MAGGTAU ;WOIFO/GEK - RPC Calls to Update the Imaging Windows Workstation file ; [ 03/25/2001 11:20 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**7,16,8,59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed | ;; | in any way. Modifications to this software may result in an | ;; | adulterated medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which | ;; | is considered to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q UPD(MAGRY,DATA) ;RPC [MAGG WRKS UPDATES] ; Called after User login. Local and RIV. ; Updates information in the IMAGING WINDOWS WORKSTATION ; ; DATA is '^' delimited piece ; 1 Workstation name 2 Date/Time of capture app. ; 3 Date/Time of Display App. ; 4 Location of workstation 5 Date/Time of MAGSETUP ; 6 Version of Display 7 Version of Capture ; 8 1=Normal startup 2=Started by CPRS 3=Import API ; 9 OS Version 10 VistaRad Version ; 11 RPCBroker Server 12 RPCBroker Port N X,Y,Z N MAGNAME,MAGCDT,MAGDDT,MAG0,MAGLOC,MAGIEN,MAGSETUP,MAGSTART,MAGSRV N MAGVERSD,MAGVERSC,MAGMODE,MAGOSVER,MAGVERVR,MAGPL,MAGVERX K MAGGFDA,MAGXERR,MAGXIEN S MAGNAME=$P(DATA,U,1) S MAGCDT=$P(DATA,U,2) S MAGDDT=$P(DATA,U,3) S MAGLOC=$P(DATA,U,4) S MAGSETUP=$P(DATA,U,5) S MAGVERSD=$P(DATA,U,6) I MAGVERSD S MAGJOB("DISPLAY")="" S MAGVERSC=$P(DATA,U,7) I MAGVERSC S MAGJOB("CAPTURE")="" S MAGMODE=$P(DATA,U,8) S MAGOSVER=$P(DATA,U,9) S MAGVERVR=$P(DATA,U,10) I $P(DATA,U,11)]"" S MAGJOB("RPCSERVER")=$P(DATA,U,11) I $P(DATA,U,12)]"" S MAGJOB("RPCPORT")=$P(DATA,U,12) S MAGIEN=0 I $L(MAGNAME) S MAGIEN=$O(^MAG(2006.81,"B",MAGNAME,"")) I 'MAGIEN D NEWWRKS(MAGNAME,MAGLOC,.MAGIEN) I MAGIEN<1 S MAGRY="0^Workstation Not on file" Q ; S %DT="T",X=MAGCDT D ^%DT S MAGCDT=Y S %DT="T",X=MAGDDT D ^%DT S MAGDDT=Y S %DT="T",X=MAGSETUP D ^%DT S MAGSETUP=Y S MAG0=^MAG(2006.81,MAGIEN,0) ; '0' node for use later. L +^MAG(2006.81,"LOCK",MAGIEN):0 S MAGIEN=+MAGIEN_"," S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,.01)=MAGNAME ; Computer Name I MAGCDT>-1 S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,4)=MAGCDT ;TELE19N.EXE dttm I MAGDDT>-1 S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,5)=MAGDDT ;IMGVWP10.EXE dttm I MAGSETUP>-1 S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,7)=MAGSETUP ; MAGSETUP.EXE dttm S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,8)=1 ; Active or not. S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,6)=MAGLOC ; location free text from .INI S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,3)="@" ; delete logoff time for this job. S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,10)="@" ; delete session pointer S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,11)="@" ; reset the session error count. S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,9)=MAGVERSD ; IMGVWP10.EXE Version Info S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,9.5)=MAGVERSC ; TELE19N.EXE Version Info S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,9.7)=MAGVERVR ; VistARad.EXE Version Info S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,13)=MAGOSVER ; Operating System Version. ; S X=$P(MAG0,U,12) S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,12)=X+1 ; Sess count for wrks. ; Keep PLACE that this wrks logged in. S MAGPL=0 I $D(DUZ(2)) S MAGPL=+$$PLACE^MAGBAPI(DUZ(2)) ; DBI I MAGPL S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,.04)=MAGPL ; DBI ; S X=$$NOW^XLFDT S MAGSTART=$E(X,1,12) I $G(DUZ) D . S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,1)=DUZ . S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,2)=MAGSTART ; D UPDATE^DIE("S","MAGGFDA","MAGXIEN","MAGXERR") I $D(DIERR) D RTRNERR(.MAGRY) Q ; The MAGJOB( array is used by Imaging routines that are ; called from the Delphi App. ; ; 3.0.8 Whatever App calls this, we'll use that Version number. S MAGVERX=$S(MAGVERSD]"":MAGVERSD,MAGVERSC]"":MAGVERSC,MAGVERVR]"":MAGVERVR,1:0) S MAGJOB("WRKSIEN")=+MAGIEN S MAGJOB("VERSION")=MAGVERX S MAGRY="1^" ; ; SESSION : Create new session entry D GETS^DIQ(200,DUZ_",","29","I","Z","") ; service/section S MAGSRV=$G(Z(200,DUZ_",",29,"I")) ; K MAGGFDA,MAGXERR,MAGXIEN S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",.01)=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U,1) ; User S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",1)=DUZ ; USER S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",2)=MAGSTART ; Sess Start Time S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",4)=+MAGIEN ; Wrks S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",7)=+MAGSRV ; User's Service/Section S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",13)=MAGMODE ; 1=normal 2= started by CPRS ; DBI - save the logon PLACE in the Session file. I MAGPL S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",.04)=MAGPL ; User's Institution (Imaging site param entry) ; ;3.0.8 new fields 9 Client Ver, 9.2 Host Version, 9.4 OS Version S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",9)=MAGVERX ; S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",9.2)=$$VERSION^XPDUTL("IMAGING") ; S MAGGFDA(2006.82,"+1,",9.4)=MAGOSVER ; ; D UPDATE^DIE("","MAGGFDA","MAGXIEN","MAGXERR") I $D(DIERR) D RTRNERR(.MAGRY) Q S MAGRY="1^" I '+MAGXIEN(1) S MAGRY="0^" Q S MAGJOB("SESSION")=+MAGXIEN(1) S MAGRY=MAGJOB("SESSION")_"^Session # "_MAGJOB("SESSION")_" Started." S MAGGFDA(2006.81,+MAGIEN_",",10)=+MAGXIEN(1) D UPDATE^DIE("","MAGGFDA","MAGXIEN","MAGXERR") D ACTION("LOGON^") Q LOGACT(MAGRY,ACTION) ;RPC [MAG3 LOGACTION] ; Call to log actions for Imaging Session from ; Delphi interface D ACTION(ACTION) S MAGRY="1^Action Logged" Q ACTION(TXT,LOGTM,MAGSESS) ;Call to log actions for Imaging Workstation Session from other M routines ; ACTIONS LOGGED ; LOGON - Session StartTime LOGOFF - Session End Time ; IMG - Image accessed PAT - Patient Accessed ; CAP - Image Captured ; DEL - Image Deleted MOD - Image entry modified ; IMPORT - Import API has been called ; Data - a node of data passed to Import API ; Result - a node of the Result Array from Import API Processing. ; Image - one of the Images (full path of import directory) that was imported. ; PPACT - A Post processing Action has been processed. ; VR-VW - VistaRad Exam displayed ; VR-INT - VistaRad Exam interpreted ; API - parameters sent to CP API, and the API Call i.e. ITIU-MDAPI ; DFTINDX- If the index fields have no values, call to Patch 17 code to ; generate the values for the fields. ; MOD - This was intended to log Modifications to Image Entries, it is ; (for now) only called when a group entry has an image added to its multiple. ; ; TXT is "^" delimited string ; $P(1) is code ( see above ) $P(2) is DFN ; $P(3) is Image IEN $P(4) reserved for procedure ; $P(5) reserved for time-stamp $P(6) is Vrad Image Count ; $P(7) is Vrad Patient Count ; $P(8) is Vrad User Type (1/0 = Rad/Non-Rad) ; $P(9) is Vrad REMOTE Read flag (1/0; 1=REMOTE) ; $P(TXT,"$$",2) is Tracking ID from an Imported Image. From this we compute Session #, to log actions. ; LOGTM - [1|0] Flag to indicate whether or not to log the time of the Action. Default = 0 ; MAGSESS - Session IEN where the action should be logged. Default to MAGJOB("SESSION") ; N NODE,SESSIEN,MAGGFDA,MAGXERR,MAGXIEN,MAGPROC,LOGX,TRKID S LOGTM=$G(LOGTM) I TXT["$$" S TRKID=$P(TXT,"$$",2),TXT=$P(TXT,"$$",1) S SESSIEN=$S($G(MAGSESS):MAGSESS,$D(MAGJOB("SESSION")):MAGJOB("SESSION"),$G(TRKID)'="":$O(^MAG(2006.82,"E",TRKID,""),-1),1:0) I 'SESSIEN Q S NODE="+1,"_SESSIEN_"," I $P(TXT,U,3) S MAGPROC=$P($G(^MAG(2005,$P(TXT,U,3),0)),U,8) ; I $P(TXT,U)="PAT" D . S Z=+$G(^MAG(2006.82,SESSIEN,1))+1 . S MAGGFDA(2006.82,SESSIEN_",",10)=Z I $P(TXT,U)="IMG" D . S Z=+$P($G(^MAG(2006.82,SESSIEN,1)),U,2)+1 . S MAGGFDA(2006.82,SESSIEN_",",11)=Z . D ENTRY^MAGLOG("IMGVW",DUZ,$P(TXT,"^",3),"Wrks",$P(TXT,"^",2),"1") . D ACCESS^MAGLOG($P(TXT,"^",3)) I $E(TXT,1,3)="CAP" D . S Z=+$P($G(^MAG(2006.82,SESSIEN,1)),U,3)+1 . S MAGGFDA(2006.82,SESSIEN_",",12)=Z . D ENTRY^MAGLOG("CAP",DUZ,$P(TXT,"^",3),"Wrks",$P(TXT,"^",2),"1") I $P(TXT,U,2) D . S MAGGFDA(2006.82,SESSIEN_",",5)=$P(TXT,U,2) I LOGTM D . S X=$$NOW^XLFDT . S $P(TXT,U,4)=$G(MAGPROC),$P(TXT,U,5)=$E(X,1,12) S MAGGFDA(2006.821,NODE,.01)=$P(TXT,"|",1) I $L(TXT,"|")>1 S MAGGFDA(2006.821,NODE,13)=$P(TXT,"|",2,99) D UPDATE^DIE("S","MAGGFDA","MAGXIEN","MAGXERR") Q NEWWRKS(MAGNAME,MAGLOC,MAGIEN) ; I $G(MAGNAME)="" Q N Y,MAGNFDA,MAGNIEN S MAGNFDA(2006.81,"+1,",.01)=MAGNAME S MAGNFDA(2006.81,"+1,",6)=$G(MAGLOC) D UPDATE^DIE("","MAGNFDA","MAGNIEN") S MAGIEN=MAGNIEN(1) Q LOGOFF(MAGRY) ;RPC [MAGG LOGOFF] Call when session is over. ; This updates session file with logoff time ; and marks the session closed. ; S MAGRY=1 N MAGGFDA,MAGXERR,MAGXIEN,MAGIEN,MAGSESS,MAGEND,MAGCON ; The Imaging Workstation file keeps time of login ; We'll enter the logoff time ($$now^xlfdt) here. S X=$$NOW^XLFDT S MAGEND=$E(X,1,12) Q:'+$G(MAGJOB("WRKSIEN")) L -^MAG(2006.81,"LOCK",MAGJOB("WRKSIEN")) S MAGIEN=+MAGJOB("WRKSIEN")_"," S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,3)=MAGEND ; logoff dttm S MAGGFDA(2006.81,MAGIEN,8)=0 ; Set job number to 0 D UPDATE^DIE("S","MAGGFDA","MAGXIEN","MAGXERR") ;MAGJOB("WRKSIEN") Q:(+$G(MAGJOB("SESSION"))=0) S MAGSESS=+MAGJOB("SESSION")_"," K MAGGFDA,MAGXERR,MAGXIEN S MAGGFDA(2006.82,MAGSESS,3)=MAGEND ; calculate the length of the session S MAGCON="" S MAGGFDA(2006.82,MAGSESS,14)=MAGCON D UPDATE^DIE("S","MAGGFDA","MAGXIEN","MAGXERR") D ACTION("LOGOFF^") ; Q RTRNERR(ETXT) ; There was error from UPDATE^DIE quit with error text S ETXT="0^ERROR "_MAGXERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1) Q