MAGGTID ;WOIFO/SRR/RED/SAF/GEK - Deletion of Images and Pointers ; [ 06/20/2001 08:56 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**8,59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; IMAGEDEL(MAGGRY,MAGIEN,MAGGRPDF,REASON) ;RPC [MAGG IMAGE DELETE] ; Call to Delete Image entry from Image file ^MAG(2005 ; MAGIEN Image IEN ^ SYSDEL flag ; MAGGRPDF group delete flag 1 = group delete allowed ; SYSDEL Flag that forces delete, even if no KEY ; N Y,RY ; 1 in 3rd piece means : DELETE the Image File Also. S MAGGRPDF=+$G(MAGGRPDF),REASON=$G(REASON) L +^MAG(2005,MAGIEN):4 E S MAGGRY(0)="Image ID# "_MAGIEN_" is Locked. Delete is Canceled" Q D DELETE(.MAGGRY,MAGIEN,1,MAGGRPDF,REASON) L -^MAG(2005,MAGIEN) Q DELETE(RY,MAGIEN,DF,GRPDF,REASON) ;RPC [MAGQ DIK] Entry point for silent call ;RY=Return Array RY(0)="1^SUCCESS" ; RY(0)="0^reason for failure" ; ;NOT RETURNING LIST AT THIS TIME ; ( RY(1)..RY(n)= IEN's of deleted images.) ;MAGIEN=Image entry number to be deleted ; if MAGIEN has a 2nd piece = 1 then we force delete, don't test ; for MAG DELETE KEY ;DF=Delete file flag - 1=delete the Image file ; - 0=don't delete the image file ; S REASON=$G(REASON) I REASON="" S REASON="Unknown reason" S RY(0)="0^Image Delete Failed, reason unknown." S:'$D(MAGSYS) MAGSYS=^%ZOSF("VOL") N MAGERR,SYSDEL,Z S SYSDEL=+$P(MAGIEN,U,2) ; Check the business rules for deleting an image D DELETE^MAGSIMBR(.RY,MAGIEN,SYSDEL) I +RY(0)=0 Q S MAGIEN=+MAGIEN ; a couple tests of privilage and valid IEN I '$D(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0)) D Q . S RY(0)="0^Image entry doesn't exist in image file" I +$O(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,1,0)),+$G(GRPDF)=0 D Q . S RY(0)="0^Deleting a Group is not allowed." I +$O(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,1,0)),+$G(GRPDF)'=0 D Q . N MAGGRP S MAGGRP=MAGIEN N MAGIEN,MAGX,MAGOK,MAGFAIL . S MAGX=0,MAGOK=0,MAGFAIL=0 . F S MAGX=$O(^MAG(2005,MAGGRP,1,MAGX)) Q:'MAGX D . . S MAGIEN=$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGGRP,1,MAGX,0)),"^") D DEL1IMG . . I +RY(0) S Z=+$O(RY(""),-1),RY(Z)=RY(Z)_"^"_RY(0),MAGOK=MAGOK+1 . . E S Z=+$O(RY(""),-1)+1,RY(Z)=MAGIEN_"^"_RY(0),MAGFAIL=MAGFAIL+1 . . Q . I +MAGFAIL=0 S RY(0)="1^Deletion of Group #"_MAGGRP_" was successful.^"_MAGOK_"^0" . E S RY(0)="0^Error deleting child image(s). Group Not Deleted.^"_MAGOK_"^"_MAGFAIL . Q ; ; Ok lets start ; lets delete the parent pointers first. DEL1IMG ; N DELMSG,Z D DELPAR^MAGSDEL2 I $G(MAGERR) S RY(0)="0^Error: Deleting Specialty Pointers. Image Not Deleted. "_DELMSG Q ; ; Now delete image record & xref's ; if this Image is member of group DELGRP will delete those pointers ; and delete the Group, if this is only image in it. S MAGDFN=$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0)),"^",7) ; Moved here from below. DELGRP needs MAGDFN now. D DELGRP I $G(MAGERR) S RY(0)="0^Error deleting Group Pointers." Q ; ; write the deleted by, delete reason, and delete date to the file. D SETDEL(MAGIEN,REASON) ; ; save the Image record to the archive before we delete it. D ARCHIVE(MAGIEN) ; ; Now let's set the Queue to delete the Image File, if Flag is set I $G(DF) D DELFILE ; ; we're having "APPXDT" crossref left around, lets delete it first. S X=MAGDFN,DA=MAGIEN D KILPPXD^MAGUXRF ; ; now lets delete the image. K DIK,DA,DA(1),DA(2),DIC,DR,DIE,DIR S DIK="^MAG(2005,",DA=MAGIEN D ^DIK S Z=+$O(RY(""),-1)+1,RY(Z)=MAGIEN ; we were having problems with "AC" so lets check to make sure. I $D(^MAG(2005,"AC",MAGDFN,MAGIEN)) K ^MAG(2005,"AC",MAGDFN,MAGIEN) ; log it. D ENTRY^MAGLOG("DELETE",$G(DUZ),$G(MAGIEN),"PARENT:"_$G(MAGSTORE),$G(MAGDFN),1) S X="DEL^"_$G(MAGDFN)_"^"_$G(MAGIEN) D ACTION^MAGGTAU(X,"1") S RY(0)="1^Deletion of Image was Successful." Q DELGRP ;del grp ptrs and check to see if this is the last image in the group N MAGGRP,MAGX,MAGQUIT,MAGIFNS,Z S MAGGRP=$P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0)),"^",10) Q:'$G(MAGGRP) K DIK,DA,DA(1),DA(2),DIC,DR,DIE,DIR S MAGX=0,MAGQUIT=0 F S MAGX=$O(^MAG(2005,MAGGRP,1,MAGX)) Q:'MAGX D Q:MAGQUIT . I +^MAG(2005,MAGGRP,1,MAGX,0)=MAGIEN D . . S DIK="^MAG(2005,MAGGRP,1,",DA(1)=MAGGRP,DA=MAGX D ^DIK S MAGQUIT=1 . . ;added DA(1) needed for xref deletion of dicom series . I $O(^MAG(2005,MAGGRP,1,0))="" D . . I $P($G(^MAG(2005,MAGGRP,2)),"^",6) D . . . ;report is on group - need to delete it . . . S MAGIFNS=MAGIEN,MAGIEN=MAGGRP . . . D DELPAR^MAGSDEL2 . . . S MAGIEN=MAGIFNS . . I '$D(MAGERR) D . . . D SETDEL(MAGGRP,REASON),ARCHIVE(MAGGRP) S DIK="^MAG(2005,",DA=MAGGRP D ^DIK . . . ; Log the Deletion of The Group Header to ^MAG(2006.95, and ^MAG(2006.82 . . . D ENTRY^MAGLOG("DELETE",$G(DUZ),$G(MAGGRP),"PARENT:"_$G(MAGSTORE),$G(MAGDFN),1,"Group Header deleted") . . . S X="DEL^"_$G(MAGDFN)_"^"_$G(MAGGRP) . . . D ACTION^MAGGTAU(X,"1") . . . S Z=+$O(RY(""),-1)+1,RY(Z)=MAGGRP_"^1^Deletion of Group was Successful." . . . Q . . Q . Q Q SETDEL(MAGIEN,REASON) ; set deletion fields N DA,DR,DIE,X ;N %H ;S %H=$H D YMD^%DTC S X=$$NOW^XLFDT ; gek - changed 3 slash to 4 slash. to stop FM question marks. ?? S DR="30////"_DUZ_";30.1////"_X_";30.2////"_REASON S DIE="2005",DA=MAGIEN D ^DIE Q ; ARCHIVE(MAGARCIE) ;save image data before deletion N MAGCNT,MAGLAST,%X,%Y S MAGCNT=$P(^MAG(2005.1,0),U,4)+1 S %X="^MAG(2005,"_MAGARCIE_",",%Y="^MAG(2005.1,"_MAGARCIE_"," D %XY^%RCR ; GEK 9/29/00 Fix the 3rd piece to be last ien in file. S MAGLAST=$O(^MAG(2005.1,"A"),-1) S $P(^MAG(2005.1,0),U,4)=MAGCNT I '($P(^MAG(2005.1,0),U,3)=MAGLAST) S $P(^MAG(2005.1,0),U,3)=MAGLAST S DA=MAGARCIE S DIK="^MAG(2005.1," D IX1^DIK Q DELFILE ;Delete image file on server if exists ;gek 3/21/2003 Changed to stop using FullRes Path for Abs,Big ; and only Delete .TXT and Alternates if Full is being deleted. N X0,X1,X2,ALTEXT,ALTPATH,MAGXX,XBIG N MAGPLC ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 ; MAGIEN IS ASSUMED TO BE DEFINED. ; MAGXX - This is IEN in ^MAG(2005, MAGFILEB Expects this to be defined. ; MAGPLC - "Place" of Full Res Image. ; ALTEXT - Extension of the Alternate image file. ; ALTPATH - Full path of Alternate image file. S X0=^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0) ;delete Full Res if one exists on Magnetic I $P(X0,U,3) D . S MAGXX=MAGIEN . S MAGPLC=$$DA2PLC^MAGBAPIP(MAGIEN,"F") . D VSTNOCP^MAGFILEB . S X=$$DELETE^MAGBAPI(MAGFILE2,MAGPLC) . ;Delete any other ALTernate files. ( TXT) . ;gek 3/31/03 Since ALT files are (for now) always on same server as Full . ; We only attempt to delete them here (If we have a path to FullRes on Magnetic) . S X2=0 . F S X2=$O(^MAG(2006.1,MAGPLC,2,X2)) Q:'X2 D . . S ALTEXT=^MAG(2006.1,MAGPLC,2,X2,0) . . S ALTPATH=$P(MAGFILE2,".")_"."_ALTEXT . . S X=$$DELETE^MAGBAPI(ALTPATH,MAGPLC) . Q ; ;delete image abstract if one exists on Magnetic I $P(X0,U,4) D . S MAGXX=MAGIEN . D ABSNOCP^MAGFILEB . S X=$$DELETE^MAGBAPI(MAGFILE2,$$DA2PLC^MAGBAPIP(MAGIEN,"A")) ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 ; ;delete the big file if one exists on Magnetic S XBIG=$G(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,"FBIG")) I $P(XBIG,U) D . S MAGXX=MAGIEN . D BIGNOCP^MAGFILEB . S X=$$DELETE^MAGBAPI(MAGFILE2,$$DA2PLC^MAGBAPIP(MAGIEN,"B")) ; DBI - SEB 9/20/2002 Q