT,0)=0 Q ;Creating a new Group, with no group entries is the usual way . . ; to do it. Then make successive calls to ADD, Adding each Image to the . . ; Object Group multiple of the Group Parent (fld#14) as it is created. . . I '$D(^MAG(2005,MAGGDAT,0)) S MAGERR="0^Group Object "_MAGGDAT_" doesn't exist"_" Item: "_MAGARRAY(AITEM) . . ; We can't allow adding an image if it already has a group parent. . . I $P(^MAG(2005,MAGGDAT,0),U,10) S MAGERR="0^The Image to be added to the Group, already has a Group Parent"_" Item: "_MAGARRAY(AITEM) . ; if we are getting a WP line of text for Long Desc Field. Can't validate it. . I MAGGFLD=11 Q ; this is a line of the WP Long Desc field. . ; NEW CALL TO VALIDATE FILE,FIELD,DATA . S DAT1=MAGGDAT . I '$$VALID^MAGGSIV1(2005,MAGGFLD,.MAGGDAT,.MAGRES) S MAGERR="0^"_MAGRES Q . I DAT1'=MAGGDAT S MAGARRAY(AITEM)=MAGGFLD_"^"_MAGGDAT . Q ; ; if there was an Error in data we'll quit now. ; If ALL is true, then MAGRY(1...N) will exist if there were errors. I $O(MAGRY(0)) S MAGRY(0)="0^Errors were found in data." Q ; If ALL is false, then MAGERR will exist if there was an error. I $L(MAGERR) S MAGRY(0)=MAGERR Q ; ; If all data is valid we get here. ; Last Test, see if a Patient was in array, ; (Patient is the only Required field check done in this routine). I 'DFNFLAG S MAGRY(0)="0^A Patient DFN is required. " Q S MAGRY(0)="1^Data is Valid." Q ACTCODE(CODE) ;Function that returns True (1) if this code is a valid Import API Action Code ; Patch 8. We're adding 107 as an action code, so it will pass validation even if the entry ; in the Acquisition Device File doesn't exist; ; it will be validated in PRE^MAGGSIA1 and a new Acquisition Device entry made if needed. I ",107,ACQD,IEN,EXT,ABS,JB,WRITE,BIG,DICOMSN,DICOMIN,ACQS,ACQL,STATUSCB,CALLMTH,USERNAME,PASSWORD,DELFLAG,TRNSTYP,"[(","_CODE_",") Q 1 Q 0 VALCODE(CODE,VALUE) ; We validate the values for the possible action codes N MAGY I VALUE="" Q "0^NO VALUE in Action Code string: """_X_"" ; Patch 8, added 107 I ",ACQL,CALLMTH,USERNAME,PASSWORD,"[(","_CODE_",") Q 1 ; NO VALIDATION FOR THESE CODES D @CODE Q MAGY ; Each Tag is a valid Action code IEN I $D(^MAG(2005,VALUE)) S MAGY=1 E S MAGY="0^INVALID IMAGE IEN." Q EXT ; code will go here to validate the extension type. i.e. we won't let types .exe .bat .com .zip ... etc. ; Maybe a modification to Object Type file, to have allowable extensions in the file, and a ; cross reference on a new field EXTENSION. The capture workstation wouldn't have to ask the ; user for the file type of each file, and we wouldn't get WORD .DOC files that the user called Color Images ABS ; Meaning: Have the BP create the abstract JB ; Meaning: Have the BP copy the image to the JukeBox BIG ; Meaning: There is a big file also, set the Image File field ? to indicate there is a BIG File. S MAGY=1 Q WRITE ; Meaning: This is the Internal Entry (or "PACS") of the WRITE Directory. Images will be written ; here instead of the default WRITE Directory. S MAGY=$$DRIVE^MAGGTU1(VALUE) Q DICOMSN ;Meaning: DICOM Series Number. This will be entered in the Group Object multiple, field #1 ;We were validating this as an integer, but it can be anything, no way to validate. S MAGY=1 Q DICOMIN ;Meaning: DICOM Image Number. This will be entered in the Group Object multiple, field #2 ; We were validating this as an integer, but it can be anything, no way to validate. S MAGY=1 Q DELFLAG ;Meaning: This flag tells the Delphi Import Component to Delete the Image files after successful processing I ",TRUE,FALSE,0,1,"[(","_$$UPPER(VALUE)_",") S MAGY=1 E S MAGY="0^INVALID Value " I VALUE="1" S VALUE="TRUE" I VALUE="0" S VALUE="FALSE" Q TRNSTYP ;Meaning: This flag is for future use, for now it is ignored, defaults to "NEW" S MAGY=1 Q STATUSCB ; Meaning: This is the TAG^RTN that Imaging calls to report the ; status of the Import. S MAGY="0^Error validating TAG^RTN: "_VALUE I '$L($T(@VALUE)) S MAGY="0^Invalid Status CallBack "_VALUE E S MAGY=1 Q ACQS ; We need to make sure the ACQS (Acquisition Site) is a Valid entry in Imaging Site Params. S VALUE=$P(VALUE,";") ; Stop error, when old OCX sends data. ; Next Block is for VIC (Maximus) that sends Station Number. N ERR S ERR=0 I MAX D Q:ERR . S X=$O(^DIC(4,"D",VALUE,"")) . I X="" S MAGY="0^Invalid STATION NUMBER: (ACQS): "_VALUE,ERR=1 Q . S VALUE=X . Q I '$$CONSOLID^MAGBAPI S MAGY=1 Q ;Patch 20 will have this. I '$D(^MAG(2006.1,"B",VALUE)) S MAGY="0^Acquisition Site ("_VALUE_") is Not in Site Param File." Q S MAGY=1 Q 107 ; 107 and ACQD are the same. Calling 107 falls into validation for ACQD. ACQD ; 107 and ACQD are ACQUISITION DEVICE FILE (2006.04) pointers or Values. ; If it is an integer, We assume the value is an IEN and validate it here. I ((+VALUE)=VALUE),'$D(^MAG(2006.04,VALUE)) S MAGY="0^Invalid IEN ("_VALUE_") for ACQUISITION DEVICE File." Q ; if it is not an integer, it is either a new/existing entry for 2006.04 Result is Success, ; and it will be validated in PRE^MAGGSIA1 and added to File 2006.04 if needed. S MAGY=1 Q UPPER(X) ; Q $TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") ; ERR ; ERROR TRAP FOR Import API N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S MAGRY(0)="0^ETRAP: "_ERR D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") Q