MAGGTPT1 ;WOIFO/GEK - Delphi-Broker calls for patient lookup and information ; [ 06/20/2001 08:57 ] ;;3.0;IMAGING;**16,8,92,46,59**;Nov 27, 2007;Build 20 ;; Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; | Property of the US Government. | ;; | No permission to copy or redistribute this software is given. | ;; | Use of unreleased versions of this software requires the user | ;; | to execute a written test agreement with the VistA Imaging | ;; | Development Office of the Department of Veterans Affairs, | ;; | telephone (301) 734-0100. | ;; | | ;; | The Food and Drug Administration classifies this software as | ;; | a medical device. As such, it may not be changed in any way. | ;; | Modifications to this software may result in an adulterated | ;; | medical device under 21CFR820, the use of which is considered | ;; | to be a violation of US Federal Statutes. | ;; +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ;; Q ; FIND(MAGRY,ZY) ;RPC [MAGG PAT FIND] ; Call to Do a lookup using FIND^DIC ; MAGRY is the Array to return. ; ZY is parameter sent by calling app (Delphi) ; FILE NUM ^ NUM TO RETURN ^ TEXT TO MATCH ^ ^ SCREEN ($P 5-99) N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERRA^MAGGTERR" ; N X,Y,I,Z,MAGDFN,WARD N FILE,IENS,FLDS,FLAGS,VAL,NUM,INDEX,SCR,IDENT,TROOT S (FILE,IENS,FLDS,FLAGS,VAL,NUM,INDEX,SCR,IDENT,TROOT)="" ; S FILE=2 ; Patient File ; Number of entries to return, If 0 we'll stop at 100 S NUM=$S(+$P(ZY,U,1):+$P(ZY,U,1),1:100) S VAL=$P(ZY,U,2) ; this is the starting value i.e. 'Smi' S SCR=$P(ZY,U,5,99) S FLDS=$P(ZY,U,3) ; $P(ZU,U,4) isn't used. ; If specific fields aren't requested, ; Get Identifiers, and ward as FLDS ;I '$L(FLDS) S FLDS=FLDS_";.1;.03;.09;.301;391" I '$L(FLDS) S FLDS=FLDS_";.1;.301;391" ; we'll add ACN to the index to search, for ward ; for speed we'll decide which xref to use S INDEX=$S(VAL?9N:"SSN^ACN",VAL?1U1.N:"BS5^ACN",1:"B^ACN") ; K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) K ^TMP("DIERR",$J) ; VAL is the initial value to search for. i.e. the user input. ; Next line is to stop the FM Infinite Error Trap problem. I $L(VAL)>30 S MAGRY(0)="0^Invalid: Input '"_$E(VAL,1,40)_"...' is too long. "_$L(VAL)_" characters." Q D FIND^DIC(FILE,IENS,FLDS,FLAGS,VAL,NUM,INDEX,SCR,IDENT,TROOT) ; ; if no Match or ERROR we return 0 as 1st '^' piece. ; I '$D(^TMP("DILIST",$J,1)) S I=1 D Q . I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) D FINDERR(I) Q . S MAGRY(I)="NO MATCH for lookup on """_$P(ZY,"^",2)_"""" ; ; so we have some matches, (BUT we could still have an error) ; so first list all matches, then the Errors, if any. S I="" F S I=$O(^TMP("DILIST",$J,1,I)) Q:I="" D . S X=^TMP("DILIST",$J,1,I) ; Name . S MAGDFN=^TMP("DILIST",$J,2,I) ; DFN . ; . S WARD=^TMP("DILIST",$J,"ID",I,.1) . K ^TMP("DILIST",$J,"ID",I,.1) . I $E(WARD,1,$L(VAL))=VAL S X=WARD_" "_X . ; . S X=X_" "_$$DOB^DPTLK1(MAGDFN)_" "_$$SSN^DPTLK1(MAGDFN) . S Z=0 . ; We are displaying other identifiers with each patient. . F S Z=$O(^TMP("DILIST",$J,"ID",I,Z)) Q:Z="" S X=X_" "_^(Z) . S MAGRY(I)=X_"^"_+MAGDFN ; I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) D FINDERR() Q I '$D(^TMP("DILIST",$J,0)) Q S X=^TMP("DILIST",$J,0) S I=$O(MAGRY(""),-1)+1 S MAGRY(0)="Found "_$P(X,"^")_" entr"_$S((+X=1):"y",1:"ies")_" matching """_$P(ZY,"^",3)_"""" I $P(X,"^",3)>0 S MAGRY(0)=MAGRY(0)_" there are more" Q FINDERR(XI) ; I '+$G(XI) S XI=$O(MAGRY(""),-1)+1 S MAGRY(XI)="ERROR^"_^TMP("DIERR",$J,1,"TEXT",1) Q INFO(MAGRY,DATA) ;RPC [MAGG PAT INFO] Call to Return patient info. ; Input parameters ; DATA: MAGDFN ^ NOLOG ^ ISICN ; MAGDFN -- Patient DFN ; NOLOG -- 0/1; if 1, then do NOT update the Session log ; ISICN -- 0/1 if 1, then this is an ICN, if 0 (default) this is a DFN ; Patch 41 ; MAGRY is a string, we return the following : ; //$P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ; // status ^ DFN ^ name ^ sex ^ DOB ^ SSN ^ S/C ^ TYPE ^ Veteran(y/n) ^ Patient Image Count ; //$P 11 12 13 ; ICN SITE Number ^ Production Account 1/0 ; VADM(1)=Patient's name ; VADM(5)=Patient's sex (M^MALE) ; VADM(3)=Patient's DOB (internal^external) ; VADM(2)=Patient's SSN (internal^external) ; VAEL(3)=Patient's Service Connected? (#.301) (1=yes) ; VAEL(4)=Patient's Veteran Y/N (#1901) (1=yes) ; VAEL(6)=Patient's Type (#391) (internal^external) ; N MAGDFN,DFN,X,NOLOG,VADM,VAEL,VAERR,ISICN S MAGDFN=$P(DATA,U),NOLOG=+$P(DATA,U,2),ISICN=+$P(DATA,U,3) I ISICN D GETDFN^VAFCTFU1(.DFN,MAGDFN) E S DFN=+MAGDFN D DEM^VADPT,ELIG^VADPT I VAERR S MAGRY="0^"_"Entry not found in Patient file." Q S X=$TR($$FMTE^XLFDT($P(VADM(3),"^"),"2FD")," ",0) ; // status ^ DFN ^ name ^ sex ^ DOB ^ SSN ^ S/C ^ TYPE ^ Veteran(y/n) ^ Patient Image Count S $P(MAGRY,"^",1,2)="1^"_DFN ; Fields: NAME, SEX, DATE OF BIRTH, SSN S $P(MAGRY,"^",3,6)=$G(VADM(1))_"^"_$P(VADM(5),"^",2)_"^"_X_"^"_$P(VADM(2),"^") ; Fields: Service Connected?, Type, Veteran Y/N? S $P(MAGRY,"^",7,9)=$S(+VAEL(3):"YES",1:"")_"^"_$P(VAEL(6),"^",2)_"^"_$S(+VAEL(4):"YES",1:"") ; Fields: Patient Image Count S $P(MAGRY,"^",10)=$$IMGCT(DFN)_"^" ; Additions. for Patch 41 ; Fields : Patient ICN S $P(MAGRY,"^",11)=$$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN) S X=$$SITE^VASITE ; Fields: Site Number Prod Acct S $P(MAGRY,"^",12)=$P($G(X),"^",3)_"^"_"1" ; We'll default to Production Account = Yes. ; NEED KERNEL PATCH XU*8.0*284 FOR PROD^XUPROD ; Fields : the Actual value for Prod Acct I $L($T(PROD^XUPROD)) S $P(MAGRY,"^",13)=+$$PROD^XUPROD S $P(MAGRY,"^",14)="^" ; AGE S $P(MAGRY,"^",15)=VADM(4)_"^" D KVAR^VADPT,KVA^VADPT I NOLOG ; Don't update session log ; We'll track DFN:ICN E D ACTION^MAGGTAU("PAT^"_DFN_$S(ISICN:"-"_MAGDFN,1:"")) Q IMGCT(DFN) ; RETURN TOTAL NUMBER OF IMAGES FOR A PATIENT; ; N I,CT,RDT,PRX,IEN S CT=0 S RDT="" F S RDT=$O(^MAG(2005,"APDTPX",DFN,RDT)) Q:RDT="" D . S PRX="" F S PRX=$O(^MAG(2005,"APDTPX",DFN,RDT,PRX)) Q:PRX="" D . . S IEN="" F S IEN=$O(^MAG(2005,"APDTPX",DFN,RDT,PRX,IEN)) Q:IEN="" S CT=CT+1 Q CT BS5CHK(MAGRY,MAGDFN) ;RPC [MAGG PAT BS5 CHECK] ; Call to check the BS5 cross ref ; and see if any similar patients exist. ; If yes, all matching patients will be listed and shown to the user. ; N MAGX,MAGDPT,XDFN,XSSN,CT,LNTH S LNTH=0 S MAGRY(1)="-1^Error checking cross reference" D GUIBS5A^DPTLK6(.MAGRY,MAGDFN) I MAGRY(1)=0 Q S CT=$O(MAGRY(""),-1)+1 S MAGRY(CT)=MAGRY(CT-1),MAGRY(CT-1)="0^ " S I="" F S I=$O(MAGRY(I)) Q:'I D . I $P(MAGRY(I),U)=0 Q . I $L($P(MAGRY(I),U,3))>LNTH S LNTH=$L($P(MAGRY(I),U,3)) S LNTH=LNTH+1 S I=1 F S I=$O(MAGRY(I)) Q:'I D . I $P(MAGRY(I),U)="0" S MAGRY(I)=$P(MAGRY(I),U,2) Q . S XDFN=$P(MAGRY(I),U,2) . I +XDFN=+MAGDFN S MAGX=" >>>>>> " . E S MAGX=" " . S XSSN=$$SSN^DPTLK1(XDFN) I XSSN?9N S XSSN=$E(XSSN,1,3)_"-"_$E(XSSN,4,5)_"-"_$E(XSSN,6,9) . S MAGDPT=$P(MAGRY(I),U,3),$E(MAGDPT,LNTH)=" " . S MAGX=MAGX_MAGDPT_" "_$$DOB^DPTLK1(XDFN)_" "_XSSN . S MAGRY(I)=MAGX Q