MAGGTLB1 ;WOIFO/LB - RPC routine for Imaging Lab Interface ; [ 06/20/2001 08:56 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ;This routine is called from the Laboratory Image capture window. ;After an image is captured and an entry is created in file 2005, ;this routine will be called to set the imaging pointers in the ;corresponding Lab subfile (Autopsy/ Organism, Surgical Path, EM, ;or Cytology) and update the imaging file with the corresponding ;Lab pointers. FILE(MAGRY,IMIEN,DATA) ;RPC Call to file pointers in Lab and Image files. ;IMIEN - ^MAG(2005,IMIEN image captured. ;DATA - piece 1 = stain piece 2 = micro obj ; 3 = Pt name 4 = ssn ; 5 = date/time 6 = acc# ; 7 = Pathologist 8 = specimen desc. ; 9 = lab section 10 = dfn ; 11 = lrdfn 12 = lri ; 13 = spec ien 14 = field# ; 15 = global root e.g. ^LR(1,"SP",7069758,1,1 ;DATA is the result of START^MAGGTLB (the specimen variable during the ;image capture window). ;Will return a single value on filing success. ; IF $$NEWERR^%ZTER N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^MAGGTERR" E S X="ERR^MAGGTERR",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") ; N ANUM,DA,DA1,DAS,DFN,DIERR,FIELD,I,IMOBJ,LABD,LABFDA,LABIEN,LABIENS N LRDFN,LRI,MAGFDA,MAGIEN,MAGNODE,OUT,SECT,SECTLTR,SPEC,SPECD N SSUBFILE,SSUBFL,STAIN,SUBFILE,X,Y S MAGRY="0^Started filing",MAGIEN=IMIEN S SECT=$P(DATA,"^",9),DFN=$P(DATA,"^",10),LRDFN=$P(DATA,"^",11) S LRI=$P(DATA,"^",12) S SPEC=$P(DATA,"^",13),FIELD=$P(DATA,"^",14) S MAGNODE="^"_$P(DATA,"^",15,99),ANUM=$P(DATA,"^",6) S SPECD=$P(DATA,"^",8),STAIN=$P(DATA,"^",1),IMOBJ=$P(DATA,"^",2) I SECT["~" S SECT=$P(SECT,"~",1) ;Check for valid image I '$D(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0)) D Q . S Y(0)="0^Image entry does not exist." ;Check for valid image patient entry. I $P(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,0),"^",7)'=DFN D Q . S MAGRY="0^Image patient does not match Lab patient." ;Check if parent file and corresponding fields are filed in file 2005. I $D(^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,2)) S X=^MAG(2005,MAGIEN,2) D Q:OUT . S OUT=0 . I $P(X,"^",6),$P(X,"^",7),$P(X,"^",8) S OUT=1 . I OUT S MAGRY="0^Report already exist for this image." ;Check the Lab they still exists. S MAGNODE=MAGNODE_",0)" I '$D(@MAGNODE) S MAGRY="0^Specimen no longer in Lab file." Q ;Everything seem okay lets file image pointer in lab file. S SECTLTR=$S(SECT=63:"AY",SECT=63.2:"AY",1:$P(^MAG(2005.03,SECT,0),"^",2)) ;Lab nodes; AY, SP, EM or CY. ; LAB2 ;updating files using silent Fileman DB calls. N MAGERR,MAGLVL S SUBFILE=$S(SECT=63:63.2,1:SECT) S MAGRY="0^Lab's Imaging subfile doesn't exisit." ;default ;Laboratory's Autopsy subfile has two imaging fields (2005 & 2005.1) ; and file 2005.03 does not reflect this. D FIELD^DID(SUBFILE,FIELD,"","SPECIFIER","MAGLVL","MAGERR") I $D(MAGERR("DIERR")) Q I '$D(MAGLVL("SPECIFIER")) Q S SSUBFL=$G(MAGLVL("SPECIFIER")) ;Lab's Imaging subfile I SSUBFL="" Q ;Image sub-subfile. S SSUBFILE="" F I=1:1:$L(SSUBFL) D . I $E(SSUBFL,I)?1N!($E(SSUBFL,I)?1".") S SSUBFILE=SSUBFILE_$E(SSUBFL,I) . ;Leave off the alpha characters S DA1=$S(SECTLTR="AY":SPEC,1:LRI) ;Autopsy is by specimen not date/time S DAS="+3,"_DA1_","_LRDFN_"," ;Sets the iens e.g. da,da(1),da(2). The +3 can be any #; it is the ;subscript of the return variable LABIENS. ;Returns IEN for that subfile & use of +3 is because it's 2 levels down. S LABFDA(SSUBFILE,DAS,.01)=MAGIEN,LABIENS="" D UPDATE^DIE("S","LABFDA","LABIENS") I $D(DIERR) S MAGRY="O^Unsuccessful Lab updating." Q I '$D(LABIENS(3)) S MAGRY="0^Unsuccessful Lab updating" Q S DA=$G(LABIENS(3)) I 'DA!('$D(^LR(LRDFN,SECTLTR,DA1,FIELD,DA,0))) D Q . S MAGRY="0^Unsuccessful Lab updating" IMAGE2 ; S MAGIEN=MAGIEN_",",LABIEN=DA,LABD=DA1 K DA,DA1 ; The following fields are saved in the ADDIMAGE Call. ; 50 =ANUM ;ACCESSION NUMBER FIELD ; 51 =SPECD ;SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION FIELD ; 52 =SPEC ;SPECIMEN DO ; 53 =STAIN ;Histology stain ; 54 =IMOBJ ;MICROSCOPE OBJECTIVE N DIK S MAGFDA(2005,MAGIEN,16)=SECT ;LAB SECTION S MAGFDA(2005,MAGIEN,17)=LRDFN ;PARENT FILE DO VALUE S MAGFDA(2005,MAGIEN,18)=LABIEN ;LAB BACKWARD IMAGE POINTER S MAGFDA(2005,MAGIEN,63)=LABD ;If AUTOPSY, it's specimen else date/time S I=0 F I=$O(MAGFDA(2005,MAGIEN,I)) Q:'I D . D UPDATE^DIE("S","MAGFDA","") I $D(DIERR) S I=0 F S I=$O(MAGFDA(2005,MAGIEN,I)) Q:'I D . S MAGFDA(2005,MAGIEN,I)="" D UPDATE^DIE("","MAGFDA","") I $D(DIERR),$D(^LR(LRDFN,SECTLTR,DA1,FIELD,LABIEN,0)),$G(^LR(LRDFN,SECTLTR,DA1,FIELD,LABIEN,0))=MAGIEN D . S DA(2)=LRDFN,DA(1)=DA1,DA=LABIEN . S DIK="^LR("_LRDFN_","""_SECTLTR_""","_DA1_","_FIELD_"," . D ^DIK ;Remove imaging pointers from lab subfile. I $D(DIERR) S MAGRY="0^Unsuccessful both files not updated." K DIERR Q S MAGRY="1^Success in filing both parent & image files." K DIERR D LINKDT^MAGGTU6(.X,+MAGIEN) Q