MAGGSIV1 ;WOIFO/GEK - Imaging Validate Data ; [ 08/15/2004 08:57 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**8,20,59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q VALID(MAGF,MAGL,MAGD,MAGRES) ; call to validate value for field in a FM file. ; Function is boolean. Returns: ; 0 - Invalid ; 1 - Valid ; "" - Error ; Call this function before you set the FDA Array. ; MAGD - sent by reference because it could be Internal or External ; and if it is external and valid, it is changed to Internal. ; ; MAGF : File Number ; MAGL : Field Number ; MAGD : (sent by reference) data value of field ; MAGRES: (sent by reference) Result message ; N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^"_$T(+0) N MAGR,MAGMSG,MAGSP,MAGRESA,MAGE,MAGPT ;if a BAD field number I '$$VFIELD^DILFD(MAGF,MAGL) D Q 0 . S MAGRES="The field number: "_MAGL_", in File: "_MAGF_", is invalid." D FIELD^DID(MAGF,MAGL,"","SPECIFIER","MAGSP") ; If it is a pointer field ; If an integer - We assume it is a pointer and validate that and Quit. ; If not integer - We assume it is external value, proceed to let CHK do validate I (MAGSP("SPECIFIER")["P"),(+MAGD=MAGD) D Q MAGPT . I $$EXTERNAL^DILFD(MAGF,MAGL,"",MAGD)'="" S MAGPT=1,MAGRES="Valid pointer" Q . S MAGPT=0,MAGRES="The value: "_MAGD_" for field: "_MAGL_" in File: "_MAGF_" is an invalid Pointer." . Q ; D CHK^DIE(MAGF,MAGL,"E",MAGD,.MAGR,"MAGMSG") ; If success, Quit. We changed External to Internal. Internal is in MAGR I MAGR'="^" S MAGD=MAGR Q 1 ; If not success Get the error text and Quit 0 D MSG^DIALOG("A",.MAGRESA,245,5,"MAGMSG") S MAGRES=MAGRESA(1) Q 0 VALINDEX(MAGRY,TYPE,SPEC,PROC) ; Validate the interdependency of Index Terms. ; MAGRY is the return array ; MAGRY(0)="1^Okay" or "0^error message" ; MAGRY(1..n) Information about the Type,Spec and Proc ; ; Validate the Procedure/Event <-> Specialty/SubSpecialty interdependency ; Assure the TYPE is a Clinical TYPE. ; Assure all are Active. N CLS,RES,ARR,TYX,PRX,SPX,OK K MAGRY S TYPE=$G(TYPE),PROC=$G(PROC),SPEC=$G(SPEC) I TYPE=0 S TYPE="" I PROC=0 S PROC="" I SPEC=0 S SPEC="" I ((PROC]"")!(SPEC]"")) I TYPE="" S MAGRY(0)="0^Type is required." Q 0 ; TYPE is required, but not enforcing yet. All vendors are not sending ; index values. ; VALID will accept External or Internal and return Internal if Valid I $L(TYPE) I '$$VALID(2005,42,.TYPE,.RES) S MAGRY(0)="0^"_RES Q 0 I $L(PROC) I '$$VALID(2005,43,.PROC,.RES) S MAGRY(0)="0^"_RES Q 0 I $L(SPEC) I '$$VALID(2005,44,.SPEC,.RES) S MAGRY(0)="0^"_RES Q 0 ; I TYPE D I 'OK S MAGRY(0)=OK Q 0 . S OK=1,TYX=TYPE_"," . K ARR D GETS^DIQ(2005.83,TYX,".01;1;2","EI","ARR") . S MAGRY(1)="Type - Class : "_ARR(2005.83,TYX,.01,"E")_" - "_ARR(2005.83,TYX,1,"E") . I $L(ARR(2005.83,TYX,2,"E")) S MAGRY(1)=MAGRY(1)_" - "_ARR(2005.83,TYX,2,"E") . I ARR(2005.83,TYX,2,"I")="I" S OK="0^Type is Inactive" . Q ; I SPEC D I 'OK S MAGRY(0)=OK Q 0 . S OK=1,SPX=SPEC_"," . K ARR D GETS^DIQ(2005.84,SPX,".01;2;4","EI","ARR") . S MAGRY(2)="Specialty/SubSpecialty: "_ARR(2005.84,SPX,.01,"E") . I $L(ARR(2005.84,SPX,4,"E")) S MAGRY(2)=MAGRY(2)_" - "_ARR(2005.84,SPX,4,"E") . I $L(ARR(2005.84,SPX,2,"E")) S MAGRY(2)=MAGRY(2)_" <"_ARR(2005.84,SPX,2,"E")_">" . I ARR(2005.84,SPX,4,"I")="I" S OK="0^Specialty is Inactive" . Q ; I PROC D I 'OK S MAGRY(0)=OK Q 0 . S OK=1,PRX=PROC_"," . K ARR D GETS^DIQ(2005.85,PRX,".01;4","EI","ARR") . S MAGRY(4)="Procedure/Event : "_$$GET1^DIQ(2005.85,PROC,.01) . I $L(ARR(2005.85,PRX,4,"E")) S MAGRY(4)=MAGRY(4)_" - "_ARR(2005.85,PRX,4,"E") . I ARR(2005.85,PRX,4,"I")="I" S OK="0^Procedure is Inactive" . Q ; ; If PROC and SPEC are "", then Quit, any TYPE by itself is valid I (PROC=""),(SPEC="") S MAGRY(0)="1^Okay" Q 1 ; Here, TYPE has to be Clin. S CLS=$$GET1^DIQ(2005.83,TYPE,1,"","MAGTAR") I $E(CLS,1,5)="ADMIN" D Q 0 . S MAGRY(0)="0^The Type Index is Administrative, it has to be Clinical." I (PROC="")!(SPEC="") S MAGRY(0)="1^Okay" Q 1 ; we get here, we have to validate the interdependency of SPEC <-> PROC. I '$O(^MAG(2005.85,PROC,1,0)) S MAGRY(0)="1^Okay" Q 1 I '$D(^MAG(2005.85,PROC,1,"B",SPEC)) D Q 0 . S MAGRY(0)="0^Invalid Association between Spec/SubSpec and Proc/Event" . Q S MAGRY(0)="1^Okay" Q 1 ERR ; N ERR S ERR=$$EC^%ZOSV S MAGRES="0^Error during data validation: "_ERR D LOGERR^MAGGTERR(ERR) D @^%ZOSF("ERRTN") D CLEAN^DILF Q